Why haven't you moved to Los Angeles to become a voice actor for games and cartoons?

Why haven't you moved to Los Angeles to become a voice actor for games and cartoons?

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because I hate LA, my voice, games, and cartoons.

L.A is a shithole. Socal in general is a shithole.

Because I illegally move to the US to beat the school shooter high score.

Fly over fag detected.

>both those cunts are VAs now

Rina Chan is part of the reason why I haven't played Nier Automata yet

t. flyover state

at least my homogeneous white mountain town doesn't have designated homeless shitting streets

European here, he's right

People used to tell me at my shit fast food job all the time that I had a voice for radio. I can also sound like Sonic

Not that it matters since I live in the midwest and it probably isn't feasible to live off of that assuming I could even get work

I don't want to get shot

wow, what a pus
literally would of never known if someone didn't tell you fag

Other reason is because I want to play the original.


The game doesnt have jap voices?

*cuts off your food supply*
heh, nothing personnel... kid

>califags so fucking full of themselves that they try to ignore the existence of the entire East Coast
this is why everyone hates you

She's really in that?
I knew she was doing some commercials awhile ago but never woulda thought she'd actually make into vidya

California is gay, I'd rather be a budget voice actor in Texas. To be honest Canadians should stop being gay and do the two things they're great at again, voice acting and shitting out quality comedians.

I've heard that there's opportunities in New York as well. If I was looking I'd rather just stay on the east coast.

Rina chan is a shit VA

nobody said anything about the east coast on any level, calm down

You're not very good at reading subtext, are you?

you're a bit insecure in your state's status as a potential flyover arent you

If I wanted to be a waited for the rest of my lifs I can do it here.

No because my state's pretty well off, but leave it to a Californian to be this fucking retarded
>Cali sucks
>you only have that opinion because you're a flyover state
>what about all the state's that aren't flyovers?
>dumb flyover state
What? You think fucking New York likes your ass? Nobody likes California except California. Hell, North California doesn't even like California.

>california is a trash heap
>y-yeah, well your state has planes fly over it!

apex bantz from california

>Los Angeles

There's your answer

I'm an aussie and haven't had the opportunity to get anywhere using my voice, even if I've improved it over the last 8 years.

>I could post a vocaroo and there are people who would recognize me.

I hear the same 3 voiceovers on Aussie commercials so I'm guessing it's probably you.

currently i am doing this kind of adventure so far its been slow but i know i can one day be a known voice actor. although i live in Vancouver for work i do find plenty of work here i hope to work for form people in LA one day

Not a fan of dirty southerners

If anyone wants to move here I'll trade you. Anything to get out of this state and its stupid high taxes

I'm from New York, cocksucker.

Even my cucked state isn't as bad as yours.
That's how shit California is.

>New York
Flyover state here
I think you're both faggots

I do plan to move back to LA to pursue voice-over, actually

Not necessarily for vidya and cartoons specifically, but it will probably be inevitable as those jobs are lower-mid rung, usually

It’s hard again now with the VA union “strike” being over. As much as I dislike hearing the same 10 actors in everything, the strike let a lot of semi-amateur (non-union) VAs get in and I might hate them more

I don't sound typically aussie though.

Because LA fucking sucks. I have never been let down more by visiting a city than LA. Did you know that “hollywood” is only like a block long and surrounded by ghetto? Me either

Hollywood itself is also nothing but touristy shit. I visited the WB studio lot and that felt like a much more appropriate experience

as someone who knows a fair few VAs, the industry seems uncompromising and brutal.

Californians keep fleeing their shitty state to come up here and then they bring their faggy culture with them. They have to go back.


Socalfag here
I agree 100% as i'm moving to a comfy flyover state as soon as I can.
The only good thing about living here is that it makes AX trips with my friends every summer fairly easy.

>up here

Sorry Oregon, but there's a price to pay for DUDE WEED LMAO, and that price is countless shithead hippies ruining your political scene. Hope the weed tourism bucks were worth it.

>Weegee was 10 years ago

I feel like he could've been best buds with Ugandan Knuckles had he still been kicking

The guy who narrated George of the Jungle, the chick who does the Channel 7 ads and fuck I can't remember the third one.
I know those two always voiced in all of those Blinky Bill type cartoons back in the day.

Fuck why is the Australian media scene so shit?

>Blinky Bill
Now I remember the intro song.

I have, its over saturated with people who have talent.

Im in LA. It is a shithole, the privilage pretend to be the downtrodden, and humility is much to be desired.
There are your normal scumbags and your activist scumbags.

I don't live there but every time I go for AX i'm always surprised at the huge divide between the wealthy areas and the ghetto.
No wonder so many Californians are commies who hate the wealthy; LA probably has one of the biggest wealth divides in the country.

Well qctually its the wealthy saying they are the poor while advocating socialism. Basically its the Popular kids who care or pretend to care but all they do is go on tv and say they care. They dont do anything but promote themselves as the good guy.
Some are good guys, but they dont actually do anything to help the situation.
Basically when it comes to la, you are privilaged if you have time to complain on a regular basis.

> LA is shit
> The people I know from solcal are shit
> Traffic
> Hollywood bullshit
> No water
> I'm insecure about my already monotone as fuck voice, wouldn't be useful in the field anyway and I'm shy


My dude i used to have a monotone voice

But i wanted to do voicework, so you know what i did? I fixed it

Your voice is nice user

So, we both improved ours, huh?
I used overnight shifts to sing, hum and stretch my cords. And what you heard was what I managed to become.

>Californians decriminalizing literal bioterrorism so bugchasers can run public health into the ground.

Both places are garbage for mostly different reasons, but their shared trait is poorfags thinking they're a superior breed of poorfag for blowing half their wages in rent.

Im basically always trying out shit or at least doing some sort of exercise in my car, my commute to school is a good half hour+

Basically speaking, a lot of people's voices only sound bad, or bad to themselves because they use it badly

A little bit of voice coaching can work wonders, it's amazing what you can do when you find out what your larynx can do for you, used right

You're on your way to greatness, keep it up.

You would have to pay me millions to live in 2018 California.

Kirbother is a chad version of egorapter, in that he's actually successful and talented.

Subsequently there are people who do just that

Yeah pretty much. Funny enough I see more examples of laissez faire capitalism in the ghetto than in the wealthy part of town. People selling random food and products out on the streets, turning empty lots into parking zones for the event, etc.

Hol' up what?

I've been trying to get into voice acting in my home state instead. It isn't working.

Thx user

Let me guess

USB/Snowball microphone? That's ground zero for failure

Look mate, there is a lot that goes into being an online voice actor, perhaps you don't know what that all involves?

I attended two acting classes while at film school and have had professional vocal coaching. It's literally just location.

I use a Blue Yeti.
Purely because I wanted a decent microphone for online comms.

>Fight bigotry
Better stop believing in Islam then.

Yes, you're right

If you're trying to be a voice actor outside of texas, NY, LA or toronto, you need to go full online, and get an in-home studio, which is the part im saying you might not understand

Not trying to shit on you, just pointing out your options here

>tfw live in Texas
How do I even start? I love roleplaying/acting and everyone says I do crazy good imitations and voices, though obviously that in itself isn't worth much. I can sing alright as long as I don't have to do so too loudly.

East coast is shit, don't kid yourself.

apply to funimation

lol no one lives In LA
you live three hours away where you can afford to exist

silicon valley here, all the good shit in cali is 100% us, everything else in the state is meh

>you will never make money for old rope

>silicuck valley
>the second biggest epicenter of leftie nonsense behind SanFran
>all the good shit
Lmao don't you have some conservatives to permaban on Youtube, shill?

You'll have to look into if there are studio/companies around where you live, for good measure, makes it easier if you have local access

Heres basically what you would need to do

First off this assumes you already have the "acting" part down, and i mean really can act, because voice acting is acting, for real gigs it's not as shallow as "dude look at my sick impression", you need to be able to convey real emotion and utilize good diction consistently, they are ACTING gigs first and foremost, generally speaking

Okay thay being said, you need access to GOOD recording equipment, this means XLR, audio inteface, soundproofing, the whole shebang, either you buy this yourself or maybe your local college has a studio and luckily you are a student there

Next you need to record a demo reel, depending on what you're doing, you will be showcasing your acting, emotional range, and versatility (there is more to it than just that but if you wanna learn more about what goes into a demo reel search around youtube)

Next, you are probably not a proficient audio engineer, you will probably have to fork over some money to get your reel professionally mixed and mastered

Once you have your reel and are confident with it, you can start advertising yourself, preferrably if there are agents in texas you can send your real to, that would be great, but otherwise you can try sending some it to companies directly

Of course, it helps to have experience and other stuff you can show to show that you have done this before and know the drill, it's a slight case of "need-experience-for-work-but-can't-get-experience-without-work" but if you keep at it, get a little lucky and can ideally amass a number of small roles in shit, it will go a long way

Too expensive to live there

nigger we are solely responsible for almost every technological boom since the end of the industrial era, and we are both the birthplace and ongoing host to several of the most powerful corporations on earth.

conservatives ain't shit.

She's 2B

No, the people before you were. Modern silicon valley is little more than a leftie safespace/croney capitalist paradise.
>host to several of the most powerful corporations on earth
>implying being involved with Google, Apple, etc. is a good thing
Be careful son, I don't want you getting fired and wasting your $400k in student debt because lf wrongthink.

>safespace/croney capitalist paradise.

admittedly it is a weird gestalt of corrupt right wing methodology, meshed with extremist left wing ideology, im actually curious to see how it evolves as we descend into cyberpunk over the next 30 years

Can commiefornia finally secede and die?

It's basically the pinnacle of the "communist complaining about capitalism while eating McDonald's, drinking Starbucks, and using his Windows/Mac laptop."

how much bandwidth did you use up to make this post?

because the poverty line in california is under $120k

Conservatives need to hurry the fuck up about building more game companies and animation studios in conservative cities if they hate L.A. so much

how does it feel knowing when it comes to thee rest of the world stage, no one gives a fuck about your backwater country state?

must be pretty peaceful to not have the world watching you

>trying to squeeze your way into a leftist-dominated market while not having access to all of the resources, investments and marketing that they do
Conservative movies and games come out all the time. You just never hear about them because Hollywood and, to a lesser extent, the game industry never support them.

LA is a fucking shithole, I know because I live here. No good movies, no good people, and sure as hell no good games unless you're the sort of troglodyte who enjoys Blizzard cancer.

Or caring about you when they book travel packages, or schools to go to.

What if you wanted to be some kind of visual director or things that relate to drawing?

yeah, it's nice not having to worry about tourists

man I came in here to make fun of Kira Buckland and I get this USA state bickering shit?
lame, Sup Forums

Would you ever lend your voice acting in a dubbed game, Sup Forums?

Non-American here. California, as I understand it, is like a gaping hole leading directly to a Mad Max-like hell of tumblrinas and HIV infected monkey men.
Why would anyone want to live there?

I would, it's money

And depending on the game you're in, it may warrant an invitation as a guest at a con, which means easy pussy as you lure of-age weeb girls back to your VIP room