Post games that are NOT soy.
Post games that are NOT soy
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Default wordfilter for soy to fun when?
Thief 1 and 2
Only people who complain about the term soy are the soyboys themselves. Maybe this is not the place for you.
that is 100% soy
That would be Civ 6, user. Civ 5 is a good game it's just not a civ game.
>loved by underage cosplayers and Slavaboos all over the world
More like Soyker desu.
Dorf Fortress
Just call people faggots like we always have you faggot
>X is a good game just not a good Y game
What a soy post
Sheet negro, you got good taste.
He's right though.
That would be Fallout post-Fallout 3.
This faggot gets it.
quake 1 and 3
Rainow Six Siege
You might be actually retarded. Btw "post-Fallout 3" means you aren't including Fallout 3, so sup, Todd?
That game became maximum soy the moment they hired that storywriter (who then proceeded to add gromfags and dokkaebi) midway thru Year 2.
Didn't read the second part, that's my bad.
I did include fallout 3 though. Post-something means right after the said thing is released, no?
Come on now. Call it 100% soy, faggots.
No, it is an objectively shit tier meme.
>Be male protagonist surrounded by only male and super muscular villains
That's gay, like really really gay. Soy af
100% soy lmao
So anything not Nintendo.
>Complaining about the newest synonym for pussy
gay is not soy
t. soybro
It's a shit meme
You are literally too much of a pussy to call someone a pussy, fucking faggot
Well, it's only soy when you are the bottom. But sexually dominating everything around you with your huge alpha dick out of pure rage is the most manly male thing to do. Rip and tear those assholes.
>calling anything you find irrelevant "meme"
t. Soyboy
STALKER games are garbage. Any game that basically requires mods to be good or playable is trash.
Soy is very gay , it's you being fucked in the ass by another man, like a woman. That is literally the most effeminate thing you can do besides cutting your genitals off and wearing a dress as your new persona "Christine".
I'd actually like to see that. It'd start such a shitstorm.
>using a shit meme
t. pussy/faggot/cunt/retard
No idea, to be honest. I'm just shitposting.
please based hiroshimoot
>like a woman
exactly, you are more woman than man so why pick on him?
>Is too much of a pansy faggot soyboy to fuck a woman, and instead has to stick his hairy dick up his make friend's shithole to get off
How beta can you get?
sorry but this is better
Hey, at least you're willing to admit it. Though in most cases it's quite obvious when someone is shitposting. Like this entire goddamn thread.
>Soyboy is the politically correct way of calling someone a faggot
At last I truly see
Surprisingly soy-free game
I never said it wasn't. I just like the box art for the first game better.
Lame /10
This is an obvious shitposting thread, but does anyone actually believe that soy feminizes you despite zero science actually supporting it?
Woman are soft, mushy and willing. Now try to assrape a brutish guy that tries to kill you. Make him cry and beg you to kill him.
This. It's only ever used by betas
I'm actually curious now, though. I'm a filthy ESL so it would be really nice to know, does "post-something" include said something or not? I can't find the answer on google.
I got a physical copy of Stalker SoC for free, what am I in for?
I don't necessarily, but it's a good enough term to describe nu-males.
fun, as long as you don't do anything stupid like install complete.
This game is soy incarnate.
>tfw heavy rain beats down during the night on an empty road and you're sitting comfy listening to the radio on a job
I love this feeling
>a brutish guy that tries to kill you
>He thinks faggots are manly and not effeminate half women but with dicks
Lel, the point of being a proper man is to be competent and strong not some other dude's sex doll and someone libertine degenerate who thinks mixing his penis with a man's feces is somehow dominating and not humiliating.
Stay soy tho
Why would you ever read the lore?
Not him but I'm an old school Tom Clancy fag and It's kinda shitty how the lore has been treated. That being said its been like this for a while so I guess nothing has changed.
Bad thread
>I only play mature games for mature adults: the thread.
Holy shit, you kids are really falling for the soyboy meme. Better not get caught with your mouth open in public.
Wrong. That game is maximum soy. Feminist and SJW shit out the ass and it practically forces camping which is an utterly pussy ass tactic.
ehhh I dunno, user. Didn't the toad add homos and trannies recently?
lol are you kidding? siege is casual SOYSGO
Say what you want but every single scrawny faggot I've met hates Gears of War because of how "Dudebro" it is. In other words they hate muscles.
I wish it was limited to only that. The voice lines, apperance, etc. of the new operators are all extremely out of place, and the fact that ubisoft blatantly refused to nerf the overpowered cunt Ela (because she was supposed to be "perfect") for 5 months.
Really shits up the game
>tfw a game and book series deeply rooted in reality adds in alien zombies
I'm legit triggered because of this I'm not gonna lie.
>the president is some super soldier that founds a group of elite assassins to clip any and all foreign political figures he doesn't like
>while china is invading siberia
>deeply rooted in reality
Nothing to be surprised about, they made a broken game, partly fixed it, somehow it survived for 2 years and now they want to maximize profit by targeting the soy audience.
>this is 100% fun
>what a fun post
That's it, I'm convinced the wordfiltwr would be the funniest shit ever for the first few hours when people don't know about it
I hate it because it betrayed everything it standed for by adding cunts in 3
I just don't like western games too much, not consistently atleast. dudebro games are just worse for it bc theyre so western. Guessing the same is true for the ppl who say that shit.
It really would be.
t. flabby hugless teenager
Metal gear survive too makes me want to shoot up konami in an emoji mask
>impotent rage
>caused by a fucking video game
>caused by the fact a video game says "metal gear" on the front
>liking metal gear in the first place
>he thinks im serious
>unironically finding that shit funny
Hang self
Wordfilters aren't even that funny to begin with, unless you're underage or plebbit
You know exactly which response you're going to get yet you still post, so here it is:
>t. soyboy
>m-merely pretending!!
only digging that hole deeper buddy
>oh no!! He knows i use my phone Dx
>eternally btfo'd
Funboys need not apply
sorry buddy but star wars is ultimate soy
>Link has been asleep for 100 years
>comes back to life and immedietly wants revenge
>can go every were and climb everything
>kills everything in site with a stick and potlid, eats almost everything, makes delicious magical powered meals by himself
>every other girl in the world wants the D
>everyone hype up his comeback and praise legends about him
>he lives up to the hype
*unhinges jaw at the sight of soytendo switch*
Any call of duty
Any sports game
Any racing game that isn't mario kart