KH3 > KH2 > DDD > KH1 > CoM > BBS > 358/2 > Coded

KH3 > KH2 > DDD > KH1 > CoM > BBS > 358/2 > Coded

haha no hate tho ;P

>DDD above KH1 and CoM


also Coded is like the least shitty game that isn't KH1/2/CoM.

put kh1 before 2 and i'll agree

Sora is in Smash?

>no Indiana Jones world

BASED Indiana poster

Where does this game fit?

below KHUX but above Days

>no Star Wars world

>try out Re:Coded
>fun game that retains the core combat and offers neat customization and keyblade effects
>switches up the gameplay style every now and then in interesting ways
Shit deserves more praise, especially since it was on the fucking DS. I might pick it up.

com is the best game.
It takes until floor 7 to really hit it's stride though, but man it hits it hard.

Making worlds based on live-action movies was a mistake. Where do we draw the line with Disney properties? Pirates of the Caribbean was pushing it but Tron Legacy was fucking ridiculous. Not only is it weird to blend what's supposed to be live-action with Pixar toon characters, but does that also mean TV shows are fair game? Is Raven Baxter's world somewhere out there? Suite Life of Zack and Cody? It should've just always been exclusively Animated Disney Movies that appear as worlds.

Besides, they could somewhat pull off live-action world sin the PS2 days with the simplistic graphics, but now, on PS4, the discrepancy in visuals would not only look much more obvious, but just so, so wrong.

Is CoM anyone else's favorite? Any time I talk to anyone about it IRL they say they hated it.

I only hated having to grind to open doors.

I like it, not my favourite but I have fond memories of staying up as a kid playing it in bed. I think the whole retread aspect, "Hmm you seem familiar are we sure we've never met?" is what people most people off, but the meta-narrative of the main story is probably the best KH ever got writing wise.

>bought 1.5+2.5
>all of the environments are sharp as fuck and look pretty good (except for Destiny Islands with it's gif tide)
>character models look like shit

If you didn't run from battles or ignore them you'd never have to grind. and if you ever missed a particular card, open up a roulette room and bam, any card you need right at your fingertips after one or two battles.

Well they lost the actual original files for KH1 and had to rip what they could from a PS2 disc then work from there.

KH1 feels really primitive nowadays. DDD has large levels (that almost feel sandboxy at times), that encourage more exploration than any other KH game. Flow Motion is also really fun and adds to traversal, exploration and combat. It's like KH1 and BBS, but better lol

1 and com have that issue, days and everything in 2.5 look pretty good though.

Hell no. KH1 is really hard to go back to no-a-days. It's just so clunky and slow compaired to KH2 which has the best combat system in the series.

>no protein world