>this kills the vanillafag
This kills the vanillafag
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why? all it does is turn night into how it should be, hopefully they make it a setting finally after seeing how popular these potions are. heres org at night with the potion, if anyone doesnt know what it does
wtf i hate vanilla now
People aren't going to stop wanting vanilla because you can make it dark. Vanilla and current wow appeal to vastly different people. I mythic raid but I'm in a tiny minority of wow players, many love the casual content that requires no investment.
I don't remember the night being that dark in vanilla. Im an ausfag so our primetime was middle of the night in US and this was way before oceanic servers or anything like that. It was never that dark.
>need to drink a potion so that nighttime isn't mat_fullbright 1
Looks good but you can achieve the same effect with an ENB. Not sure if that's a bannable offense or whatever, though
That ain't shit. Try playing classic Everquest with a character without night vision.
ah dude
Post more places with the potion turned on.
level 18?
They original had planned to have areas where you would need a torch to see in WoW (Duskwood) but it was taken out of the game fairly early in development, after all Vanilla WoW is just casualised EQ
This meme needs to end. Druids in bear form benefited from strength a great deal.
A fucking potion to darken the world? What next? A potion to change my antialiasing settings?
Duke Nukem was better
A ham sandwich to change resolutions?
wouldnt the moon be out
>start up new game
>autodetecting graphics
>everything set to low with 16x SSAA, motion blur and depth of field on
idk I think argus blocked the moon at that time not sure
I can't/won't play classic unless they have full modern UI support
i know my ui is ugly but its the ugly i like
>tfw you accidentally drink the motion blur potion
It's not ugly, it's trash.
exactly thats why I like it
even vanilla had mods for UI you tool.
where's this from? i like it. I'd switch the chat box and the healing frames tho
superior ui
fabUI is the base, need to find your own portraits though
>ridiculous giant cartoon font with spacing that looks like it came out of a bootleg Asian WoW client
>rate-my-OC tier portrait in the bottom left and fucking cursive for names
you people have no taste
let me show you superior UI design
what a disgusting fucking UI
you must be autistic
The chat box is in the middle for maximum ERP accessibility, for when you need to instantly suck cock on demand
>Potion of Update Spotify +2
i unironically play on moon guard too
clearly you know from experience
god tier, nigga
never understood people that use ugly ass addons
The regular UI is superior than those meme UIs like yours. All the top Gladiators use an unmodded UI for a reason.
You're cool in my book user.
I've had this for years
They use it to get used to it because blizz doesn't allow addons in tournaments.
>using addons
Your UI is just as bad as the default
The whole poing of custom UIs is being more efficient than the default UI.
Your shit is still scattered all over the screen.
>Waifu shit
My man.. rethink that..
that looks like wet dog ass
do you need 500 weakauras to tell you how to do 500 more dps?
yours is just as trash as theirs
Looks clean, i would move the buffs/debuffs closer to your health though.
The only difference between you an him, is that he has a superiour taste in women.
Yes, i do.
Dont care about the looks, it's efficient.
Has literallya ll i need clustered in a single area of my screen.
I got classtimers bars above the health bars for all the important buffs/debuffs so it's all right
>you will never fuck a panda
so hardcore man
are you in the 25000th best US guild?
Does it matter?
I like optimizing my stuff, brother.
ui posting thread?
Vanilla had plenty of ui mods to turn it into an abomination of your choosing.
A lot of them don't even go to the tournaments, it is also superior.
>order hall button clipping through the minimap
Get a real minimap addon you filthy savage
meh i can just hide it with the current ui if i wanted to, lets me looks at missions quickly so i dont really care
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?!?!
Most of the mods I'm seeing here were already a thing back in vanilla.
did everyone use xperl at one point
*happy retard sounds*
>hunter roll for need
la creatura...
kill yourself, beaner
And "I found a ring in there" is the best
>was leveling lightforged draenei for heritage armor
>it started to rain really hard
So they actually put the old weather back in?
le luz extinguido...
That's not why it's a meme, it's because the guy is totally freaking out over some shitty green he's going to replace the next day.
>Druids in bear form benefited from strength a great deal
Cat form. The trick to not being shit at leveling feral was cat forum and strength. Agi wasn't bad tho.
The only thing I like are your caster/debuff bars. I used quartz I think it was called back in TBC.
that is awful holy shit it might be the worst one here
>bags and status bar in the center
>xp bar on and in the middle
awful, i hope this was a joke post
>bags and status bar in the center
Aesthetics my nigga. Gotta keep everything int he center because I click them.
>xp bar on and in the middle
Yes, and? It's in between my bags and status which is also on top of my AP bar.
This is the correct answer
recently I've been collecting hundreds of mmo hud designs from eq classic to UO, lotro, wow-ice hud, FFXIV, bdo, arch age, teso, mobas but this is the very first time I've seen some put the chat box in the center.
its the perfect twink belt you mong
>recently I've been collecting hundreds of mmo hud designs
Survivor hunter belt