Less than 10 dragon fights in the whole series

>less than 10 dragon fights in the whole series

What the fuck was the point?

Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Lothric Knight Shield

People don't like dragons, they want more dudes in armor, because they hate fantasy.

it's called DARK souls user, you're fighting the darkness. if you were fighting dragons, it's be DRAGON souls. simple stuff

>90% of dragons were wiped out before humanity even was a thing

The fact there were more than 3 was stupid.

>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around
>flies around

To give them value.

Kalameet is the only good dragon boss. Good they only made a few of them.

ancient dragon unironically best dragon fight

ancient dragon in 2 was great
midir would have been ok if he wasn't such a stupid fucking sponge


Kalameet is not a dragon boss, he's a dog disguised as a dragon boss.


>ancient dragon
>ancient wyvern
>king of the storm
I count 10 exactly OP.

>midir is a sponge
>ancient dragon isnt

Stop falling for obvious bullshit.

Midir would have been a great boss fight but long bosses in Souls games are ass because it really becomes a chore after a couple deaths. Another good example is Friede who is an amazing boss but you still have to repeat the first 2 phases if you fuck up the last one. This was especially annoying when you were still learning her patterns in the last phase.

>ancient dragon in 2 was great
the fuck are you smoking my dude that boss was awful

Midir is awesome

Less is more.
If they were too common there'd be no hype.

Pre patch, he was a breeze for mages

Just go play Monster Hunter.

I'm not sure Oceiros really counts.

>ancient dragon
>king of the storm
>ancient wyvern
Not actual dragons.

Dragon butt, not really a dragon.
>ancient wyvern
Wyvern, not a dragon.
>king of the storm
Bird, not a dragon
Mutant alligator thing, not a dragon.

Design wise, fight wise he's fucking garbage

Not to fight dragons, that's for sure idk what gave you that idea

the fact that there is even one is retarded

the only ones I can buy are the gaping dragon due to being a sewer gator mutant and seath because of the lore

>called Dark/Demons Souls
>not Dragon Souls

He turned into a dragon, you have a dragon form, arent you dragon during it(albeit a shitty one)? Well that is his.

>ancient wyvern
>king of the storm
Drakes are dragons, just not Everlasting dragons, otherwise you cant count seath (not everlasting) or midir (descendant)

Also a dragon, just a descendant of the everlasting ones see above.

Seath is everlasting, he's just undead and mutated by his own research.

He turned into a dragon, you have a dragon form, arent you dragon during it
>Drakes are dragons

just no

wrong retard

i thought the whole point was that he was the only one that wasnt everlasting due to his lack of scales

Not everlasting since he was born (how is something that always existed is born?) with no stone scales of immortality and thus will die, which is why builds bargain bin crystal shit for immortality.

Its a dragon form, therefore, you are a dragon in that form, its pretty self explanatory.


>good ''boss'' or anything

this is how i know you're a retard

There's exactly three in just the first game, all of which are wildly different.

atleast they were actually good fights

the """"fight"""" against the Dragon God in Demon souls is a fucking joke

>The fact there were more than 3 was stupid.
reading comprehension

just stop

Just because he isn't literally everlasting doesn't mean he wasn't an everlasting dragon. Everlasting dragons were a race, and Seath was just an abnormally mutated member of said race.

>hate fighting Sihn as melee
>love his theme

If he isnt everlasting then he cant be an everlasting dragon, it's in the fucking name.

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Lothric Knight Shield
The game calls them dragons, just because you dont agree with the game doesnt make you right.

The name isn't a rule.

"Everlasting Dragons" just refers to the specific type of dragons that Seath belongs to, just for conversation's sake.

this is why i hate ds2 fags. i enjoyed that game for me but i know it was objectively BAD.
yet ppl still defend most of the shit in the game like is something good
How can you say ancient dragon is a good boss ?

Then what makes an everlasting dragon one of them? Just being a dragon born before the age of fire?

>to the specific type of dragons that Seath belongs to
>specific type of dragons
So at least you can agree that non ever lasting dragons still belong to the dragon category? Good, i'm fine with just that. But like i said above, i still can't see Seath as an everlasting dragon, is there even a piece of info that calls him one specifically? no implied shit.

Is there a reason there should have been more dragon fights?

Not really, and unlike what OP opinion is, i think there were just enough dragon fights in each game.The dragon is the biggest mythical beast so it must be a grandiose event, so having sparingly makes it more special while if it was constant it would lose some of the magic it has. Along with that, all of them are pretty distinct from each other so it makes the event not feel repetitive "oh boy here comes that same fight with those same moves..."

I counted 8 before I even got to DS2 and just stopped because you're clearly full of shit.

In the DS1 intro it says he betrayed his own during the war with the Lords. Unless Gwyn his friends were hunting down lesser dragons as well as genuine Everlasting Dragons during the Age of Ancients he has to be Everlasting.

Drake ≠ Dragon

I never fought instakill Ancient Dragon from vanilla. So to this day I'm in neither camp. He's not great but not the worst boss in the game either.

Very good OST though.