>Still no reliable N64 emulator
Still no reliable N64 emulator
>Not having a 64 hooked up to a god-tier CRT with SCART and an everdrive
What's wrong with pj64? I know it hasn't been updated in years but I never had any problems with it unless trying to play some obscure niche shit that wasn't worth bothering with in the first place. I had trouble getting the analog inputs to register properly sometimes but that might have been the controller I was using.
the only game so far that doesnt work is dk64
>console is shit
why even bother? the important consoles are already emulated well.
I was playing SM64 VC on dolphin but something felt off.
surprised theres no n64 emu on patreon by now.
It's extremely inaccurate. Games are playable yes but it's on par with pcsx2 with the emulation glitches
I played Super Mario 64 on an emulator like 6 years ago you faggot
come to the present user, pcsx2 is actually good now.
well obviously making an emulator for a shit system no one liked isn't a huge priority for emulator coders
pj64 emulation is dead. dolphin wii vc injection is the only way in the modern era
>a VC of an emulated system is more viable than the emulator itself
what a sad state of n64.
Wii VC emulated roms.
for real though? in the mood to replay Zelda OoT & MM, unless Citra offers something better, compatibility-wise
You need more layers of emulation
>download retroarch
>select whichever core says accuracy
>everything works fine
ignore the "m-muh accuracy!" morons.
I've ran Zelda OoT & MM on P64 for literal decades now, and they work just fine.
Retrofags are the worst.
retroarch is great though.
an all in one emu is really nice.
It works fine on PJ64 with newer plugins
But if you want 100% accuracy, go for Retroarch + Parallel N64 with angrylion/çxd4, output to 240p & use CRT royale at 4K
Autism level = legendary
>not having an N64
it's not an "all in one emu".
It's literally just a weird launcher-app, to which you DOWNLOAD the emulators. Because kids these days just can't simply download and install the emulators themselves any more.
>It works fine on PJ64 with newer plugins
it worked fine on ANCIENT plugins 12 years ago already. I have no idea why the fuck would anyone limit themselves to 240p and fake, headache inflicting scanline overlays.
Nostalgia is a helluva drug.
>it's not an "all in one emu".
pedantically no, it's more like a steam.
but I've fucked with individual ones for years before retro got good enough. It's nice to have my taskbar clean now, and no longer having to check for updates or better ones for each.
I don't know why you're so luddite for retro, m8.
Doesn't even deserve a (You)
>"i-it runs fine!"
>rancid sewage begins seeping out of headphones
Let me know when PJ64 has decent audio emulation and we'll talk
I wish you kids would educate yourself on what "nostalgia" even means. I've used P64 literally yearly.
>nice to have my taskbar clean now
why the hell would you put emus on your taskbar?
>having to check for updates or better ones for each
assuming you don't download absolute garbage emulators in the first place, you should not NEED to update in literal years. Or ever.
It already has. The hell are you babblin?
If you sincerely think PJ64's audio emulation is anywhere near capable of accurately reproducing the N64 sound processor then you're either deaf or retarded. Possibly both. Aside from numerous desyncs, crackles, and incorrect instruments, PJ64 also fails to properly emulate reverb effects as they appeared on the N64. This is especially apparent with tracks such as Gerudo Valley in OoT which rely heavily on a gentle fadeout on instruments and instead sound much harsher on PJ64 because the fade is so much sharper.
It has that cool xmb menu and it looks nice, it's about consolidation man, if you can have it all essentially organized into one program, why the hell would you choose anything else?
>Hear PJ64 is better
>Set it up for widescreen and a higher internal res
>crashes at deku tree
I dont doubt it works fine if you use it at default settings but then what the fuck is the point of emulating at that point
Mupen64plus is the best one available