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heh nothing personnel kid
I hate it when that happens
Does this actually happen or is it just another meme like the Crobcat video?
Is the warp thing actually happening? Is it that bad? I wondering about buying a switch...
Seems like a minor case but there are many other videos are this out there. As a reminder this guy has sucked Nintendo's dick hard about the Switch and has talked at lengths about how much he loves the Switch.
Mine recently did. I own one since launch and had no problems with it until now. After playing undocked for a few days I suddenly had trouble putting it back in the dock. After that I noticed my system had a slight bend. No idea how it happened, and no I didn't sit on it or anything.
This makes me hope the N. Sane Trilogy port rumors are true so people can play Crash Bandicoot ____3____ on Switch.
Holy fuck.
Nintendo will do nothing about that? That seems to be a hardware issue that could potentially destroy the system...
I don't know what the fuck to do now, don't seem worth to buy the console on it current state.
It is really bad?
Mine's still completely straight
>buying a console within its first 6 months
Goddamnit you people never learn
I put some heavy books on it and it bend slightly back. It still works and it fits in the dock again, so I don't really care.
People probably didn't notice that it came like that. It doesn't even get anywhere near hot enough for the plastic to be able to warp not to mention there's a metal plate under the back.
Mine was perfectly straight before it happened, so your statement is invalid.
>People probably didn't notice that it came like that.
That's a complete load of shit and you know it. Keep sucking that Nintendick.
I'm sure you have proof then.
It only warps if you have it in a confined space/ not enough ventilation. I've had mine for just over 6 months and I play it docked for multiple hours and it's still unwarped.
Troll harder user
Yeah, the switch warps. The dock also scratches the surface and crowbcat is a saint who doesn't cherry pick videos of starved youtubers.
>bought switch way back when
>own 3 games for it
I really don't want to spend 300$ on a new system to it become a boomerang after a while.
The worst thing would be nintendo releasing a Switch 2.0 after i buy it.....
It's super rare, but it is a thing that happens.
It has to do with the metal plate inside the back. If it's too thin, then it will bend, taking the rest of the system with it, and the difference in thickness of the plate is down to micrometers, far below what standard manufacture can account for. It's basically a lottery, depending on what system you buy.
Cell phones used to have this problem a LOT, during the early days of smart phones. They got around it by making all the screens glass, because glass doesn't bend the way plastic does, and adds a second layer of rigidity to counteract whatever discrepancies the metal plate might have. The Switch's screen is plastic, and as such is entirely at the mercy of the metal plate.
>get on airplane with Switch
>playing Mario Kart
>airplane turns
>Switch falls out window
>be sad
>Switch boomerangs back in
>continue playing
>get three stars on the lightning cup
Thanks, Nintendo!
Is there any leaks/news/rumors of a switch 2.0? I'm thinking on buying one but I can wait a year or so... Rather have the new3ds than just 3ds...
Not really, but knowing Nintendo i am sure they will do something this year or the next.
EU release day switch owner here, I've more or less exclusively played mine docked and examining it now I see no signs of any warping even though it's been previously running hot enough for me to think "Fuck, that's a bit hot, is it going to be okay?" when I put the joycons back to charge.
Could it be a handheld mode issue; a poor design in the plastic casing is just slowly deforming due to the way people hold it and how stress is distributed along the case? It doesn't have to get hot enough to melt for the plastic to become, well, plastic. The clue is in the fucking name really.
There is no such information and it is unlikely to happen any time soon because:
>can't be smaller without severly compromising battery life and joycons can't really be smaller
>can't have stronger hardware because it won't be cost efficient at least for a few years
>can't be only handheld/home console because the name loses all meaning
The only realistic options would be a larger one which is sort of pointless when it can be played on an even larger screen as is or one with more internal memory which would also be pointless because a micro SD card would probably be cheaper. They might come out with some limited edition ones with special designs on them like the MHXX one though.
If it was due to how people hold it, wouldn't it either require pressure on the middle of its front side horizontally or on the back of the attached joycons? Additionally, the heat is reduced in handheld mode due to running at a lower clock speed.
Could well be, just saying what I see. I almost never use handheld mode and my system which has seen heavy prolonged use has no sign of warping, so I was just positing an explanation.
Who knows what's causing it, maybe it's a manufacturing defect?
What I also noticed is that when I hear the fan blowing, nothing comes out of it. That might have something to do with it.
I would be worried if the fan wasn't doing its job. Does it always happen with yours? Do you hear the fan with every game or just certain ones?
I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, my Switch is still here. Where did yours warp to?
I don't hear the fan every time I play a game, but when I do, nothing comes out of it. It did work properly before.
Considering where the fan is I doubt a slight bend could block it. Perhaps something got inside or it's defective?
It that was the case the system would shut itself off after a while.
As I said before, it used to work properly. And I put it in a case when I was not using it, so I doubt something got inside it.
Just got mine earlier this week and nabbed BotW off some guy for 24 bucks
updating BotW right now, should I brace myself for disappointment?
First 10 or so hours are great, but yeah brace yourself for disappointment after that.
If you expect a 10/10 flawless masterpiece, then yes.