SCP Secret Lab

>What is it?
Free multiplayer mic fun on Steam. You play a role of either d-class/nerd trying to escape, soldier trying to save escapees depending on your faction and killing SCPs or SCP trying to kill all humans

New monster 096 just out and in testing.

Consult /vg/ thread for user servers

Game sucks

You are entitled to your opinion

>threads get forced to /vg/
>tryhard faggots who know exploits win every round as 173

Last time I played people figured out all you had to do was camp the big machine and it stopped being fun

>camp big machine
>hear Larry's footsteps

Your move, camper.

I'm a Doc, Doc, D-D-D-Doctor Ding!

I think he meant SCPs.

>who know exploits win every round as 173
What exploits are for 173?

>camp machine
>Red Card spawns in Entrance Zone
>soldiers have now access to femur breaker and nuke

Your move, camper

I had a faggot jump through the window of the empty containment room in Heavy Containment. I figured I was safe, especially considering he could only do it when I blinked. He couldn't leave until some other NTF came by and blinked so he could get out.
Except every 106 now sets their teleport to the femur breaker to autisticly check it every time they think someone has the tiniest chance of being there.

Last game I was in was full of kids. Did Pewdiepie stream it or something?

Larry can be out-run by humans so even if he goes to check it, it doesnt mean he can prevent it.

Solution: don't be a pussy camper

it's a le creepy pasta xD game, so naturally it's filled with children.
Did you already forget about that awful zelda romhack shit, or slenderman?

I only play if there's a Sup Forums thread posting servers up personally. I dread to know what kind of shit is going on at /vg/ right now with it.

I wish your name appeared on the side of the screen when you spoke and it wasn’t push to talk

Dont use public servers, use user servers from /vg/

/vg/ servers = Sup Forums servers.

Mods delete threads in Sup Forums if the thread has IP

I don't camp at all, I open 914 from inside when SCPs are outside because it's fucking hilarious.
049 is fucking boring to play and OP, he needs a serious rework because camping outside the machine is easily the strongest thing he can do to get tons of zombies.

Yeah but I'm not about to go to /vg/ friend. Already heard from my friend I played this with that that there's shit drama. And you can't say "ignore it and just join servers" because those people are joining servers too.

He's also squishy so the first wave of soldiers can take him head on if he doesnt have zombies and he just stands in front of the card refinery like an idiot

The trick is to not go ho on the drama servers.

It's like you don't want to go to a city of free sex and drugs, because other city of that country is Detroit.

Then at least make him fun to play. Nailing an easy kill because you don't have charge up like 106 or can't move like 173 isn't interesting.
Also you're essentially meant to gather zombies on dbois and scientists because NTF or Chaos will gun you down while you're rezzing. unless you're right on the other side of a door so you have cover, so camping the machine is what you have to do unless you can find bad NTFs splitting up.

last time I remember hearing about scps was like 6-7 years ago, when that big pdf compilation that looked like scanned pages got released of some of the best scps.

Are people still making the shittin things? Any good ones? How are the games? Anyone made a jrpg yet? I had one that was episodic, based on the disc scp, where it went into the mirror. I finished the first 2 episodes and just lost interest after, but damn, good times.