Reminder that future Sonic games will NEVER EVER:
>have this art direction again
>have this atmosphere and scope again
>have stories like this again
>have boost gameplay this refined again
>have the best sonic voice again

>level designers, developers, artists, writers etc. behind unleashed left sonic team to work for nintendo, meaning that another sonic game like this would be literally impossible


>the interns behind forces are likely all sonic team has left, meaning that sonic will continue to stagnate with awful gameplay, green hill chemical plant nostalgia pandering, shitty stories by pontaff, and roger as sonic for the eighth year in a row

Sage and hide all Unleashedfag threads.

At least we might get more 2D games like Mania.

>sonic will enter a second dark age, resulting from the complete opposite of what caused the first one; instead of trying too many new things and adding complicated stories and lore, they don't try anything new and stories are now teen titans go-tier

how come Sonic Team made Unleashed and Generations and then a shovelware like Sonic Forces?

>despite all this, twelve year olds and blind /sthg/ fanboys that will buy anything as long as it has sonic's face on it will STILL throw around their shit taste and try to find a way to defend sonic team for their godawful actions, knowing that they've won

Sonic was never good.

A-at least classic Sonic is in good hands... I'm happy for you classicbros, y-you've still got a whole future ahead of you... Something we... don't... have......

sonic unleashed is the bloodborne of the sonic franchise



Unleashed was absolute trash

to bad the game drop to 20-10 FPS during day stages and the werehog.

would not mind a pc realese.


I agree. Best game of all time honestly

Are you fucking kidding OP?

The only good 3D sonic game was colours. Generations and Advanced battle 2 were fun in their own ways. Hero's is just 'okay' at best. But the rest are absolute unplayable grabage. You must be a literal child.


Top of the Kek too ya


Are you literally retarded?

>95% blocky 2.5D platforming with the occasional 5% 3D quickstep/cyan wisp section that lasts 30 seconds at most is a "3D game"
Are you?

The fucking perspective of the camera isn't want makes it 3d you absolute fucking mong.

Literally the only thing Unleashed has going for it is production values.

Are you retarded?


>my sonic brainlet wojak drawing is being used against me
I feared this would happen someday.


That's a good one




No I think you are though. Jesus Christ. I knew Sup Forums was stupid, but you're setting a new bar.

Sonic 1 2 and 3 are 2D, so are mania and sonic CD. The rest are 3D.
You're actually so fucking stupid.



1 Unleashed
2 Heroes
3 Mania or Rush

Everyone with taste will agree with me

>defending Forces or Sonic Team
Now you’re just making shit up.

Did all the shitters leave or something? Last time I checked on them a few months ago it was filled with blind fanboys talking about how "its not that bad!!!!" and the same lame ass comic discussion as usual.

You’re missing the context. The “it’s not that bad” type posts are only in response to people saying it’s 06-tier.
>going to that general
>not expecting comic discussion
You have only yourself to blame for your retardation.

>have boost gameplay this refined again

Even if this is true, the boost gameplay was never that great to begin with. People only praised it because it was the most "stable" formula for a 3D Sonic game we've gotten yet, and it was especially lauded after the dumpster fire that was Sonic '06. Compared to that, Unleashed's daytime stages were the Citizen Kane of video games.

Critically though? You're just holding down X the majority of the time, and when you're not you're playing "Simon Says: Sonic Edition". With the exception of 2D sections, the game is designed around going full blast Sonic speed. This doesn't immediately sound like a bad time at first, and truth be told it really isn't. It's during subsequent playthroughs that you start to notice the most glaring flaw of Modern Sonic gameplay: Repetition. Every time you play through a stage, it's going to be 95% the same as last time. So you might be thinking, "Okay, if it's repetitive, it's probably too linear. You just need to have more open and exploratory level design, right?" Well, unfortunately, no. Remember, the boost gameplay is designed around going at top speed at all times. Even if you had vast, intricately laid out level design, chances are you're just going to sail right over it in a split second and the level would be over. This is something that even Sonic Team realized, and it's the reason why most Modern stages are so linear and hallway-like. Making them anything else would be a massive waste of time. So instead, Sonic Team stretches levels out, and tries to cram them with as many gimmicks and padding as possible to hide just how shallow the gameplay actually is beyond a surface level. Never once considering the possibility that the boost being the crux of the game -might- be why they're spending hundreds of man hours designing 10+ scale mile long stages to accommodate for it.

tl;dr: The boost needs to be something that enhances Sonic's core gameplay, not BE Sonic's core gameplay.

Not him, but I've seen more than a few people defend Forces outright, and even going as far as saying it's "good."

I’ve seen people defend all kinds of shit. What’s the point being made here? That some people have different and sometimes shittier opinions and taste?

I swear this is Adventurefags tier of whining.

>praising unleashed this much
Do people always fucking forget how garbage half of the game is?
Also Griffith was always a trash sonic VA

Just like how Adventurefags pretend 2/3 of their games don’t exist when they pretend those games are good. And I can hardly hold it against them when they just want more of the good parts.

While I hate boostshit with passion, there is no denying Unleashed was received well by people.
Problem, however, hides in the fact that Sonic Team has no idea what to do with Sonic games at all.
They made first big 3D game with SA1, and actually tried to iterate on it with SA2. However, during playing with ideas they have cut out what's actually good (adventure fields, separate stories). Game still turned out well, but mostly due to the fact that they made an attempt to polish game better than SA1.
Instead of going further with those ideas, then Sonic Team decides to try totally new directions with Sonic Heroes. Obviously game has it's flaws, but also certain potential, but devs quickly backpedal on their decisions. Instead, they come back to solo gameplay, but throw in guns and razors.
THEN they decide to try SA1 formula again, and try to iterate on it once more, but sadly, due to horrible mismanagement, Sonic 06 turns out to be dumpster fire. Lessons ST learned? Should they turn down scale in favor of more tight experience? Should they tweak gameplay? Should they try again, but actually try this time?
No, let's throw ALL of it away and start from blank sheet. Let's throw away story, style, gameplay, everything, and start again. Also let's actually try making game this time.
And guess what? Sonic Unleashed turned out good. Why? Because they polished their product and fine-tuned it? Hell no, obviously boost gameplay was pinnacle of Sonic's gameplay styles, let's not change it all from now on.
Thinking that, ST goes and makes Sonic Colors. Still, they can't just sit and do nothing, so they add wisps, which mostly work as gimmicks not bolted to level's geometry.
Success makes ST think. What should they do next? Try making Unleashed 2? Kinda, but let's add new (old) gameplay (Generations).
And then let's AGAIN try something out of ass (Lost World), and then ditch it again.
Basically, Sonic Team can't iterate on their work for shit, and to analyze their wins and losses