How do we combat degeneracy in video games?

How do we combat degeneracy and lust in video games? I'd say it started with Mass Effect, where "casual sex" was present. Now things are worse then back then.
This shit started leaking into non-bioware games, it's cancer. We need to stop it, it's ruining he abric of society and what might have been good games.

There's only been one romance story in any entertainment medium I've liked and it was in a TV show, it just doesn't work a lot of the time.


just fuck off you autist, everyone else thinks it's a good addition to games, you're just an emotionally dependent manchild who wants a waifu who's just like mommy.

Don't buy games that are not Jesus approved.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Sex Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha


>emotionally dependent manchild who wants a waifu who's just like mommy
So? Mommy waifus are the best waifus. Nothing beats the combination of waifu lewdness and motherly nurturing.

We boycott every game made by sjws and soon game companies will start marketing to us again

>everyone else thinks it's a good addition to games

>larianiggers will defend this

if this is part of a doujin i need source

>everyone else thinks it's a good addition to games
These fucking "people".

You're just upset because you hate freedom

throw a shit fit online

>your length
This phrase always bothers me.

wow a couple of neckbeards who would ruin our game's reputation if they played it anyways don't spend their mommy's money/government check on the game we made. Whatever shall we do?

>videogames are ruining the fabric of society

Media reflects the society it comes from. Fix your fucking society instead of complaining about videogames on a mongolian basketweaving forum and you won't see things such as these in them. And as a creator of art, they have a right to do whatever the fuck they want with their videogames, even if they are shit. Gone Homo has as much right to exist as Planescape Torment, the former being a shit game doesn't mean it should not exist, it simply should not be acknowledged.

>things I don't like are degenerate
Fuck off

t. degenerate

with long cats lmao

Degeneracy has been prevalent in society for hundreds of years - swinger clubs, S&M parties, Roman orgies...

This was always going to happen with gaming reaching mainstream appeal, and it won't ever stop as it's too deeply rooted in society.

How did we came to accept this kind of speech outside of fundamentalist boards as Sup Forums? And how do mods don't purge this kind of threads when it's obvious that religious beliefs cannot stand as a basis for any kind of videogame discussion?

mass effect didn't have casual sex. you have to abide by certain prerequisites before you can have sex with one of the characters, and even then it was only one scene.



>remove lewd stuff
>just so I have to mod it in back again by myself
No. Go full lewd.

Why is Sup Forums now full of moralfags who hate lewdness

Not playing games that feature things you don't like is a good start. Solid second step is going back to facebook you dumb moralfag.

>current year
>vidya still don't show realistc relationship
The state of gaming in the west

such as many gay cocks as you possibly can, duh

I'm a prude and I think you're a giant fucking faggot.