Friend stalks your steam

>friend stalks your steam

Other urls found in this thread:

>people view my page on a social network

>was neet for 2 years
>got job
>normies at work ask for my PSN name
>mfw too embarrassed to let them now i spend all my freetime playing vidya


la creatura

>using steam as a social media service

Honestly dude they already know you're a massive fucking nerd, just tell them

I guarantee you the only serious reaction you will get is 'nice account dude' or 'can you teach me zulrah'

Hell if anyone even asks just tell them the truth, you were 'looking for work' for almost two years and had a lot of free time

People at work always ask me what I did on the weekend or whatever and I always used to give vague answers like 'just relaxed and watched some movies' or some garbage, now I just tell them I played runescape and monster hunter all weekend

I hate this mulatto looking child.

Yeah I don't think they'd make fun of me or whatever it is just embarrassing, the lad that asked for my PSN is a absolute chad, good looking, gets girls but is super friendly and wanted to play Battlefield 1 with me.

>disconnect internet
>start steam
>can't connect to server so use the offline mode
>connect internet again but don't go online on steam
>enjoy your vidya free of worries, and no extra hours played showing up on your profile unlike normal offline mode

Not that I do this to avoid friends or anything

>Friends stalk your hot mom

steam literally allows you to go into offline mode without using that workaround tho

>Play online game a lot with friend
>Friend keeps playing the game but starts playing with other people without you
>Keep asking them when you are both on if they want to party up
>They always say no and have some excuse
>stop playing the online game, but they keep talking to you about updates to it and stuff
>Wonder why you don't play it anymore

Motherfucker, I literally only played this because you played it and you stopped playing with me.

>give out your information to an acquaintance for the one method someone can interact with you online
>instantly regret it and shut it down
every fucking time. when I will learn that I just want to be left alone?

>commenting my friend's steam page from I incidentally looked at it is considered "stalking" these day

How about not making it public if it bothers you that much ya priss

>have a psych counselor
>she plays video games more than i do
>my previous counselor talked about how shit fallout4 was and how farcry primal was too easy
>tfw i stopped enjoying vidya at a young age

dios mio...

Have I been using the wrong option then? Distinctly remember hours tracking when I tried doing it before

He wanted to fuck. Not just play with you.

I don't know about hours tracking or not, I've never actually used it to hide because i don't have friends and i don't use steam often

There's something odd looking about this kid

it's gavin, kinda of a twitter normie meme, every image taken of him makes a good reaction image

Why do I have the urge to bash this faggot child with a baseball bat?

don't post that pic on Sup Forums please, leave gavin to twitter

He doesn't look human.

>add boss from work on steam
>call in sick
>feel like I have to appear offline to play games

Truly my worst mistake

>multiple different steam friends asking to play games with them

>enjoy playing with friends
>but mostly prefer to play on my own because I don't have to commit to anything or feel like I'm abandoning if I want to stop
>still desire companionship from people
I guess I can just use the chat.

el goblino.....

>Multiple different steam friends
>Multiple different

As opposed to multiples of the same person? Fucking what?

if you're going to be this passive aggressive just unfriend people and use a private profile.

i didn't sleep last night i was trying to clarify that it's not three people looking for a fourth person to play whatever but different people demanding i play with their game with them

>decide to hop on a game early in the morning
>receive message
>heeey user why are you up so late playing vidya
>why are you ignoring me i can see you playing

>playing offline is being passive aggressive

>have mom added on steam
>"whats a huniepop game you play sometimes?"

why would you care about covering your hours tracked for friends to see otherwise?? if you dont want to play them just tell them that or just unfriend them if they're being a nuisance.

How the fuck does your mom have steam? What does she play?

I’m not that user that exclusively plays in offline mode since I’m not a social retard. I just fail to see how playing in offline mode is being passive aggressive.

she plays popcap games, puzzle quest, shit like that. i bought her the popcap pack on steam and she loves it

>use program to see whos been looking at your profile
>"user has viewed your page 17 times in the past 24 hours."

My dad uses my steam account but all the nigga plays is civilization, stellaris and cities skylines.

That annoys me so god damn much. It's gotten to the point where I disable steam alerts and sounds when I want to enjoy a game.

The whole point of the post he quoted was using offline mode to specifically to avoid people instead of confronting them to simply say "I'm busy with this game, maybe later" as well as hiding hours to avoid confrontation.

>after like 1 month of inactivity friend logs in one day, gives you a ton of stuff, and says "thank you" before deleting their account
I hope they were just done with videogames and not something else

>go into offline mode using that method
>for some reason hours don't go up when you do it, but if you do it the normal way they do
>refund every game after finishing it

These programs are always bullshit and just make up statistics.


>switch games frequently
>become self-conscious of my friends seeing the pop-up in the bottom right
Most people have that shit disabled, right?

>friend deleted me because I looked at her profile too many times
Get me out.

most people don't give a fuck, just like how most people don't give a fuck what you look like when you go outside. they might see it and think 'oh cool game' or 'oh i don't like that game' but that's it, it doesnt linger on their mind the whole day thinking what a tremendous faggot you are for playing 100% orange juice


What program nigger

>daily links to stupid youtube shit even when offline

Funny how that shit actually works

What do those fucking porn artists have to worry about? They live on a fucking island in the middle of nowhere.

what did you expect from women

Wait a minute, is that...

Mechagamezilla has aged weirdly huh?

I had a bunch of angry kids telling me to quit it when my internet kept cutting in and out midgame.

I already feel confusion in the air so here goes

>if you dont want to play them just tell them that or just unfriend them if they're being a nuisance
It doesn't need to be about playing with anybody, what about those times you really want to get stuck into a singleplayer game for a while but your friends want to chat? You can say "Not now", but how many times until they take it to heart? The thing about friends (not in the social media sense) is eventually they'll feel like you're deliberately snubbing them, and that's something to be avoided

The simple solution? Just play offline and come on when you don't mind being social

You crashed my mount and blade you nigger

Consider getting Command & Conquer for him to play.

i got stalked by a trap. idk what to do. i mean i really like BP but not guys.