What game are you currently playing through, and are you enjoying it?

What game are you currently playing through, and are you enjoying it?

Thief Gold

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die
It's fun but frustrating. My friend helps me sometimes.

Into The Breach
I want to fuck the bugs (yes)

downloaded the valkyria chronicles 4 demo, but i haven't gotten to it yet. it's gonna be good though. just might get rime tomorrow

Why would you be interested in that? Don't you have a toilet bowl to drink out of?

Legend of Dark Witch 2
I’m enjoying it. Level design is pretty piss, but there’s a surprising amount of customization to make things interesting.

>Pokemon Colosseum
It’s a fucking grindfest to 100% it, but I’m committed to it
>Total Warhammer 2
Been feeling burnt out on it, but I want to play at least 1 more campaign before I hiatus it
>League of Legends
Been duo’ing with a friend. Its decent. Excited to try the next champion

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Yes to both

Tales of Symphonia

Not really

Breath of the Wild
I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for asking, doggo

Started on my third modded playthrough with a friend in Starbound. Having a lot of fun with it

kingdom come and yes its brilliant

Dragon's Dogma
the first time I played it I actually quit the game before killing the final boss, because I lost interest
a few weeks ago it was on sale and I thought why not, it wasn't that bad, I might play it when I'm bored
I'm in love ever since I started it again, on my second playtrhough, close to plat and I'm not planning on leaving it anytime soon
haven't even checked out the dlc stuff yet, feels damn good desu

The first Uncharted game, it’s a good game but my god does it highlight how much the series improved after 2007, can’t wait till i get to the second one

Yes, but I can't play more than an hour a day

I'm playing Elite Beat Agents.
Fun game but the final song is kicking my ass.

Into the breach is dope

Been playing Warface lately
Terrible game, but I'm enjoying it. I just wish most people weren't buttfuck retarded

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Mainly just online though, so not really playing through

I don't enjoy anything anymore :^)

THI4F. A little bit.
Some aspects of the game are pretty good but mechanically the game is terrible.
Bugged AI, bugged achievements, bad save system.
Just finished Chapter 5 (the asylum level) which people tout as being spooky as fuck but it's actually not spooky at all and I'm huge pussy.
But this game is infuriating. It's like the devs never even playtested their own game, as it's impossible to play it through as a ghost and collect all loot and all documents.

Shadow of War - yes
Metal Gear Survive - no

I've been trying to play the game of trying to become popular on youtube and twitch , I'm losing , and I'm not enjoying it. The games difficulty is possibly too high or I'm just not good at it.
I've managed to rack up a few points here and there but nothing that really levels me up to a point of saying I'm winning.

Maybe I should just play Tinder.

Rime is really bad and has a very shitty cancer child story

wellll shit. thanks for the heads up

Arma: Cold War Assault
Yes. I'm also surprised by how well it works on modern systems. My squad keep getting slaughtered like lambs though, and I have no idea how the score system works.

Dynasty Warriors 9
Vermintide 2

They're great for killing time, but nothing that really made me go "WOW I CANT WAIT TO PLAY THIS TOMORROW". Growing up fucking sucks. I wish I was 15 again, where every time I'd log in to Ragnarok Online would feel like a new adventure.

Mother 3

It's good, but where the fuck is Lucas? I don't want to play as this cripple Duster fuck

Into the Breach
The game's fucking fantastic, a great combination of simplicity and challenge.