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P3 canon slut (Yukari) as Devil Survivor Canon slut (Yuzu) works way too ell.
>Demonica Futaba
That better come with a helmet.
>Fuuka in a dog costume
Also, still no english trailers
inb4 japanese exclusive
Rhythm games a shit
where's my RPG game
absolute state of personafags
>Aleph, the Lord of Dance, finally in a dancing game
>his costume's on fucking Ryuji
I think these games were just an excuse to have HD models of the P4 and P3 casts
presumably they're still in the process of dubbing it and need more time before they can shit out their english ear horror
and they're never releasing subbed trailers again because of the backlash when they tried with P5 and also refused at the time to include japanese voices in the actual game
which by the way, they'll try to do again, and because it's not mainline they'll get away with it
>First time we'll see Demi-fiend's sick tats in HD
>In a Persona game
Kill me
Don't worry, those demifiend textures clearly aren't hd.
They certainly look low res but not as much as Nocturne
is that the true megomi tenese? look amazing
That thumbnail is a lot more attractive than the actual costume. He looks lanky as shit. Junpei is on point though.
This gay shot happening to persona makes me wanna die
>No Hinako costume
Because it's not like she's an actual dancer or anything
Persona's always been gay
>makoto in nanashi's outfit
Of course. Now we wait for the 3 remake
Yeah really, why's it look so bad?
How'd they get Jesus-kun to come back for a dance?
they didn't, the game happens sometime in the middle of P3
they asked for non-canon God's blessing
He didn't come back because it takes place somewhere mid game. Think of it as one of Liz requests.
>The canon strongest SMT character is given to shitty ass Ryuji
The absolute state of SMTcucks
Where's Mommy Destroyer then?
Couldn't get him in here too?
only her headgear made it in as an accessory
he will likely be a DLC
Oh god, I forgot this little bitch existed.
I hated him so much.
>No FeMC
>giving this costume to Ken
like pottery
Fitting for Ken to have his costume
I know the shit has too many cameos already but where's Raidou costume?
>sera costume for aigis
gale's ass accentuating outfit for makoto pls
You've got Haru as Tae and the cameo costumes from P5 will probably be ported in.
Joker had it in main game so maybe they want something new
already in P5 because they were only tying loose ends for P5D/P3D's DLC costumes this time
>Tae Asakura's outfit for Haru
>that haru outfit
Looks fun
>Yusuke doesn't got Bunny's autistic rabbit hoodie.
Did you not know that Ryuji is best boy
>Demonica costume
>No helmet
What a fucking waste
the cape will be nightmare to animate.
>yuusuke in hero's outfit
he really is best boy
the cape was fine in P5
a bit
Why the hell would you include the costume but not the helmet?
Demifiend looks super lanky too desu, he just isn't animated anywhere near as lively so it doesn't look as awkward.