Should I pirate this game now, or would it be better for me to wait a few weeks (months) for bug fixes?

Should I pirate this game now, or would it be better for me to wait a few weeks (months) for bug fixes?

Other urls found in this thread:žlice


buy it on sale or when the next patch hits

gog versoin is out, go for it

>inb4 weak dollar
I remember (((publishers))) would still charge out the ass when our dollar was stronger than the US dollar. I'm never giving another shekel to game, movie, or book companies

same shit for yurop, we have to pay like 85 burgerbux for some games

How can they charge $60 for a broken game anyways?

Eh patches (if they ever come) might fix the bugs and glitches, but the core design is fucked. Nothing is changing that. Maybe some mods will help though.

Because retards buy it anyway.

Wait till the rest of the game comes out... Cliffhangers in unfinished games aren't worth your money or time. Great game though

Sup Forums and Sup Forums managed to convince themselves they'd be crushing SJWs by buying a broken game somehow, this is also why people are forgiving the game being a broken, unplaytested mess despite other games getting torn apart for less.

At least we're not Australian

>Great game
I haven't seen anything that shows this is a great game. Similar to MG: Survive, all I see is shit but still people defend it. Is 2018 this starved for games?

Survive is getting trashed though.

Story and dialogue are beyond any other game released in the last 2 years.

Immersion is god tier high. Actually feels medieval dirty, like Hard to be a god movie.

So yes, it's a great game. But too many bugs and shit performance. Also, ot finished... That's a no buy from me... Just wait till the release the whole story

Both make something different, even though they are (very) flawed they click with the same type of people which liked S.T.A.L.K.E.R and E.Y.E

Wait till it's 66-75% off in half a year. Even if you pirate it now, you'll just be wasting your time with all the bugs.

Survive is a like 7/10 game, but its getting shit talked by people who haven't played it cause they just think it's cool to hate konami and they're kojimadrones.

>Story and dialogue are beyond any other game released in the last 2 years.
Too bad the rest of the game is pure garbage.

Agreed. But im a plotfag, and i haven't being so immersed or intrigued by a game since morrowind.

Yeah, until they charge us $60CAD for games I'm done buying them, they did it to themselves

Play Pathologic. Best atmosphere and world building is on par with Morrowind with unique architecture and lore.

Are there any games that aren't strategy games that do large scale battles well? Dynasty Warriors everyone stands around in groups waiting for the player to kill them, Mount and Blade is limited to a couple hundred people at a time and spawns in waves to avoid having to deal with a full sized battle.

Historical battles in the middle ages had like 10,000 - 20,000 people in the field, and not even total war does things on that scale.

I have the HD version, not played yet. Thanks for the recommendation though.

On the side note, since the psvita was (almost) open up, I'm waiting for someone to port openmw to it. Having morrowind on the go is a dream of mine.

Not 10k, but spartan total warrior had very unique battles... Hundred of npcs actually attacking like a real war, not standing there like musuo games

Impossible to do with current technology. Non-braindead AI requires many CPU calculations.

just buy it now it's good im about 35 hours in and having a gay old time

>unkillable npc's
>decisions made for you in cutscenes, can't truly roleplay
>only real risk is when you fight groups of people at once on your own, and even then only if you're on foot
>fairly easy game overall
>combat is good for 1v1 (sort of) but terrible at anything else

I'm more keen for mods desu

>2018 isn't even through it's third month
The year just began, Jesus Christ.

>dung ages meme
Even Yahtzee perpetuates that meme

And 10,000 - 20,000 is more the norm, large battles could be far - far largeržlice

Cuntshaw didn't even like the game, and why do you care what a game cretin has to say about games? His own released crap is awful.

Story is everything for me, and kcd delivers on that front, better than any other modern game.

>tfw new release games are $110
>at least our minimum wage is pretty high

why are there so many poorfags on this site?
just buy the game. you arent doing anything else with your money.

>rest of the game is shit
combat is good, probably the best ive seen in a rpg
armor mechanics are neat aswell.
game also looks nice

>combat is good
Stop lying, it's not. It's a clunkier and non-fun version of Mount & Blade. Not to mention it feels like people are slapping each other with wet sticks instead of maces and swords.
inb4 it's realistic

its not better than mount and blade. and id know i have 2k hours in it. this is better by far.
the combat is heavily based on HEMA, and does a marvelous job of portraying sword techniques. so maybe the combat is shit to someone who finds more generic action game combat to be good. but i honestly believe that this is some of the best combat in gaming.
when it works

wow, that sure looks like a bunch of... twigs that I definitely can't see by just going outside

what did he mean by this?

>Mount and Blade is limited to a couple hundred people at a time
If I remember correctly, there was an unlocker to increase that limit. But my PC couldn't handle it anyway.

yea you just had to edit a .ini file and you could make battles as large as you wanted, i have a pretty good pc. and ive managed to get over 5k units on screen

>good or realistic
LARPers fuck off.

alright man whatever floats your boat. but i like the combat regardless

kys weeb