Name a game in 2017/18 that's

Name a game in 2017/18 that's
>never in Early Ascess
>has no DLC and microtransactions
>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
>is released in whole form, as in went through a proper production and development cycle
>just a simply complete game with no Jewish bullshit whatsoever after the fact

You can't

how are any of those things "jewish".? wtf


Dangan Ronpa V3

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Is this the Spirit Science guy?

>>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
>>just a simply complete game with no Jewish bullshit whatsoever after the fact
does not compute

Steamworld Dig 2

Also whats wrong with updates?

Is this bait?

>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
I know you're not aware of this because you weren't alive back then, but during sixth gen, games didn't ship "complete" without bugs or imperfections. Games still shipped with oftentimes gamebreaking bugs, and if you were playing on a console, then your game was irrevocably fucked forever, and you had better hoped you didn't accidentally replicate the conditions for the bug.

Name a game that is like that that came after 1988.

>"Remember that time when Jews were extraterrestial monsters and eliminated the people of Atlantis and are now going to do the same to us, aka white people?"
Jesus christ Extra Credits, what the fuck?

>Working on a game post-launch and providing free updates is considered jewish

There's nothing wrong with expansion packs or DLC either
I want more content, the dev wants to continue working on the game now that the base game is fully functional and adding shit is comparatively simple, the dev needs to eat, the dev sells his thing, all is happy

there's a lot of wrong with all that when the game's released half-finished and all broken, which forces players to shell out dosh to make the game bearable. It's extra cancerous if said game is still in Early Access.

>Fixing a game

Just don't buy the game until it's at a level you deem appropriate for the price
This isn't hard if you have any self-control

Rance X, even if it's a tad low in the HCG department

>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
OP confirmed absolute retard

Mario Odyssey.

Except when devs take it too far and change what made the game fun in the first place. It happens a lot and ends up killing games.

>be the most wrong person in the world
>keep making videos
they can't keep getting away with this

It has that balloon DLC so it doesnt count. :)

>>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
Why would you want this?

This has nothing to do with self-control. I cannot recall the last time I'd bought a game day 1.
It's all about the matter of such dangerous business practices becoming more socially acceptable, with people openly enabling it with various excuses. This shit can create a slippery slope with many dangers; we've already seen examples of this with many E.A. games; some create DLC before coming out properly, and end up dying before they are even released. Similarly, some tad more competent, non-E.A. games have been covered in more or less obligatory DLC, totally fucking up the original style and balance of the game, excluding a lot of players that would not buy any extra after their 50-70 buck purchase. Payday 2 is a good example of that.

Bayonetta 1/2

Because user dreams of the good old days when games were only released when they were completely finished
Except that was never the case and you'd have to get your patches through magazines or whatever the fuck

>>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
This is not a positive, wtf.

>patches are jewish

they're greedy and evil practices, just like the jews

>Doesn't have updates or balances, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
Ah so you're looking for KCD so you had to make this exception since it's a broken glitchfest

Yes and no. DLC like the witcher 3 or Resident Evil 7 and similar are great and I would love to spend money for it. But obviously EA DLC with small shit that add nothing to the game and could have been in it in the first place is literally the cancer that is ruining the industry.

They´re still jewing this one by rereleasing at full price. :)

mario odyssey

What's wrong with being in Early Access and successfully developing a full game? Yeah, there's plenty of ways it was done wrong, but for a game like Minecraft it really benefited its development since you kind of need that wider scale input as its being developed.

In addition, what's wrong with DLC that act as expansion packs with new locations and story, like in the classic PC days.

Super Mario Odyssey. If you're going to nitpick that free DLC is updating our holding back content you need to fuck off

Prey 2017
and NiOh

Some applications are bad, and thus in the mindset of the average Sup Forumsirgin the practice is inherently bad ´
Sup Forums is not a particularly clever board

That balloon DLC.

Yeah it still counts faggot

>In addition, what's wrong with DLC that act as expansion packs with new locations and story, like in the classic PC days.

Nothing. But sadly these days that is not the majority or the norm of most DLC and in some particular cases the content has been delibrately cut from the base game to resell as DLC to you and I base this observation on the fact that in some AAA games they've had the files already on disc that you just simply pay a key to unlock or you just toggle a flag in the registry.

This is the worst post on this board by a large margin.

new Prey

Yeah but the lead dev has shitty views so I didn't play it

Monster Hunter World

It has platform exclusive content which is even worse. There's Horizon Zero Dawn stuff in the PS4 version which actually makes the Xbone and PC versions better because you don't have to see it.

>shitty views

>doesn't have updates or balance, even if it's released with certain bugs/imperfections
How is that an issue?
Without this retarded point, Super Cloudbuilt, Fight'n'Rage, Nex Machina, Bleed 2, Hollow Knight (yet, one DLC is coming).

Stop wasting Bandwith, guys

Yeah what the fuck is this shit?
Wasteful, absolutely wasteful.