Post a more comfy video game

Post a more comfy video game

you can't

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Get on my level faggot.

Game is overrated af senpai. Still a good game though.
Pic related is much more comfy



yume 2kki








Grandfather Parchment 4: Nirvana





nah, it good

Old Scripture IV: Nothingness

Original DX and HR

would be comfy if it didn't




are you all forgetting pic related?


My god, first proper blyad and not blyat I've seen in months.



I fail to understand how anyone could possibly get immersed in a game with such horrific writing and abysmal characters. If you honestly relate to any of these characters you should strongly consider seeking help.

>not realizing Rockstar make comical over the top stereotypes in their games
No you see help

im talking more about the town itself than the characters. it tugs at your nostalgic strings.



>anything to do with night in the woods


Bully is probably the most unsettling game ever made you fucking retard.

Just the normal bassy soundtrack at the start of the game sends me into a depression everytime I try and play it. Always have to give up after the first few missions.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about crash issues, but I've never had a single issue with bully. I've got windows 8.

sounds like you've just get severe mental issues bud. seek help.

the forgotten knight in ishgard was the best place in the game when it was relevant
fuck the idyllshire bagpipe music

>Just the normal bassy soundtrack at the start of the game sends me into a depression everytime I try and play it.

You're just a pussy mate

what's the best edition of FIFA? i want to buy one but don't want to fork out a lot of money for it

Comfy, in a blizzard?

15 is probably the best one gameplay-wise
16 is a mess, 17 has arcadey gameplay but introduced nice licenses (premiere league graphics and coaches mostly)
18 has the best graphics but gameplay feels sluggish and slow
It really depends on what mode you want to focus anyway

i'll be playing it offline. what one do you recommend for that?

Bully always felt like it had a vaguely sinister vibe to me. Part of it was Gary doing stuff behind the scenes but I dunno, always felt like there was something lurking behind the quiet New England town.

sadly offline modes have been neglected by EA since like 2016
The main offline mode isCareer, in wich you create a player or a manager and play season after season
Sadly its not really in depth, ive been playing for a while and it get boring fast, but if its your first fifa you wont really notice
17 introduced a simple story mode and 18 polished it a lil bit, its nothing incredible but still something new and fresh
Id say get 15 so you can get a feel of the game without spending much, if you like it get the newest ones when you can
theres just too much to say about this series for a Sup Forums post


cool, 15 it is. my mate recommended 15 also. thanks for the info

How's autism going for you?

dont mention it, have fun lad

and for the love of god DONT fall for ultimate team its a bottomless pit of rage and despair

>defending NITW's writing
>calling anyone else autistic
Oh lordy


play pes18 instead, gameplay wise is the best footie game to date. It doesnt have many license but you can patch that shit anyway

Thats autism lad

No, I'm not. Love it, also, probably the most relatable vidya in a fucking decade.

The comfiest game i played recently

Why relatable? It looks alright and I do wanna give it a shot but I know pretty much nothing about the game.

>peaceful snowing is now a blizzard

Ancient Texts: Void

old book: hell

Pretty comfy.

Literally how do you relate to any of the characters? Serious question. The main cast is a bunch of mentally ill teenagers.

sounds like you already know

Would love to hear it from him though. Game seems like it has very high ratings and recommendations from a lot of people, but it looks like a visual novel of sorts with a cast of very strange creatures.

>Literally how do you relate to any of the characters?
Because I fucked some shit up in my life and loads of bad things I have done to people I love and care about.
Basically this game just came and press all buttons.

>and loads of bad things I have done to people I love and care about.

Oh, you are that kinda selfish cunt. Hope you burn in hell honestly. If night in the woods is a game about people like you, I can see why it has such a specific audience that loves it.


>Oh, you are that kinda selfish cunt.
Even worse, I'm selfish cunt in wrong place and wrong time, like in some mid 00s criminal comedy but no one laughing.

I never knew I could hate someone I don't even know this much. Somehow. I can just tell you've been a terrible friend to pretty much everyone you've known from the few words you said so far.

>you can't
sure i can, just finished this last nite

