It’s a reddit influences development on a game episode

>it’s a reddit influences development on a game episode

Other urls found in this thread:

That has literally never happened in any meaningful way.

But they influence balancing post-release. See Dork Souls

fucking hell i hate this, do NOT listen to subreddits for game balancing pointers you fucking retards, YOU are the developers, they are the shit eaters

What the fuck do you know retard?

the fuck are you talking about

>it's a Sup Forums has become reddit episode

>ace of spades

>Devs listen to redditors
>Fundamentally change the game
>Game is no longer fun
>Now nobody is playing it

Name the game


*ruins ur game*

Destiny 2

Soulcalibur 6

>Furthermore they are browsing places like reddit, 2ch, and Sup Forums to see what people are saying unfiltered as those are places they feel people post some of their most uncensored thoughts that they feel they don't always on Youtube, beit as videos or on comments on videos, or streams.

>what is gwent
the new weather and leaders suck

The only thing unfiltered is the amount of cock sucking going on at all times, especially from a bunch of loathsome cunts who would be banned for doing otherwise.


Or at least dying rather than dead.

>We want this and that
>Sup Forums

>Killing Floor 2

I remember them having community control over a lot of decisions on DayZ Standalone. That turned out well.

world of borecraft

>Sup Forums
>your game is fucking shit kill yourself

le upboat culture there is pure cancer. Oftentimes people will upvote and downvote posts based on how many up/downboats they already have. So all it really takes is one person with an opinion and 2000 mindless idiots to make it look like someone has said something really profound when in reality they're the reddit equivalent of the "put me in the screencap" faggots we get here (who are also reddit).

>it's a reddit game

>SJWs influence game design
>the game totally flops

That's just a vocal minority, just like furries. Real patricians want lewd lolis in their games.

Epic Games listened to reddit while Paragon was in development. Look where that got them.


>Developer listens to a single persons complaint

DOta 2

what show are you watching where any of this happens

league of legends

My paranoi tells me that it's not me who's watching, but me who's being watched.

almost none of the posters today deny being from leddit anymore. this fucking sucks.

GW2 says hello

Guild wars 2, though it wasn't necessarily good to begin with, leddit just made everything worse.

I wish I was still this naive

>tfw wannabe indie dev
>have zero plans of ever posting on reddit or listening to them
I don't care about the shilling potential there, fuck those fags.

Every Moba ever

Preach, my brother.

except HotS, it's secretly managed by Sup Forums and /vg/ and it made the redditors so mad they try to infest the HotS general over at /vg/

>it's a Sup Forums cries about reddit influencing games because Sup Forums autistically screeches at a developer every time they post on Sup Forums

What if I don't want either reddit or Sup Forums influencing anything and want the devs to make their own game how they actually want it? Community management, of any sort, is fucking horrible.

>honest and good feedback sprinkled with crude language and lewd drawings
>shit ass echo chamber retardbox but they suck the dev's dicks

in the past the former was more valued than the latter (see RPGCodex and Sup Forums) but since circa 2007 somehow most devs only pursue the latter because they care more about their feefees than fixing their games.
Good and concrete examples is Minecraft.

This. Plus with the reddit crowd everyone is eager to suck dick to make themselves look like they're so open minded and nice for good boy points, and they're always willing to throw money at almost fucking anything for the same reason.
Weaker devs will go there for the easy way out for infinite blow jobs and easy money.

>honest and good feedback sprinkled with crude language and lewd drawings
This is what Sup Forums actually believes

In reality Sup Forums calls the dev a shill, reports and spams the thread. Unless it's an SJW game, then Sup Forums goes into contrarian mode and defends it in order to "own the Sup Forumss".

fuck off dumb nigger you don't know shit, you're clearly a newfag

>/u/ shit
These words do not belong in the same sentence.


It's a fact. Stay mad Sup Forumseddit.

Here's a (You), homo man.

Type in NeoGAF

you're the exact reason Sup Forums is now in the state that it is, people like you flocking here and opening their gabber without a clue

I know someone who is "too scared" to go to the 4chins, but loves looking at all the greentexts and other OC's that come out of this place while spouting our shitty memes.
The world is cancerous.

>dude we need more normies

You should take a hint and be too scared to come here too, faggot.

And here's (You)rs, cuckold



>anyone influencing the developers' vision
people who do this are what's ruining the industry.

I think it depends on how efamous the dev is. I've seen a few literally who devs making "can you check out my game" posts get decent feedback.

>literally 0.15 frames per second
Do Yurifags just eat up whatever garbage gets thrown their way,regardless of quality?

A cat is fine too.

>implying I'm going to read that shit
Fuck off newfag.

I can't tell if you're being purposfully retarded or not.

Where did I say we need more normies you nigger? I was just telling a story about how many people are fagits because they still believe that this place will rape your computer and give you e-AIDS and get you v& simply for visiting here, yet are willing to pretend to be in le sekrit club XD when the time comes to jerk themselves off.
Learn to read, then fucking kill yourself.

Fistful of Frags.

>Sup Forums is really nice to devs you're just a newfag!


Pass the whiskey.

Yeah because this piece of shit board has such a great track record.

>defending evaxphone
Sup, eva

Yanderedev acted like a faggot and got promptly owned for it. He's not innocent in the slightest.
Foolish amphibian poster.

YandereDev is not a dev, plenty of actual devs got their start on here or large amount of input prior or during the launch of their games, but you wouldn't know.


I rest my case

EvaXephon was a cunt before he started gamedev and he was a cunt after.
You'll notice that people like Monolithdev, KARG, and pretty much everyone from /agdg/ have absolutely no problem posting here unless they act like cunts.

There are 7 unique frames of animation in this 46 second clip,2 of which the only difference being the position of the character's hand. Moving the camera all over a static image like a man with cerebral palsy who's trying to film a porno does not count as animation

I wonder if you know the full story, or you're just acting stupid on purpose. Either way you ain't getting anymore (you)s outta me.