Do you still play vidya when your gf is around or do you do other stuff?
Do you still play vidya when your gf is around or do you do other stuff?
If she's asleep I'll play vidya, but otherwise when she's over I like to spend time with her.
what about this thought
play some shit together
No, only manchildren would neglect their girlfriend for such a childish hobby.
Why would the presence of a woman change my behavior? If you're acting differently around people than how you act alone you're just pretending to be someone else and that will just make you unhappy in the end.
We both play vidya, sometimes together, other times separately.
we play stuff together sometimes.
I'm done with women for the next decade
if she looked like that i wouldnt.
Nice hitting all the key buzz words for those (you)’s eh?
I can smell your xenoestrogens from here.
what the fuck happened to this place? I'm disgusted by the normie invasion
Am I the only one who wants to see her tits?
things you do alone are different than the things you do with other people. if you play video games when you have company over, unless they asked to do it then you're anti-social.
literally only you.
Smart move. Focus on graduating high school.
I live a few doors down from my gf so she comes to my room to play rhythm games on my CRT while I play shit like SCP on Sup Forums servers in the same room
This. She's reading or playing facebook shit on her tablet while I game. Sometimes she's interested in the story if it's a heavily story-driven game like Bioshock or something.
But also this.
she's playing guild wars 2 right now, i'm playing morrowind
No, boy. Things YOU do alone are different than the things you do with other people. Prioritizing things they want to do doesn't make you social. It makes you a doormat who is constantly trying to please them.
I let her play the game while I worship her feet.
Where do you think you are?
Go back to
>every gf i have is master race asian who watches me play and sometimes occasional joins in
>those fat arms
Little obsessed there, aren't you?
Why lie on the internet, though?
>the girlfriend i have invites other women into our bedroom so she can service us while i fuck them.
she'd be top tier even without her videogame hobby, the extra women are just icing on the cake
Why not?
She likes to curl up with me on the couch while she reads or browses the internet. Sometimes she watches if it's an interesting part.
I want normalfags to leave
>>rest of thread
kill yourselves
How the fuck do you see anything there?
Well, we've been living together for 2 years, so when we're not fuggin, I mostly play vidya while she watches me play or she just watches series/reads/whatever. She really likes the vidya but gets motion sickness just watching FPS games.
she makes me sammiches too, she's a keeper. We aren't home too much though, few hours a day on weekdays, and about 1 day on the weekends when there isn't shit to do - both of us works full time.
>mfw playing Sims together and can't agree on any major decisions like house style or number of kids
It should really depend on whether or not she enjoys watching the game or not. Pick up on nuances if you're playing together to see if she is really enjoying it which should usually involve some jokes, laughter, smiling, etc, even if its a gamer girlfriend. One of the biggest mistakes I made that has very recently put a hard holt on a 4 year relationship for me was assuming because the girl is introverted so she must always enjoy staying indoors with you all the time and consuming media. Balance that shit out.
no you fucking idiot. playing video games while i have company over is awkward and boring, so i willfully choose to do other things with them.
go back to your containment board, not having a girlfriend is the normlfag thing now.
When I meet a woman more interesting than video games I'll prioritize her. But all woman have to offer these days are a wet hole and they don't even make them hard to get.
/r9k/ is even more reddit-infested than this shithole.
Fuck off you faggot
Your post makes no goddamn sense, you Reddit fuck.
Only beta cucks would have a gf that dominates what they do rather than get a gf that accepts them and their hobbies
big obese there, aren't you?
is it the spacing that makes it the blogpost? never understood the fascinatio with that.
it's literally what OP asked you dumb cunt.
i'm sure it is, i wouldn't know.
just because you're a brainlet doesn't mean i'm from reddit.
His post reeks of newfaggotry and was tl;dr
Shit taste
la creatura...
Why would you not play things together? Do you not engage in her hobbies as well, even on a casual scale just to interact? Worst case you tried something new, same for her.
you need to grow up, dummy.
A girl is NEVER going to tell you whats really wrong with her. Its the most infuriating thing. They want you to assume somethings wrong and act on it. And that introvert thing is true, don't get complacent and make sure you take her out.
I wouldn't even have room for a girlfriend in this apartment.
It's when posts contain a lot of really unnecessary personal information that shows an expectation that people give a shit
trying too hard my friend
How is it awkward for you to do something you do alone in the presence of someone else? Is this perhaps because you're fucking ashamed to be playing video games and feel compelled to hide this from other people?
If it's entertaining enough for you when you're alone, why does the presence of someone else make it boring?
This is why you prioritize what other people want to do. You have no self-esteem. You're filled with shame. You're exactly the sort of person nobody wants to be around in the first place. And you arrogantly think turning off the video games will solve this problem. You've got it all backwards. Obviously something needs to change because you're unhappy. Work on adjusting your point of view because holy shit you're trying to force other people into feeling the same shame you do. That's low.
kys cuck
it's the superfluous detail that is irrelevant in the anonymous posting format
>we've been together 2 years
>she makes me sandwiches
>she gets motion sick
>detailing working hours
i mean i could go on.
my gf cheers me on while i play monster hunter. its kinda cute
Its called playing the game if you want a girlfriend you loser. You really think a girl wants to watch you play video games all day? No matter how much confidence you showcase she eventually is going to ponder on whether or not being with you is really worth it.
>A girl is NEVER going to tell you whats really wrong with her
Paranoia. Men do this as well.
>want the physical side benefits of a relationship
>don't want to sacrifice time to spend with another and cut down on me time
Is my autism operable, /reddit, or will I die forever alone/?
I played a round of house of the dead when girl i met was over. Asked her if she wanted to try, she said nah. It was that day that i understood that women do not like video games. (or being alive)
obviously you're severely autistic, and you are unable to tell when someone else isn't having fun. i know they don't want to sit there and watch me play a game, and i don't want someone wishing they were somewhere else when they're in my house.
she likes to watch me play horror games as she too scared to to it herself
>if you want a girlfriend
Let me stop you there. I didn't settle for a girlfriend who expects me to be someone I'm not. No good comes from pretending.
you will die alone or to an STD from some hooker/thot you selfish fuck
Hi girl
I was the blogposter, you're kinda right
just thought it might be relevant
Eh, when I was 19 this bitch used to come round, watch me play Minecraft and sucked me off every other day. No regrets.
>friend comes over to hang out with you
>you play a single player videogame, or a multiplayer videogame with people online
it's awkward because they expect some sort of give and take in the entertainment. and it's boring because they sit there watching you play whatever game you're playing without them.
But there are women who like video games.
Living together with my wife so yrah. She simetomes plays some SNES puzzle games with me and if I play modern games she might comment on what she sees or hears.
>playing vidya when people are around when you're supposed to be interacting with them
>become poly
>find other poly girls
>most of them will already have a partner
>all sex, no time commitment
Yes. You need to understand if it's not vidya it's going to be something else annoying her because women crave all the attention. Real problem is something holds your attention and it's not her.
when I'm on the phone with her I'll play but when she's over I won't
Depends how much time i've already spent with her.
Sometimes i just want to relax and play vidya after a long day, so i would talk her up a bit and then tell her to fuck off so i can play.
You seem to think it's your responsibility to entertain people. If someone comes over to my house uninvited and they expect me to drop my shit to make them happy they've got another thing coming. This would only be autism if I couldn't see it. Your mistake is thinking everyone would agree with you and do as you do if they knew how someone else feels. This is untrue. You need to grow a fucking spine and stop letting people use you.
But user I need my GF to play, both of them.
My gf looks like Dokkaebi from Siege, I'll play that while she plays plants vs zombies
>friend comes over to hang out with you
My friends come over to my house uninvited while simultaneously expecting me to entertain them. They know better because they know me. They know me because I never pretended to be someone else. You need some better friends if all they're doing is treating you like an unpaid clown.
so now you're moving the goal posts. i haven't had a friend show up uninvited since i was a kid. people have this thing now called cell phones.
don't come over*
My gf? Where do you think you are, bud?
t. masturbates in public
>If someone comes over to my house uninvited and they expect me to drop my shit to make them happy they've got another thing coming.
9 times out of 10 you will have invited them, but seeing how you are clearly inexperienced at understanding such a simple social concept, you must have autism
That's not a moved goal post. It's an important distinction. If I invite them over I'm not going to be playing video games. I invite them over because I want to spend time with them. I'm actively prioritizing that. If they show up uninvited I do not change my schedule. Do you understand the difference?
my friends come over because they like my company, and i like them enough to set aside things that don't include them to move onto things that DO include them. sure, if i had friends randomly dropping over uninvited once or twice a week to bum around then yeah, whatever i'll keep playing my games. but if they contact me beforehand i'm going to act like a decent host and entertain them.
Respecting each other's need to spend alone time is an important part of any relationship. If you get to the point where you're living together and spending most of your time together, it's healthy to have moments where you give each-other space to breathe. I play vidya, she watches tv, that sort of thing.
Bitch never hands the controller over.
When my gf is around, instead of playing video games I put my penis in her vagina
so you were making a snap judgement based on an exception rather than a rule? no one said they would come over invited or uninvited, you put those qualifications in your mind to make your logic right, when under normal circumstances (read:friends invited over) you admit that you wouldnt do that
fuck off
You seem to think agreeing for someone to show up at your house is akin to inviting them. This is not how it works. If they ask to come over they were not invited, they were allowed. If you ask them to come over they are invited.
So you understand and agree with me. Dropping everything for everyone is unreasonable. If someone makes plans with you then it's obvious that you honor those plans; but if someone doesn't make plans with you then you don't need to bend over backwards for them. Not everyone has a formal relationship with their friends. Sometimes people just like hanging out together without needing to be entertained all of the time.
This even applies to masturbation. When someone comes over, I just keep going. I answer the door and I got no pants on and I'm just casually jerking it. If you don't make a big deal about it they won't either.
yes it is an important distinction that you should have made three posts ago, you thickheaded mule.
>not playing vidya while fugging ur gf
Step it up senpai
If I ask people to come over I'm not going to ignore them. That's the assumption you made about me.
It's natural. Everybody does it. No shame, brother.
The fact that you needed the distinction speaks volumes about your insecurities.
well sure, i've never had the type of friends who just come over to bum around multiple times a week for weeks on end though. but even if they come over to bum around i'll still be a nice host and offer them food or something at the very least, but unless what i'm playing is super engaging i'd probably stop and hang out with them anyways.
Whenever we don't feel like watching movies/tv series/animu, I turn off the lights, plug my gamepad and play some horror games (Dead Space, Outlast, System Shock 2, etc.) She doesn't play, but she likes to watch me play, and how tense/scared I become at certain moments. When she gets bored, she usually starts teasing me, and I pause the game to cuddle/fuck.
That's about it.
And that's fine. I do that too. People seem to think that you need to drop everything to be a good host. You don't. Just make sure your guests have anything they need and make sure they know you're available if they do need anything else. Otherwise you're not joined to them at the hip and you can play your fuckin' vidyer.