Post 5/5 character designs.
Post 5/5 character designs
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I love Reisen!
name another more visually appealing super soldier than a space marine,i dare you
Culter Dei with Heavy Armor which are basically Space Marines
>Culter Dei with Heavy Armor
they look more like inquisitors than space marines
A ton of MGS character designs are god tier thanks to Shinkawa. Best concept artist in the business.
fair enough
New Vegas character designs are fucking wasted on that godawful gamebryo engine.
Just think about the concept of the Praetorian guards.
Martial artists with shotgun gloves, wearing sunglasses
Midwest BoS power armor
Genuinely iconic. 90s icons.
they look like insectoid aliens with those helmets
also they re not super soldiers,just regular soldiers in power armor
Either/or the NC or the TR power armor from planetside 2.
Fuck she made me hard. Shame she literally had NO role of note in the game.
I don't know if this is a 10/10 per se but I personally love it.
Nihilus too
Disappointed this thread doesn't have Max Payne or Victor Saltzpyre
Max Payne is the definition of bland. There's absolutely nothing noteworthy about his character design.
How about you post them.
What game is this ? Looks fun from the description
>dat leg armor
Damnit, user. Don't remind me that I can never coop in this game again.
Why there is always some neckbeard pclown saying this shit is good?
Even the whole game revolves around her.
>Why there is always some neckbeard pclown saying this shit is good?
because it is?
ty senpai
You're welcome user.
The original game (one way heroics) is actually generally agreed to be better and goes in sale for like >$1 just about every steam sale.
I have the mystery Chronicles version on my Vita because it's nice to have portably, but ultimately the original is faster and smoother, and if you shell out the extra few bucks for plus it has more content as well iirc.
Mystery Chronicles has better art though. Including lewd lolis and nazi gunners.
a UNSC Spartan III, easily
It isn't though. It has way too much edge on it, i mean we get it, you're supposed to be "cool" and "dark", you don't need to add 7 more skulls, crosses or omega symbols to your armor to show that. Then the armor is way too large and clunky to actually be viable on a battlefield, especially with prolonged fighting. Its probably just manlets compensating for size.
All in all, its just like golden armor, its supposed to look cool and show everyone how great you are, when you're actually just a wimp, and it really just makes you look like a faggot
>character design thread
>people just post armors
Had to do it to em’.
get out.
I know it's not Vidya but I'm still amazed at how cool this fucker looks.
>I know it doesnt have anything to do with the board but I'm gonna post it anyway
Is medabots vidya?
It actually has video games unlike made in shitbyss, so yes.
But I agree. Space Marines are top tier. Too bad tho that they are suffering from a heavy case of Seinfeld syndrome.
you cheeky cunt
you win this time
did nothing wrong
I've seen better knights
Pic unrelated?
what's wrong with 10/10?
I love Fuuka!
IGN use it
You're late Fukkafag
It's incredibly sad that the two best characters in the entire fallout franchise were wasted on something as dull and bland as Honest Hearts.
Be real, what makes Pelinal Whitestrake is genociding elves, and stupid lore making him an insane gay time travelling robot.
I've never liked their dumb Imaginext lookin guns. Otherwise I love the design.
>still no TF2
what the fuck Sup Forums
It's 8 AM and I'm in 日本語 class
The real hero Pandora deserved.
Interesting choice user. I appreciate it. Though I agree 10/10 might be pushing it.
I liked every sith in those games a lot. Even traya and her silly trio of flyin friends.
Why do people assume that the space marine power armors makes them move like a golem? For fucks sake a space marine can jog and his speed would be 60 kmph and can go faster when sprinting.
Not arguing with that for a second.
But the crusader armour is still extremely well designed in its simplicity.
Best looking armour in the franchise, and Pelinal is a more visually appealing super soldier than a Space Marine
Space Marine designs look like dated 90's comic book characters were everything had to be overly cool in this sort of edgy Todd Mcfarlane way.
Sorry not sorry.
t. Absolute newfag
Warhammer invented grimdark, it has every right to be as edgy as it wants. I think it's overhyped to hell and back, but only a retard trying to fit in complains about warhammer being edgy.
I didn't say slow, i said clunky. It should make you slower sure, but since you're bigger than a tank your movement on a battlefield is heavily restricted. Like if you're in a place that isn't an open field you're at a huge disadvantage to people smaller than you.
First off you should really learn what newfag means you colossal idiot. Good job outing yourself as a one by demonstrating that you have absolutely no idea what it even means.
Now edginess has been around for a long time, and even though Warhammer has invented grimdark, that doesn't make its edge any less obnoxious or stupid looking.
>Sorry not sorry.
Jesus fornicating Christ
dude pauldrons lmao
>this fucking garbage
I didn't expect to get angry in this thread
The game may be hot shit but you can't deny her design is boner fuel
>Sorry not sorry.
hola reddit!
>getting mad at superior Japanese designs
That Queen loli was god tier but this one is just boring
> too edgy
> muh dex
> n-no u
You sound like a complete bitch.
Queen loli is nice, but you can molest and strip naked Coco.
what's wrong with made in abyss user ?
is it too popular for your liking ?
Even better knight coming through.
Though technically it's not a character design since you get to choose his outfit.
I used to hate it but I actually really like it now. It's probably Stockholm syndrome because you're stuck with it for 60% of the game.
Oh no, by all means post the loli's I couldn't care less.
But MC:OWH is complete fucking garbage