Reminder that Mipha took Link's virginity

Reminder that Mipha took Link's virginity

who took Mipha's virginity?

>mainstream game where you fuck fish and crossdress
How did this happen?

stop posting this image

Does Zora pussy smell like human?

Sidon, of course


Zelda still best girl
Can't say no to that perfect body

>those teeth
>that voice
>probably smells like rotten fish
absolutely no standards

>implying Paya isn't best girl

Mipha and Zelda are both shit.
Paya is the best.

Is there a point when Statis+ will stop being utterly gamebreaking?
I mean, i don't complain but it's just hilarious.

Link isn't a girl.
Men can only take virginity not have it.

You could just, I dunno... stop using it so much?

The freakishly tiny legs ruined zora

sidon was a toddler when mipha died you autistic pedophile

That just confirms that sidon taked mipha virginity. Chad hung shota fish shark thing

autistic pedophile

You could say that he took... Mipha's Grace?

Said the autistic normie with shit taste

I guess you could say that he's sleeping with the fishes

rather be a normie than an autistic pedophile


>autistic normie

Wouldn't that be an.oxymoron?

>that look of excitement
>that hesitation
clearly they took each others virginity

Reminder that its still furfaggotry even if they have scales. Dont be a degenerate.

Welp, enjoy yourself then

It's not Link's fault that literally every female in Hyrule wants to fuck him.

But i destroyed my dick with dragons and then insulted the furfags... im so confused right now

>that literally every female in Hyrule wants to fuck him
i doubt about zelda. she's all tsundere on him.

Link is an autistic chad in this game
>chicks want him
>cracks skulls


Even Zelda wants to fuck him.

Hell, in Oracle of Ages a got dang tree wants to hit that.

yikes, that's feminine hair color


Imagine being such a massive chad that a goddess wants to fuck you so badly she takes human form and you end up in an eternal cycle of reincarnation and fornication with her.

>has such a bullshit strength all weapons he uses just fucking break in a few swings while sending even the heaviest enemies flying away
>even master sword just goes out of power when he swings it too much

And he's still the manliest man in Hyrule.

>t.Manlet with Poo colored hair

Best girl is the cook at the bazaar in Skyward Sword. The women in that game were all PAWGs but she was on another level.


Post it.

Was it one kiss?

>being this much of a mudcolored mutt all around