>play game
>has a cliffhanger ending
>said game did so poorly with critics and financially that the sequel was never made
Play game
Daniel Cook
Nathaniel Morgan
Can only think of two.
Pic related and Too Human.
Matthew Gomez
The Darkness 2
Cameron Perry
came here to post this
Anthony Miller
David Edwards
>series is reviewed well but doesn't sell well enough for a sequel
>eventually gets one years down the line
>its disappointing
Matthew Martin
is that Xian Lim?
Justin Lewis
>your waifu dies
>ends with an "it's not over yet" epilogue
>no Unreal 3 ever
it was a shitty game to begin with but somehow i still remember that part where your ship explodes and the whole crew dies
Robert Diaz
I have two games currently in this state.
Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery
Julian Carter
>The Order 1886
>Deus EX: MD