Does it even matter which one you play?

Does it even matter which one you play?

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seasons is better, so yes

Nah, it looks like pokemon, so the games are prolly the same.

Nah, they're actually two different games that link up to give you one massive game.

>we will never get 3D Zeldas like this or Minish Cap
End me. Capcom Zeldas were perfect.

No, just play both. Both Seasons and Ages are fine Zelda experiences and there's no real order you gotta do these games in. Just play both

one is action-oriented and the other is puzzle-oriented


Couldn't be further from the truth.

They're two separate games, when you beat one you get a code you enter when starting the other one, which unlocks bonuses and new storylines.

Ages has a time-travel mechanic and a focus on puzzles, Seasons has a season-changing mechanic and a focus on combat,

Damn I have those laying around somewhere I gotta find them.
ages is better btw

What does Seasons focusing on "action" or "combat" mean?

Are you retarded?

All that matters is that you play unlinked and linked games of each.

A far as I know, the combat is identical in both games. Are there just more enemies or something?

Which one should be played first? Or it doesnt matter but I will have to go back to the one I played first after beating second?

Played both, enjoyed seasons more but I think the final piece of content (for having completed both games) was on the ages cart iirc.

I honestly feel like whatever one you play first will affect how you feel. Like for instance I was so sick of Ages' shit by the end that just slaying simple dungeons in Seasons felt like a relief. Likewise you might feel Seasons is too shallow and really like Ages if you play that ina linked game.

But moosh is the cutesr

Seasons was what your retarded cousin played, Ages was the best of the two. It just ended up feeling the best ya know?

There's slightly more "KILL EVERYTHING ON SCREEN" vs "Push block to button" situations.
It's an intentional design choice to Nayru and Din's aspects of Wisdom and Power respectively.

It doesn't matter much, seasons happens first in the timeline for what it's worth and there's a few unique rings you can get.

Seasons then Ages
Ages then Seasons?
Which link events and such did you enjoy more. I think I prefer Seasons and then Ages

>Non-existent bite range
>Slow as fuck
>Fills Labrynna with even more water when the entire bottom third is already an ocean

>you will never get to play the third game in this series

>wanting areas filled with stupid fucking pits instead
l o l

is this like a wishful thinking post, or a bait to see if some dumbass thought there was a third cancelled game?

Being able to revisit Crescent Island early is kind of neat

>Wanting to go back

Not counting the area that changes depending on whut guy you have, as far as practical applications go

Hovering over multiple pits > 1 pit space jumping or 1 pit with a piece of grass that moosh can't pass > Something that link can do all the time (Swim)

Do seasons first, there's a map space in Ages that you can't get to without the code from seasons.

You can carry items over via the passwords, so doing ages first will make seasons a bit easier as you'll have more rings and what not

Completely different games.

Seasons has no plot and few puzzles and is basically a remake of Zelda 1, which is precisely what it started development as.

Ages is basically Ocarina of Time in 2D. Obviously the better game.

You can only get the true ending and final bosses by playing both, and the second game you play has many changes from what it would be if you played it first.

Hence you can only see everything by playing both games twice.

the console in quake was pretty cool

What was the lore behind the Moblin king?

Do I absolutely have to beat the games twice or can I directly enter a code to start newgame+ on my first playthrough?

Just something to emphasis the "shared" aspect. Like how the 6th miniboss is always that flying demon thing from Zelda 1.

Fight me.

You want to start in the middle of the story with no idea what's going on?

FUCK I've been wanting to play this but the Nintendo C&A makes it fucking impossible to find a decent ROM anywhere.

Square up nigga

But there was, this is common knowledge at this point

>he doesn't have a hacked 3DS

there actually was a third one in development but they couldn't figure shit out with the codes to make it cross 3 separate games so they've divided the content and put it in the other 2.

Seasons fags on damage control, Ages is clearly and objectively the better game



they're two completely different games you autistic faggot

>Ages is better
>Jabu Jabu's Belly can be broken to the point where it's 100% impossible to beat it and you have to start the entire game all over

In a series that's built and broken on its level design this is SHIT

Yes actually, unlike with Pokemon the games are actually different

how do you fuck up Jabu Jabu's belly though?

Jabu Jabu's Belly revolves around raise and lowering the water level. While underwater you can't push blocks and you need a small key on the 1st floor, which requires that you push a block. Now if you don't raise the water level to the 3rd floor then you're fine. However if you raise the water level to the 3rd floor before getting the small key on the first floor then you're fucked. Because you can't push the block that you need to reach the switch to bring the water level back down. So the only thing you can do is impotently swim around Jabu Jabu's Belly until you get bored or frustrated and start the entire game over.

That's bs Snake and you know it

shouldn't there be a second floor switch?

Everything from the end of Skull Dungeon to entering Ancient Tomb isn't any fun.

>Does it even matter which one you play?
Not really. You should still play both back to back regardless.
I'd still recommend Seasons first though.

Seasons plays more like the original LoZ and ALttP with dungeons being the focus and challenge. Finding/getting to them is also more "difficult" (as difficult as a Zelda can be, but if it was your first as a kid, kind of hard). Ages plays more like a 2D OoT or Majora's mask where you get to an area, solve some problem for the NPCs and that unlocks the dungeon. The dungeons themselves aren't that hard, nor is navigating the overworld. As people have said though, the full story is unlocked when you play both sequentially so you're really only choose which items you want available for the final final boss and which of the optional super dungeons you want to do. Also after beating the final final boss once you can play them in reverse order with another password to play the other optional super dungeon and fight the final final boss with the other set of items.

You should play both, twice.

something that link can do all the time so you don't need to waste time calling a partner > anything else.

Jesus fuck I forgot about that. Thanks for triggering my autism years later. This is going to bug me all day now.

Are you really that dense or just pretending?