If you have Playstation Plus, and you have yet to try this game, you seriously should. It's awesome...

If you have Playstation Plus, and you have yet to try this game, you seriously should. It's awesome. You go around slaughter beasts in a lovecraftian horror story, and you stay alive by drinking blood. Not just any blood mind you. Menstrual blood.

you really thought to post this here?

>in a lovecraftian horror story
You haven't read shit nigger if you think this is lovecraftian
>Not just any blood mind you. Menstrual blood.
Wow, nice joke Reddit! You did it!

>lovecraftian horror story
Good job with that spoiler asshole

>You haven't read shit nigger if you think this is lovecraftian

It quite clearly uses some Lovecraft lore, the creature designs and some locations are designed around it partially too.

Yeah there's no Lovecraft narrative but don't be naive.

You are, yes

>I only played 5 minutes and gave up
Or maybe
>lol lovecraft = squids :)))

>If you have Playstation Plus
So, if you're a cum guzzling retard that doesn't understand c is 0.66 through glass? gotcha

>I don't know shit about Lovecraft: the posts
Yeah man, I too remember all those books about slaying the fuck out of everything that weak human sees, lmao

I can't tell if these are joke posts
Or just people who haven't played it all the way through

>killing horrors and shit
I fucking love Bloodborne and even got platinum, but you're fucking wrong as fuck, fucking degenerates

Oh boy

>menstruel blood
Now I know you never played the game

>no DLC
What's the point?

To force faggots to buy dlc

Exactly that's the point. Oh you like the game we so generously gave you for free from the bottom of our hearts here at Sony. Now pay up and love it bitch

That's the thing DLC is never on sale and it costs the same as discounted GOTY bloodborne.

>psn plus
>gave you for free
c'mon man

But it is menstrual blood user, only women give you their blood

Overrated. Repetitive and frustrating.

found the scerub

>Menstrual blood
