So, nvidia said 2080 will be starting at current market 1080ti prices and 2060 at 500 bucks
Do you have a proper GPU for the next 3 years Sup Forums?
So, nvidia said 2080 will be starting at current market 1080ti prices and 2060 at 500 bucks
dokaan is best girl
>we live in a timeline were top range gpu for playing shitty aaa games is 1000$+
I have a proper video card because I'm not falling for the 4k meme.
No I've still got a R9 280X.
>tfw 970
>starting at current market 1080ti prices
>current market prices for everything are marked up to shit
Gee thanks nvidia
Memecard proves to be the best atm
citation needed
bought a 1080ti last march so im set for the next few years
>could have got a 1080ti cheap as fuck over a year ago
>ended up not getting it
>price is as much as my pc alone now
The real kicker is how much they've marked up laptop prices even though they're running mobile versions of those cards.
>welp, gtx 1060 6gb, it looks like it's just you and me for a few years
I also have a gtx 970. It's still great for 1080p.
Didn't even feel the need to overclock it yet.
980Ti, but considering I want to upgrade everything else (rest of PC is from 7 years ago), gonna have to wait a while with all the broken CPU's and RAM prices through the roof
Have a 1080. Wanted to wait for a 1080 Ti, but my 670 before that died, and I didn't want to go nearly a year on my previous GTX 275 to tide me over. I'll still be fine until at least the next gen, 2180 or whatever the fuck they call it.
>broken CPU's?
What? I'm not up to speed with intel shit but AMD has been killing it with Ryzen. And when Zen2 comes out on 7nm they're going to kill it again. Just go red, intel is shit anyways.
>RAM prices
China is getting ready to enter the RAM market, should drop prices pretty soon.
>1060 6GB
I'll be fine.
Don't ryzen still have spectre issues? What you say about RAM prices is encouraging though.
AMD CPU's can potentially be affected by spectre, but to a much lesser degree than intel chips, and their architecture wasn't affected by meltdown. And Zen2 will be just fine when that comes out next year;
>Shitty aaa ports
Fixed that for you.
Nice, I can even reuse my H60 cooler then, since it's still AM4, shame about release date, but nothing concrete from AMD on whether they will use 7nm, some articles saying they're hoping to be in 7nm production by end of 2018.