
>good gameplay, storytelling and graphics
>good artstyle and soundtrack

So what if they combine them and what developers should be involved in?

I don't want Western devs infecting Japanese ones.

>Horizzzon Zzzero Fun
>good gameplay, storytelling or graphics

>good storytelling
Fuck no, Western devs are the main proprietors of shitty storytelling. Just the first hour of Horizon: Zero Dawn is rife with terrible execution, acting, and writing. That, and an incredibly vapid aesthetic.

>combine them
>game has horrible character design
>mediocre gameplay
>obligatory fog horns at every boss fight
>Boss fights are HP sponges immune to statuses
>Forced black, slanted eye, blonde colored hair, strong female xer
>9h cutscene
>its a console "exclusive"
>Obligatory censoring
>RNG based lootboxes that cost 5 irl funny currency
>3k achievements including but not limited to starting up the game
>5 stage "final" boss
>turns out you are bad guy
>angels = bad, demons = good
>sekrit boss fight that rewards you with a lootbox shard

>good gameplay
Right because I love magnetic melee attacks, context sensitive actions everywhere and having a character control like they're in fucking molasses.

>good gameplay, storytelling and graphics


>game has horrible character design
If the West is in charge of that.


Both are shit
>good gameplay, storytelling
But this is especially bullshit

>good gameplay, storytelling and graphics

>good anything
The west has never beat Japan at game mechanics ever.
Games like Devil May Cry defined action, Tactics Ogre , front mission and Disgaea defined srpgs, with depth still unbeaten, Mega Man and Mario defining jump n runs, GT defining racing.

Japan has always been the best at mechanics and gameplay elements. All the west does is focus on "immersion" and emtpy shit padded with fillers and collectibles.

I liked HZD and like Aloys design precisely because she is not super cute or hot.

>sekrit boss fight that is a QTE and rewards you with a lootbox shard

Japan isn't very good at FPS.

west is imo better at crpg and tactical games.

Western games have the most fucking boring stories though.

This is most likely bait but you're still a fag

>good gameplay, storytelling and graphics
how ironic considering Japan always do it better when they attempt to do the same thing

>tons of waifu bait
>99% of them are unappealing but forced to pander to SJW audience
>3 furry waifus to bait the furry community to buy your game
>its turn based combat
>Todd Howard is on the team
>dialog includes only 3 options "reluctantly agree, agree, sarcastically agree"
>voiced MC
>survival horror JRPG
>crafting system
>"oy vey goim escort me to the other town"
>You run faster than NPC but walk slower than them
>5 voice actors voice all the NPC and main cast
>Mario reference to bait the nintenbros into buying the game
>Sanic reference to bait segafandomdrones
>Bosses only die in cutscenes only
>gg wp no re here is 1 gold for killing supper hard boss
>also he has 0.0001% chance to drop legendary item, go savescum to get it
>F5 and F6 most used keys in the game
>shows controller button tips
>150GB needed to storage the game
>130GB of those are the new and uncrackable protection system
>"Cracked by SKIDROW" Day 1
>blame pirates for no sales

>good gameplay, storytelling and graphics
If you mean back in the 90s and early 2000s, then I can agree with you. But modern day western games are a shit show.

>you can romance Todd Howard

Imbecile. The entire RPG genre was created in the west, including SRPGs. The JRPG genre only came in existence because Japanese developers ripped off early western computer RPG's. And no Japanese SRPG even comes remotely close to Jagged Alliance 2.

Then there are genres that are essentially non-existent in Japan, like strategy and simulation games and first-person games. The west made Ultima Underworld, a 3D game that still has a more complex simulation of a world than most games made toda, in 1992, long before Japanese developers even began thinking about 3D games. Stealth? MGS is a joke next to Thief, which came out in the same year.

>jump and runs
are you such a faggot that you cant call it a platformer like everyone else

>implying right is a "better" character design
>independent strong white woman who has a personality
>plastic altered gook who pretends to be innocent with tons of whitening

Western games have nowhere near as heavy an emphasis on story as Japanese games, which are filled with hour of cutscenes. Yet despite putting nowhere near as much effort into story, the west is way better. When it comes to RPG's for example,
Story is an afterthought in most WRPGS, I can't think of a single JRPG with narrative/worldbuilding as interesting as Deus Ex, Arcanum, Planescape: Torment, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Mask of the Betrayer, etc.

Not to mention all the great point and clicks like Grim Fandango and Gabriel Knight, and strategy games with great writing like Alpha Centauri and King of Dragon Pass.

>ripped off
And what did computer RPG developers do? That's right, they "ripped off" tabletop RPGs.

Sup Forums here
Sup Forums is even weeber than us
how is it even possible

Japanese stories are either overlly stupid or complete nothing.

you're not Sup Forums, I'm Sup Forums
fuck off

Sup Forums actually likes anime but hates the vidya, thats how

>plastic altered gook who pretends to be innocent with tons of whitening
She isn't a real person. And yes the Japanese are in fact better at character design.

>good gameplay

Yes, and you don't see the problem with that? Western developers grew up playing tabletop RPG's, and they translated that experience to video game form, which is why WRPG's have way more involved and interesting mechanics than JRPG's. Tabletop RPG's themselves were essentially a gamification of fantasy/sci-fi literature, which is why WRPG's also tend to have better writing.

Japanese developers on the other hand never touched tabletop RPG's, but were exposed to the earliest computer RPG's, which were very primitive and simple experiments to translate that tabletop experience to video game form. To this day, most JRPG's are still Ultima/Wizardry clones with better production values that only utilize RPG mechanics in the most simple ways.

Name the best japanese video game stories you know of. I’m not arguing western games don’t have good world building but the actual stories just bore me to tears. Planescape and Deus Ex are exceptions for me but even then I didn’t enjoy them as much as japanese game stories.

i don't think so tim
Sup Forums is full of normies

Well, Anachronox was a JRPG with a pretty good story.

No wait, it was a JRPG clone made by a western developer. I'm afraid I can't come up with any Japanese games with good writing.

You are changing the topic. You claimed the Japanese "ripped off" something when in fact they did not "rip off" any more than anyone else.

>Health potions everywhere
>"Goym go crawl that dungeon for the nth time"
>Isometric map view
>random fight events every few steps
>its a grindfest that forces you to collect 1k pig snot with a 10% chance of drop
>main questline is 1h long including all the fights
>side quests are non cannon but longer and better made as if someone with passion worked on them
>the only difference between level 1 mob and level 100 is the HP
>day 1 DLC for half the game price
>MC is boy in his teens
>at least 10 belts on his clothes AT ALL TIMES
>refuse to use his powers despite being OP as shit
>story revolves around "The ancient evil that was awoken from his slumber"
>there is that one smug bastard that hinders your progress for his own goals
>"Gorrilion endings guys go replay"
>has only 3 endings
>Tolkien universe inspired races and enemies
>0 original things to fight or join
>Smug assassin guild wants to kill you
>Smug fighters guild thinks they are hot shit despite you being in full dragon ass bone armor wielding dragon lower jaw greatsword

>expecting actual weeaboos to not be utter plebs

>I'm afraid I can't come up with any Japanese games with good writing.
Wasn’t asking that, just name me ones with the best story you’ve experienced.

>Todd is on the team.
>if you pirate the game he will instantly kill the Mc when you meet him while yellin"Buy my game"!

11/10, must buy
>Health potions everywhere
>not automatic health pick-ups

I'm saying western developers have a vastly more hollistic understanding of RPG's and their mechanics, whereas for most Japanese developers, an RPG is a game that combines aspects of Wizardry and Ultima.

There is a reason why every RPG element that was considered innovative or unique was first implemented in a WRPG. That includes even tropes people now associate with JRPG's, like getting access an airship that lets you fly over the world.

>gameplay, storytelling, graphics


No videogame has good storytelling,Western games gave up on gameply from gen 7 and framerates over 30fps aren't targeted for 95% of games

day one buy

>Sup Forums here

If the Japanese "ripped off" something then so did Westeners. Period.


>150GB needed to storage the game
>130GB of those are the new and uncrackable protection system
>"Cracked by SKIDROW" Day 1

No, I am not pathetic for stating a fact. You can't have this both ways.

What's this have to do with anything? Japan invented action RPGs yet it's still considered a mostly western genre. How it started is irrelevant.

>good gameplay
>posts some castrated MH knockoff

>mediocre gameplay and mediocre writers that are worried it'll piss off feminists if it's too provocative
>good gameplay, but often bogged down with anime cliches and waifu bait



Imbecile. Western action-RPG's predate the Japanese ones (and even those early Japaneses one didn't really have RPG elements). Temple of Apshai for example came ou in the 70's.

>>yet it's still considered a mostly western genre.

Maybe by weebs who only played on console and whose first exposure to western RPG's were games like Oblivion and Mass Effect,

>good gameplay

You can't even come up with arguments anymore because you know I'm right, and earlier you just tried to change the subject.

Not him but
>literal naruto poster


Waifu bait does not exist and a game isn't bogged down with something just because it isn't part of your culture.

spotted the redditor, get out of here

Western games don't have good gameplay though.

This, unironically. Though I think FFT comes pretty close to JA2 if you're talking about good games overall.

Go ahead and explain why the Japanese were guilty of ripping off when they copied CRPGs whereas CRPGs developers were not doing the same to tabletop RPGs.

>>good gameplay, story

Nu-Sup Forums, everyone.

>Waifu bait does not exist and a game isn't bogged down with something just because it isn't part of your culture.

>The west ripped off Tabletops
>Which were also created in the west
Really makes me think!

>despite having health potion you regen out of combat to full HP in 1 atoseccond
>"See those hills, you can walk on them"
>Have mounts, but no mounted combat
>RNG based inn gable game
>day - night cycle with no difference but the light
>MC is from some forgotten small village of 10 people
>despite the fact the king should have a trained army he lets a party of 1 boy in his teens, 1 catgirl assassin, 1 Big McLarge warrior and 1 small girl mage go fight that ANCIENT EVIL
>they actually win
>Here is your reward
>cutscene of a parade and unskipable credit roll
>NG+ gives you 1 extra stat and nothing else
>"You unlocked hard mode"
>hard more enemies are HP sponges only
>SKIP button on bosses
>you can skip even the final boss
>sue modders if they even think of modding your game
>single player game
>main developer is on twitter 24/7 ranting about some 12y old that say his game is shit


Doesn't matter. They still ripped off someone else's work.

Leave, neo-Sup Forums

>Waifu bait does not exist
i know weebs get pretty defensive, but don't pretend that jap developers don't actively target the permavirgin crowd.

this is waifu bait m8

If you don't know why Asahi is so relevant to your post then that means you are a mouthbreather that know ni arguments.

I do believe that Jap games are superior but you are an idiot if you believe what you said.

>>good gameplay, storytelling

Xin Xianying is a real person dumbass. Or at least she was, 1800 years ago.

anyone who says jrpgs have good gameplay is fucked in the head

Not that guy, but if you can't see the difference between designing a computer RPG inspired by and based on actual TTRPGs and just taking inspiration from other, rudimentary computer RPGs, then I don't know what to tell you

You have no evidence I'm a weeb, and waifubait doesn't exist because you can't create a waifu and you can't predict or control whether someone will marry a character.

Again: what?

I don't even know what "Asahi" is let alone what's supposed to make it relevant. I don't have encyclopedic knowledge of every Japanese thing ever conceived.

We are talking about the character dumbass.

>Another Japan vs the rest of the world thread

There is no difference. If one is guilty of ripping off then so is the other.

Why can't you people just accept that it's completely normal and fine to take inspiration from other people's works and that people have been doing it for thousands of years?

Dude, don't make fun of small girl mage, she's my wife and best girl of he game.

But she's so boring and she talks all the time to say inane shit. Too realistic for me.

>There is no difference. If one is guilty of ripping off then so is the other.
Did Peter Jackson rip off LotR when he turned it into a movie?

Embarrassing yourself I see, If you are going to defend your stance at least have thr decency of researching a little bit.

Oh and pro tip, she's from a very very recent MAINSTREAM game.

>>good gameplay, storytelling

You are changing the subject again because you have no argument.

"Asahi" is a highly generic word that doesn't tell me anything and you have given no reason as to why whatever it is should have any relevance. The only one embarrasing themselves here is you.

>Sup Forums actually likes good anime but hates the vidya, thats how

fixed because the anime Sup Forums likes are shit

>newfag still trying to push this meme

>gameplay and soundtrack made in japan (platinum games)
>storytelling and artstyle made in Europe (Cd Projekt)
>graphics made in America (EA, Activision, Ubisoft, doesn't matter)

The perfect game

>good gameplay
>good storytelling
You have a point with the graphics.

End yourself manimefag.


you are the newfag

>End yourself manimefag.
no way, haremf/a/g

Sup Forums also doesnt try to defend Japan's honor to death. Not even fucking /jp/ does that, but for some reason, if you talking something bad about Japan, Sup Forums throws a bitch fit.

You guy are the a true weebs.

>soundtrack made in Japan
No thanks

And you're trying to spin it in the direction of your agenda.
You're not fooling anyone, newfag redditot.

The point that was being made was in response to someone who claimed that the Japanese defined (strategy) RPGS, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. Heck, think about the term 'SRPG' for a moment.

In Japanese RPG's, if combat takes place on a grid, it has to be labeled as an SRPG (despite having no strategy layer like something like X-COM) and spun of in its own subgenre.

Meanwhile, WRPG's have had turn-based combat taking place on a grid as part of normal gameplay since the 80's, yet nobody calls these games 'strategy RPGs'.

So now there is this false narrative that the SRPG genre was defined by Japanese developers when, if anything, they were just catching up to what Western developers were doing decades before.

>no artstyle director.