Reminder that Hunt is a success, Microsoft invested in them and they are currently working on an Xbox game!
Crytek is here to stay, Sup Forumsiggers.
Reminder that Hunt is a success, Microsoft invested in them and they are currently working on an Xbox game!
Crytek is here to stay, Sup Forumsiggers.
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>Sup Forumsiggers
I can tell you're trying to make something catch on. Don't.
what the fuck is a vigger
Reminder that these are the same chucklefucks who claimed that anyone who played single-player games was 'antisocial' and that the future of gaming was multiplayer overloaded with microtransactions. Crytek crashed and burned and they blamed everyone but themselves. Fuck these guys and their shitty engine.
Looks like you have to wait a bit longer until they're dead
As far as I'm concerned, they died after Crysis 3, probably earlier.
shut up, Sup Forumsigger
you're a Sup Forumsigger
okay but theyre back boi
hunt is incredibly fun but needs optimization. I don't regret buying it at all though.
I'm on the fence about buying it mind convincing me? Was hoping it'd be good enough for buddy and I to get into
idk, what do you want from it?
Good time mostly maybe be spooked here and there
at this point sentence "working with microsoft", especially for a studio on its last breath, sounds like a final death sentence.
>maybe be spooked here and there
I will say that CryEngine has always looked fantastic in natural environments.
>that hud
>those highlighted objects to interact with
So should I get it then?
It is definitely a good game to play with a friend. It is also a rather slow game, you dont just run in and shoot people, it is very tactial and you have to plan your moves carefully. Maybe watch some streams to see if you like it, the atmosphere is really intense sometimes, especially at night time.
Yes? It's atmospheric as hell and most people agree that atmosphere and sounddesign are the strongest aspects of the game.
It's a game, dumb animeposter.
Yeah, also PVP is not a must. If you have a weak hunter the smartest thing to do is to avoid others, do some clues and kill PVE enemies and then go to an extraction so you can upgrade your character.
crytek bring back timesplitters
>all that shit on screen
If anything it ruins everything. If I have to judge the sound design from the video linked earlier, it's pretty shit. Both the quality and lacking of certain sounds is annoying. The hands popping up in le spooky vision is also fucking dumb, but I can look past that.
also I have to add that I really like the progression system. You start out with good enough stuff to be successful but not too overwhelmed and all the stuff you unlock is useful and expands your repertoire. The guns all feel very good and unique. Theres also no mtx.
Sounds like youre just jaded and have too much nostalgia for eurojank
All they really had to do was create a crysis remaster for the 10th anniversary that was only playable at ultra on 1080/1080ti. They needed to be memed for another 5 years “can it run crysis remastered?”
Or even just release crysis trilogy on consoles and console gamers would eat that shit up no problem. But I’m glad they’re doing well, good on them.
how quickly does it get stale? does every encounter feel different?
>not Euro
What? Also, what makes you assume I'm jaded? I just pointed obvious flaws that don't add anything to the atmosphere, only retract from it. If the hud and item highlighting are option than that's half the problems already fixed/gone.
shut up, Sup Forumsirgin
If that grass was subtly swaying in the wind, this would be an absolutely kino background.
>its from europe so its automatically eurojank
Crytek had a golden child with Crysis and they threw it away to hunt COD-money with the bland sequels.
They are incompetent and they can fuck it up again.
EA owns publishing rights for Crysis
The map is not huge but feels big because it is dense and you traverse it pretty slowly compared to other games. Also the matches itself are pretty unique because the target always spawns in a different location, so the way you get to them is different each time. Theres currently 2 different bosses but they will add new ones and also other game modes. I have not been bored yet, but I'm motivated to get further with the ranks to unlock the new weapons. I wouldn't worry about long term motivation.
>implying I care about reddit lingo
How many classes are there? Some of them looked neat from the trailer I saw on Steam
Hunters go from LVL 0 to lvl 3
at level 0 and 1 you look like some hillbilly farmer so youre pretty visible. at lvl 2 and 3 you start to get better skins like pic related so its gonna be harder to see you
is leveling them tedious?
Idk. Ive been playing around 20 hours and still at lvl 1. Don't know how leveling works desu
It is tier I II and III and every hunter can get up to level 50. At blood rank 30 you have a chance of recruiting t 2 hunter
I just bought it lad you managed to convince me lol. Hope it doesn't end up a refund since it seems so promising
You level each hunter individually, its not so bad if you lose one because it is possible to win matches with a level 1 hunter. There are no real classes, what you can and can't do depends on how you build and equip your hunter. The upgrades you get on a leveled hunter are useful but you are never truly overpowered compared to your conpetition. They are mostly things like being able to recover stamina a bit faster or being able to carry 2 rifles. Theres the hunter level and separate from that Bloodline level (basically account level) that you advance globally which unlocks you new stuff and later allows you to recruit tier 2 hunters that cost more but start with a little better equipment.
>tfw almost done
here goes nothing lad
Nice source, homo. Is it Ryse 2?
Another Xbox exclusive, hell yeah!
it will also be on PC, remember user MS doesnt do exclusives anymore
SeeFuck PC gaming, you’re retarded if you fell for that.
I hope The Hunt fails so Timesplitters has a chance of being freed.
>tfw not an amerimutt so prices are normal
sold 160k in a week
and what if Crytek is making timesplitters for xbox and pc? ;)
you know remember GTA selling 11mio in a DAY
>Crytek is here to stay
You know how I know you're the CEO of Crytek trying to justify your dying company?
>Sup Forumsiggers
It look interesting.
But sadly it will probably not catch on.
Every game that have tried to go really excentric with their pvp style just die.
At least is not asymetrical so it may have a chance, and lets hope that crytec dont go full lootbox in their desesperation to make money, because that may turn off a ton of people, even if the boxes just have hats.
>tfw PC gaming when consoles are more relevant than PCs in the US
Feels good
>comparing a EA game that had zero advertising and just dropped out of nowhere on Steam to GTAV
stay mad Sup Forumsigger
I've been playing that shit nonstop
I genuinely don't know how people get down to zero and die
Shit is so intense
Team fights inside the boss chamber are some of the most fun I've had playing vidya in a long time
>early access
No thanks
I agree with you. It was my main issue with KC:D as well. That game had an even more obnoxious HUD and it pissed me right the fuck off.
>I genuinely don't know how people get down to zero and die
they dont know that you dont need to fight others so they go into gunfights with level 0 free hunters, shit weapons and low health and keep dying.
I've played it for the last three days and only got off because I had shit I had to do
The encounters will be the same but will unfold differently but in a good way
If you get the boss clues early you have to decide if you want to go in for it and take it out quick
If you do this a few things can happen
Someone comes in mid fight and turns the boss fight into a cluster fuck in which you gotta fight people and the boss
You're allowed to kill the boss and people come in while you're banishing
They catch your ass outside after you collect the bounty
The one that rarely happens, no one stops you from making it out with the bounty
You can always be on the other end of these scenarios being the antagonist
It makes my heart race when I get hit, have no idea where from and I'm on a tiny island surrounded by brush and I have to sit there trying to counter sniper
The weapons really make the game great, I haven't ran into one that made me feel like an unstoppable monster but at the same time they do work and get the job done when used right
You feel vulnerable but with a fighting chance, great balance imo
you say nu-crytek like they were releasing games left and right.
When what was the lst nu-crytek game that came out was?
Crisis 3?
The moba doesnt count because it never came out.
There was some VR gimmick game involving dinosaurs
Pick one
this looks like the sort of game that is only fun with friends and I don't have any of those
Nah I've had plenty of fun with randoms or playing alone
I actually think playing with a friend would take some of the fun away because we'd no doubt get on discord and ruin the part of the game where others can hear you talk if you're close enough
Immersion ruined
It's £20 on greenmangaming
s-should I do it?
Never heard of this until today and it actually looks pretty good. Is it worth it in it's current state?
I just bought it several posts ago and am having a good time. When the pve/pvp stuff comes together it can be tense
Fuck it it's only £20, I'll get it
why isnt there a general for the hunt?
Good. They're the best graphics developers, but one of the worst game developers.
Remember Warface?
>turkroaches absconded with all the money
>but they can still pay a shill squad on 4chinz of all places
>tfw just played a fun match with a random bro
>no way to add him
I miss you already HK13
It has multiplayer and Sup Forums is absolutely shit at video games so they'd get killed all the time while achieving nothing.
That's also why Sup Forums doesn't like R6.
>Search for people on Steam
>go to their profile
>add them
I did it's just none of them seem to be him
IRC steam has a recent players tab on add friends?
the game hasn't implemented that shit yet
yeah, this
>my download speed is 10mb/s
>steam download speed is 1.5mb/s
>1.7GB of 13.3GB
so tell me straight how is the hunt?
I really dig that time frame/ setting
I really want this game. First time it goes on sale I'll buy it, that'll give them time to figure their shit out and see if hackers are an issue.
Of course hackers are going to be an issue, it's a fucking PC game dedicated around PVP. Fucking hate you guys.