What kind of games does the Switch need right now?

What kind of games does the Switch need right now?

More tiddies

Games for well adjusted adults and not kiddieshit/weebshit. A shame that will never happen though,

You mean like FIFA?

more robust single player games

last year had 4, for the moment this year has none

Some horror focused exclusive like Eternal Darkness probably would be cool. Stuff that makes the library more diverse is always good.

Multiplayer/Coop Online like Smash, Dark Souls and DQ X

Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2 in English. I want a Musou. Fire Emblem franchise is weeb shit. Already have Hyrule Warriors. Not interested in yet another Samurai/Dynasty Warriors or another licensed IP like One Piece.

Also Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Nobunagas Ambition in fucking english WHEN?

Also what Switch really honestly needs is more games that can be played with a single joycon.

Good games. Every game so far is either a port or just garbage

An arpg similar to path of exile or grim dawn

This. Switch needs games like Horizon, Uncharted 4 and Persona 5.

He said good games.

DQ has multiplayer?

Like what then, smart ass?

user, payday 2 and Outlast just came out with Outlast 2 on the way.

>single joycon game

Vertical? becuase fuck that horizontal babby pad bullshit

>Payday 2
>Robust singleplayer

what the whole system needs is easier split / full joycon support. I don't want to force everyone to play with a half joyon in bomberman because if we're only 1 short of having enough for everyone to play with 2. That's retarded

Unirionically team fortress 2, or at least overwatch.

I just want one class shooter. Splatoon isn't the same

I wanna see someone pull off an RTS with the touchscreen. I wanted this since back in the Wii U days.

Anything.....just....anything.....please Nintendo ;_;

Can you play Bomberman with 8 Pro controllers, or do you have to split 4 joycon pairs in order to do that?

meant for oops

For devs to come around on the Switch from the HD clones already, as well as the Vita devs to start producing stuff.

Consistent indie releases are fine and all, but more big games from established devs would strengthen the library.

horizontal, though vertical would also be appreciated for some games like J.B. Harold or even Mario.

>Suda wants to try to make the new Travis game work with a single joycon
He's doing the right thing.


more 1st party games

no idea

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to but then again mk8 online 2 player requires players to either use 1 joycon or a pro controller with now 2 joycon option which again is retarded so who the fuck knows. I'd honestly prefer they just ditch hd rumble and the ir blaster to bring these things down to a not obscene cost because jesus fucking christ

Vita devs have moved to PS4

l meant new games, not shit l've played twenty years ago

Good new AAA action and jrpg exclusives
Ports of xenoblades and mario xalaxy.
Xenosaga 3 games
Rune factoriy, persona, smt
Some good final fantasy games, tales.
Danganronpa port all games, life is strange, persona5

Some good korean aaa mmo with good updates, like tree of savior, to spend24/7

Name 3

Does Payday 2 have gyro aiming?

They haven't, other than planned multiplats. Nintendo just have to welcome them with open arms. DQ Builders and Ys8 is a good start.

Fallout 4

Cant because no vita devs

Gravity days

>Games for well adjusted adults
What a letdown after Wii U era.

>all censored

Halo 2

>Those Bayonetta 2 screenshots
Welp, I know what I'm getting.

>all censored
One girl in XCX and one girl in Fatal Frame.

Such as?

Racing games
Pokemon with gameplay changes
Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing to grab millions of female buyers

More first party games and more RPGs.

Also fun party games like early Mario Party and a real Golden Sun reboot.

Games with good gameplay, like Uncharted and Bloodborne.

Harvest Moon will launch this year


Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons?


>Plays videogames
>Thinks he is a well adjusted adult

I'd love brutal doom in it but that will never happen.

>has a wife
>thinks he will be well adjusted in the next 20 years

Yeah, I do have a wife, what is your point?

suicide is just a divorce away for some men

Personally I feel fifa would help Nintendo into the UK/ Europe. Sports are one of the few games that would benefit from portability.

t. Sonybro

Animal crossing game with a dating mechanic, I want to romance kicks

It has FIFA

FPS, racing, sports. The 3 genres Nintendo has completely failed to get in the last few generations. WRPGs will help as well.

They just need to market the shit out of gyro aiming.

>knack 3

Yeah, actual point and click aiming on a console has so much potential. I usually hate FPSes on consoles, but if third party devs actually take this thing seriously it could be the best FPS console ever.

>fe is weebshit
>dq isn't

>"Fire Emblem franchise is weeb shit"
>Dragon Quest somehow isn't

>People keep memeing and mentioning Sony exclusives
>I've secretly wanted Nintendo to trade Eternal Darkness for MediEvil for years now.

Sony could do wonders with Eternal Darkness, and Nintendo could make MediEvil something special. Lord knows Resurrection proved Sony don't know how to make light hearted games anymore.

He's not wrong

Sony doesn't give a single shit about their IPs when third party licensing and PS+ makes them dosh.

He's only not wrong if he's talking exclusively about the 3DS games. Something like FE6 or FE9 is no more weeb than DQ is.

Persona 5
