What are some good rhythm games besides pic related?
What are some good rhythm games besides pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
project mirai
tako no tatsujin
dj hero
EBA is the best in the category
>Not liking RH
fuck off man
Beatmania IIDX
Project Diva, Taiko, Superbeat XONiC, DJMAX, Amplitude, Invector
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is fun but I kind of fucking hate playing rhythm games on a 3DS
It is baby's first rhythm game though
Unironically Love Live
Eat my cock for that RH opinion. Also parappa is garbage.
>Console rhythm games
Osu a best
the oracles goron mini game was crafted by Satan. thank motherfucking Christ the 3DS ROM has save states, skipped that entire sequence.
I actually loved that minigame.
Gh3. Pure kino.
>baby's first (genere) game
dosen't mean it's bad
>mouse/touch gestures
>user-made charts
I'm so disappointed that the first post wasn't this
Osu on its own is pretty good but it's really hard to find good beatmaps. The only one I remember enjoying a lot was the "Don't Stop Me Now" map with the cool EBA/PW crossover. And playing it with a mouse is just painful most of the time.
t. hasn't played RH Megamix train challenge
The visual language of that game pisses me off though
>reflective surfaces with red triggers in a mostly-red void world
>tunnels with sharp turns so you can't see what's coming
It's fun and intense when you know what to do, but it can be really frustrating and at times feel unfair.