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Who's next?
The players
It reshaped the industry and lured the normies market.
That's why you have AAAAA games with those production value behind it now.
Highest Sales Category Winner: Nintendo Wii
Most Fun Online Category: Microsoft Xbox 360
Ten Hour Updates Category: Sony PlayStation 3
Congratulations to our winners. *applause*
pc did like always dude
Sales wise? The Wii.
In terms of games, PS3 surpassed it at some point, but if you look ONLY at exclusives, then Wii wins again.
If you consider multiplats, PS3 won.
>no red dead
>had to wait at least a year for some of the best multi-plats
>hacked, brazilian versions of the halo games
>forced to use the xbox controller to even play certain games
360 won in terms of social impact. PS3 was seen as the inferior/dead console & pretty much the Xbox One of Gen 7 even if it did end up recovering towards the end. I mean Sony never & still haven’t found their own Halo 3 or Reach equivalent.