I’ve seen this Vermintide game pop up a few times in Steam recommended lists, and apparently there’s a sequel coming up.
It looks like a left 4 dead sort of game but with more focus on melee. Is that accurate? Does it look worth buying, or has the sequel harvested the players?
I’ve seen this Vermintide game pop up a few times in Steam recommended lists, and apparently there’s a sequel coming up
Yes, it's renaissance fantasy l4d with thrice as much content.
I thought L4D had way more maps
That’s good to hear, I like a bit of co-op.
Is it like L4D, where the characters are basically the same, or is there a bit more customisation?
Also, is each map cut into 4-5 acts, or is it a single run for each one?
In l4d maps are split for some reason, and they haven't imported maps from V1 to V2 yet.
The first game have almost the same HUD as l4d and plays like it, but only with melee focus. Also, tacked on loot system.
The second one is more different with more classes and interesting class abilities.
14 maps in vanilla V1 and one as the last stand. 10 more in dlcs.
13 in V2.
Both games will get extensive modding support soon.
What are the planned contents for V2?
They gonna add the ones from V1?
Gonna get new chars or anything?
On the verge of buying it right now, but i want to know if its going to have at least minimal official support, i know about the modders.
Guess i’ll Have a look at it.
Forgive me for being lazy, but When does the game release?
I feel like it´s wasted potential
From the sound of it, they’l go with their dlc standard in 1, and add map packs with new weapons.
Possibly new careers too.
New character is possible, but i personally doubt it. Making the extra careers all distinct from the current crew would be a challenge, not to mention the cost/effort of getting a new VA on par with the others and getting the old ones to record new reaction lines, as well as the fact that they’d need to get an extra guy for each DLC they make after it.
>All these people rushing headless through the levels, not picking up any supplies, tomes or grims, Being blind to what the rest of the team is doing, and never ever helping with anything
Fuck me this game. Quick play is going to be shit for a while isn't it.
I would be ok if the just gave us the option for new characters that play like the set. so that you don´t get "clones"
plus I just need a male bright wizard, their flaming beards look so cool
If you play elf and host, 60% of your troubles will Miraculously vanish
It looked interesting until i learnt that the cute elf was female :// i guess i'll play as the fire witch
How do the new bosses play?
Rat ogre was a bit too easy in 1, honestly. It was only a threat if you had a horde to deal with on top.
it feels like the bile troll is a lot more brutal than earlier in the betas.
Stormfiend is cool.
Chaos spawn is brutal.
I don't remember being completely blinded and slowed to a crawl in the earlier betas
I know man.
IT's so fucking harsh, slowed doesn;t even sound right anymore, it basically paralizes you.
End game revolved around getting better loot from a bounty board, which changes daily. Half of the bounties are often DLC locked, so hope you plan on either getting all the DLC or not have anything to do on some days.
you only need to have one friend with the dlc... you do have friends right?
You can't accept the bounties if you don't have the DLC yourself I think. You can join the missions with a friend.
The bounties themselves are locked behind DLC though.
The troll kneeling down and crawling after you in tight enclosures was a nice touch.
You can at least block the damage over time.
Though I’m fairly sure that’s a bug
Honestly it was easier to just play nightmare missions most of the time if you wanted gear.
Only the reds were actually worth getting a bounty for.
I mean to be fair having the troll be an actual threat is still better than it being a minor road bump.
This is what people have to resort to with this garbage state Sup Forums is in, they have to pretend to not know about the game or mods will move it to /vg/ because they are fucking autistic.
Just make /eceleb/ or /twitter/ already you retards. Can't have 1 thread about a new videogame every day in Sup Forums - videogames, but all the stupid garbage in here gets to stay.
Fucking kill yourselves or quit if you're not going to try and fix this place, autistic mods.
Troll is insane now, the hardest and most fun to fight against and he was a joke in two previous betas. He regenerates hp quickly, vomits on large distances, which hurts af, completely blinds you and basically slows you down so much that you can barely move. He is hard alone, not to mention in horde.
Chaos Spawn was the hardest before. He is fast, can grab player and eat him to get HP
Rat Ogre is no threat at all, you can easily block and dodge his attacks.
Stormfiend is shit. His warpthrower often helps in killing horde, his weak point on back is easy to hit and he often changes target not doing anything
Actually, it seems to be mainly soldiers and dwards causing me these problems.
We can't even talk about games that haven't even fucking released yet.
The beta is up now for people who preorder and progress will be carrying over to the full game, so it's basically out now
>*Targets you with tracking blinding slowing damaging bile vomit*
Do we have any idea yet, how much the pyromancers passive skill increases crit chance? Should i just stick to battle wizard for now, or is that weak looking homing firespear actually worth something?
>cannot talk about upcoming video games on Sup Forums - Video Games without the thread being moved to /vg/ - Video Game Generals
what the fuck happened to this place? after harmony thread 2 days ago i thought this place still had some fucking hope left
It's Sup Forums - Worksafe Random, now. Get with the program.
what weapon is decent for the wizard? the starting sword seems alright
>Smart ass taking Grims when we are struggling as a tram
>Lose 3 minutes later
Sup Forums threads are when the circle jerking is contained. /vg/ kills fun content 95% of the time
>that guy who takes the second grim on against the grain before we’ve fought the ogre
What the fuck motivates someone to do this
>those fags that rush through everything and point out everything and ruin any kind of exploration for new players
this is a l4d thing, isn't it?
Is there any reason to not keep your heat as low as possible as Sienna?
Shooting fire at stuff?
Pyromancer and Unchained get buffs for high overheat.
Last I heard unchained was risky due to potentially blowing up if you ate too many attacks.
Pyromancer gets increased crit the more overheated you are, and Unchained also benefits from being overheated. I believe it increased Unchained's melee power or some such.
do tomes and grims always spawn on the same place?
look faggot I'm trying to level my character and get good loot in a timely manner while doing it I don't give a fuck about your exploration, go play with bots if you want to go slow
>Bile Trolls were pretty tough in the previous beta
>encountered one just past the very first wheat field in Against the Grain yesterday
>knocks a cunt back half a mile and vomits on him
>vomits on two of us and knocks us down
>other guy loses all his health kiting it around, goes down as he picks another one of us up
>2 minutes later the sad bastard that had to crawl through glue from the next farm over finally returns to us
>troll keeps regenerating as there's only ever one up to fight him at a time, if anyone else is up they're either rezzing others or trudging through stomach molasses
>this goes on for 10 minutes until he kills all of us
Only 3 maps.
Full game march 8th.
I played an earlier beta. Skipping this beta and waiting to full release.
Only playing 3 maps for a whole week seems like a great way to get bored of the game much quicker than one usually might.
>playing through swamp level for first time with my group
>bile troll spawns right before the entrance to the final area so we fight it in the big swampy forest floor
>already slow in the bog water, cant move at all if you get caught in his vomit
>slaps send you across the level into other enemies
>chaos warriors EVERYWHERE
>completely exhaust resources clearing everything
Sometimes recruit really ramps itself up in unexpected ways but fuck me that bog is awful to fight in. Thank god BH has that huge fuck off pistol.
is there a map for spawn locations?
Zealot still crashing games?
its shit. cant fuck rats
>elf constantly rushes through the level not waiting for the others
I hate those knife eared pieces of shit
You know what's funny is Kerillian is the most broken op character in that game, but only shitters ever seem to manage to play her.
fuck off elf shitter
>Shitters are drawn to OP characters
That has been the case since the dawn of online gaming.
My point was, you'd think the op character would at least on some level carry them, but it never seems to.
Good players generally want more of a challenge.
The only elf mains that are good tend to be people blocking the spastics from playing her
Honestly Slayers are even worse.
>Look guys I can jump in the middle of a storm vermin pack and get my ass handed to me in seconds, lol
>"the sequel is way better!"
>it's literally the same
She might be easy but she's also really uninteresting to play since you can just wade through things with more relative safety than any other classes. I do want to give the spear a try because it looked like a nice change of pace but I can't bring myself to do it when salty and kruber are waiting for me.
>it's literally the same
>it literally literally isn't.
>tfw cant refund anymore
I this game early access so I can refund like I did with the first game?
Are you retarded on purpose?
The spear is pretty nice, but the fucking glaive is where its at. That thing is amazing. Dual Daggers are also really fuckin' good.
What the fuck guys, it's the same game as the last one. I thought Vermintide 2 was supposed to be a kart racer?
>A sequel takes the original concept and enhances it while adding more stuff instead of fucking it up.
>"hurr durr it's the same game guys"
If I could go back in time, I would buy deep rock galactic, which also came out yesterday.
I can tell Vermintide 2 is going to get boring in 20-30 hours absolute max. It just doesn't have the feel that l4d did, or versus.
Slayers are either amazing or shit
There’s no in between.
>elf still fucks up all the time despite being the strongest
Nothing changed.
You’re thinking of total warhammer.
Though Franz is absolutely bullshit round corners, and Grimgor’s acceleration Is retardedly high
it's the exact same game with a couple extra things. the only difference is that they're charging you like it's a $30 game instead of a $10 vt1 dlc. there are no new mechanics. just add-on tier content.
>no new content
>except for the new content
I suppose that at least in vt1. trueflight meant that even the worst shitters could randomly kill something useful.
delete can you not see the complex new mechanics?
>whole new enemy type
>shit loads of new special enemies
>each character got three new specs with different passives, abilities, talent trees, and spec specific weapons
>entirely new campaign
It literally does exactly what a sequel should do. Take what was great from the first game and improve upon it.
Why do they need to reinvent the wheel?
Nobody had trueflight at the start, and even with trueflight they're just hang back and get killed in there instead of running ahead and dying at the front.
it honestly needed vs mode or not to exist
I'd like a versus mode as well, but that doesn't answer my question.
because the previous wheel struggled to maintain a 1000 player daily average throughout its entire lifecycle?
>there are no new mechanics.
>first time ever having the Wolfenstein Rat boss spawn
>he almost party wipes us and the only thing that saves the group is Huntsman Krueber going invisible and reviving the other three downed players before his invisibility ends and he goes down himself
I'd rather fight Chaos Spawns than dealing with that shit again.
It had a healthy and stable playerbase, nothing wrong with those numbers.
Because that matters in a 4 player game?
>Dead games get no updates!
It literally got a new level added like a week go
everything you listed is dlc or addon tier srsly how much do you get for shilling this game?
Clearly did well enough to warrant a sequel
It doesn't have guns. So of course casuals wont be playing it. Just look at all the l4d faggots we have here.
>It doesn't have guns
Then name one game. just 1 fucking game. You think does squeal right.
1000 players daily average for a 2 year old game is pretty good
>It doesn't have guns
Did you even play the game?
The one handed mace is actually fucking godlike and murders Chaos Marauders and Warriors like no one's business while also able to toss rat shits around for horde crowd control.
Elf was only strongest for a brief time.
Saltzpyre and Sienna werenbest to start with, then Siena and Kerillian, then Kerillian, then Attack Helicopter Kruber reigned supreme, then they were more or less balanced with Saltzpyre trailing behind
>1000 players daily average
>for a mp only game
the absolute state of vermintide shills