>Both Parents have blonde hair
>Has brown hair
What the fuck is wrong with the people who design these characters?
Both Parents have blonde hair
who cares just watch the sfm porn
She's clearly a redhead
Also go back and finish school
>not understanding genetics
>what are genes
>american "education"
You know that genetic traits can skip a generation, right?
Two parents with blonde hair does not guarantee a child with blonde hair, just makes it more likely.
But then again what the fuck am I doing explainong this to the retards of Sup Forums?
Genetics? Never heard of those
Damn she's a qt. Can't wait for all the sfm porn of her getting her hand held by Rhein.
That isn't how genetics work.
post Brigitte!
I’m American and trust me he’s a nigger
suddenly liberal Sup Forums remembers genetics are facts
Looking at that chin her mother probably had a one-night-stand with a somalian
She is swedish after all
I will trust you. This time.
ITT OP realizes with crushing clarity how big of an idiot he just made himself out to be
suddenly nu-Sup Forums remembers to make every thread political for no reason
don't deflect
>supposed to be northern European
>looks like a fucking Spaniard
what did they mean by this
>be retarded
new low
You continue to do so in regards to American """WAS"""Ps.
it's the heavy makeup but I don't think her in-game ARMOURED UP model has it
Pic related is what the average sub-18 year old swede looks like these days
Get with the times
fuck off with your shit politics. You're not welcome here faggot
damn look at how defensive
How to spot an american: Muh genes are brought up in a video game thread.
Mendelian genetics is literally highschool shit.
>midget blonde father
>average blonde mother
>lanket brown daughter
La creatura...
way to reveal your Sup Forums bait retard
I seriously hope you're joking
ahahah wait up
>overwatch dude
el goblino
>Brigitte out for a day
>hi rez already steals blizzards idea
i dont even go on Sup Forums but whenever you point out blacks are genetically less intelligent they suddenly dismiss it as hack science and fall back on social aspect which makes me think that either Sup Forums is full of communists or it's full of
Brigitte is cute! CUUUTE!
>what is genetics
>what is hair dye
Yeah, if genetics are too "liberal" for you, she dyed her hair.
Moral of story is that all white people are demons regardless of what country they're from or how they look
Whitey = evil
dios mio...
Sup Forums-tards proving how fitting the tard in pol-tard is
>she has been dying her hair since the age of at least 10
>Only six heroes released post-launch
>5/6 have been female
What did Blizzard mean by this?
But they're not
I miss when we could talk vidya without politics.
Where the FUCK are my SFM's
The Future is Female, sweetie
blonde hair is recessive, so it doesn't "skip a generation"
You don't carry brown hair genes without them being expressed.
>here's my ramblings that have zero to do with the thread, please give me (You)s
Guess it works, but you're still cancerous.
hard facts backed by thousands of years of history and more recently genetic studies so it's no surprise that most of the prominent and high intelligence blacks have muslim faith
Race studies at this point are either papers from 1940 when it was still cool to talk about race or literal bro science tier pdf articles in shitty websites.
>Can't go into a single thread that /pil/, gaf, or Sup Forums aren't already ruining.
You know how some of your transplanted faggots go
>Well Sup Forums was always like this!
No, it fucking wasn't, you're the reason this board gets shit on by everyone else. For fucks sake it's reached a point where /vg/ of all places is better than Sup Forums. Fucking /qst/ is probably better than Sup Forums at this point.
Fuck you. Just fuck you all.
Let me guess, you got made fun of for having ghost white skin because you spend all day indoors and then as a defense mechanism flipped the script to use your whiteness as a form of pride, am I right? No need to answer. We all already know.
Bronze skin is more attractive, get over it. Look at literally any bodybuilder.
Blonde hair is a recessive gene.
Who the fuck do you think plays the game? Spoiler: it's not people who like the game, it's people who like the waifus.
well obviously those SJW shills over at blizzard are forcing cultural marxism down our throats and want us to stop being able to recognize and hope for our own progenies by showing "genetic" families that look nothing alike.
examine Africa as it currently is
When I jerked off to Brigitte's r34 suddenly huge loads of cum came out of my dick.
Does this mean that she is truly 100% best Overwatch girl?
lol you've done it now
absolute madman
you're fucking obnoxious AND retarded
jesus christ
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>9gag tier image
This is the ultimate nu-Sup Forums post, holy shit
You said that people will dismiss it as cultural, they probably have a reason to do this don't they? I think africa is a shithole but i don't see them as subhumans with 10 IQ, i see them as barbarians with inferior culture.
barbarians with inferior culture...i wonder why
>blonde hair parents can have brown hair kids
This is what they tell kids in school so they don't suddenly realize their dad isn't their real dad.
2014 was a mistake.
>Look at literally any bodybuilder.
are you a bodybuilder, user?
They're checking your male privilege, fucking cishet scum.
>Only a day after official release
>Already porn of her
God bless the internet.
That said anybody who draws her getting fucked by Rein can kill themselves.
How likely will one of her skins have a whip sword instead of a flail?
Also what are the sort of skins you want for her?
>old Sup Forums
>more waifus added to the game, where's the porn?
>nu-Sup Forums
>more evil women added to the game, fucking SJWs forcing cultural marxism down our throat I can't wait to clean my room to become the ubermensch
What went wrong?
>thinks its brown
>also didnt finish elementary biology
yep thats a shitpost
How the fuck is that relevant? It's a profession that devotes its time to looking as perfect as possible, you fucking moron.
bodybuilder are ugly stupid
Wasn't she in a short a while back? There was porn then.
reddit, mostly. Even Sup Forums knew when to be happy about porn. Then Sup Forums got in from somewhere and doesn't want to leave.
There was a short (and even a comic from last year), but no official body or model. Being an actual hero will make her porn skyrocket.
People who wanted to shove politics into all things showed up.
Leddit and pol
This doesn't make any sense, look at germanic people living in mudhuts with cesspits while the romans (subhumans mediterraneans) were living in cities with actual sewage. Look at baghdad before the mongol invasion and look at the average city in sweden during the same time.
Did the inferior culture make them barbarians, or was the fact they are barbarians that made their inferior culture?
we won't let your hypocrisy triumph i rather see it burn to the ground with political shitposting than this place getting fully turned into SA
its Sup Forums culture as much as shoving anime into everything is :)
do you look as perfect as possible, user?
but at least the Germanic and other tribal whites knew that it was valuable
meds arent subhuman nor are blacks but to sit here and tell me that a black man isn't the one of the lower forms of intelligence within humanity is just absurd
Trolled epic style
Isn't it impossible for two blonde parents to have a brown-haired child?
Recessive genes and all that.
>people think this is ginger
Sorry, mutts. Not the case.
>This descent into heritage politics
Nobidy cares which ocean you fags crawled out of. Most more porn.
Yes it is you dingus
The gene for hair colour is governed by two alleles, which can be blonde or brown. Blonde is recessive which means that if one is blonde and one is brown, the result is brown. This means that two brown haired people can have a blonde child, if they both carry the blonde allele, but two blonde people can't have a brown haired child because neither of them carry a brown allele to give them.
That said her hair just looks red to me and you can totally get a red haired child from two blondes because the difference between red and not red is governed by a different gene.
I remember the early days of memes, when advice dog first hit Sup Forums and everyone was racing to use it as a vessel with which to criticize the flawed idealogical and political views of their peers and society as a whole.
And look on the bright side - its a normal coluor. And she's not a manlet. She could be A LOT worse - like be short and have a SJW hair dye
Aite now you exposed yourself as baiting, you came on way too strong with that one. Should’ve cited the Bell Curve essay desu, would’ve been more convincing
>more politics
the point was that people just ignore the truth while shouting the opposite in hopes people will ignore it
for what i don't know
>friends parents both have light blonde hair color
>friend has shiny red beard and dark black hair
>who fucking designs these people, right!
OP doesn't understand how genetics work.
>Back then it just starts an argument where they throw edits at one another until the thread hits bump limit
>Now it starts an argument that pitchs the thread straight to Hell because two faggots can't take any jokes about 'muh politics' or 'muh skin'
That's not even remotely how genes work
liberals dont understand genetics, they think black and white parents will have kids who are either white or black because thats how it goes in their disney cartoons