Why didn't you buy it Sup Forums? Every game journalist said it's a masterpiece.
Why didn't you buy it Sup Forums? Every game journalist said it's a masterpiece
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Since I didn't hear of it until now.
Don't like the art and platformers aren't really my thing these days.
Too expensive. Might buy it if it goes for €5, as with most indies.
I get that Indie development and development in general is hard but when you're game is so fucking one-note and basic as most of these games are it's hard to ever justify that entry price.
>$20 for a platformer
Yeah, nah.
I did buy it. It's a damn good plataformer. Will never understand the hateboner some people here have for it
It was released during a time period where i didn’t really need new stuff to play.
too expensive for what it is offering,
not really that interesting looking gameplay
and made by sjws
>>pretentious pixel art platformer that somehow looks worse than a NES game
How totally unique for an indie game.
God tier platformer
The artstyle is cringe. I despise the sanctimonious positive messages it has too. No buy.
>sold worse than a hat in time
Pedos win again
>sanctimonious positive messages
elaborate please
Fuck off shills. It's not even close to a master piece.
But both games feature little girl leads?
It looks like shit. There's too many good platformers out there to play something that shit looking
made it in 400 deaths on the first time, 20-ish on the second.
Not him but Madeline mentions drinking, I think she’s an adult.
It's pretty damn good. I got 30 hours out of it. Did everything except all of the golden strawberries. Fuck that.
Sup Forums is filled with literal retards who are too casual to be able to look past the cringe Tumblr story, let alone actually beat the game. Never question anything Sup Forums does. 90% of the user base are just retards, all with their own specific case of retardation, arguing about who is less retarded. It's genuinely retarded.
is a really good game.
doesn't deserve to be shat on, it gets really clever on some parts, and you really need to be good on that shit to succeed.
l bought it, good game with really neat mechanics but it's ugly and people who claim it's one of the best 2d platformers ever are memeing
it's also sold best on switch, l'm sure the devs are satisfied
>Playtime total: 09:20 (average) 06:56 (median)
Dunkey sucked the shit out of this games dick. That shit was weird so I'm staying away.
is it good on switch? like if i played in portable mode with joycons is it bad?
is the """""d pad""""" good to use? if not, is the stick servicable?
tumbl noses
Awful story
IWBTG gameplay
No thanks
It sold the worst on Steam (OP's Pic)
It sold the best on Switch
>IWBTG gameplay
you sound like these game journo mongoloids who cried about tropical freeze being trial and error
Oh no my analogy hurt your fee fees, poor baby
>barely over 36,000
That's actually pathetic considering this game was praised up and down by famous JewTubers, couldn't care less though. That's what happens when you pander to journalists.
Two questions. Is it a SJW game? And did they give credit to any of the Literally Whos?
I beat the whole game, bonus levels and all, solely on joycons. I'd wager it made the game 2-3x harder than playing on a good dpad. I had issues with doing diagonals big time because of the analog stick. Like basically every 10th time I would go to do a diagonal dash, I would dash vertical or horizontal, even though visibly you could see the analog was more on a diagonal than either horizontal or disgonal.
No and no
>SJW game
what does that even mean
l'm pretty sure some autists here would consider it sjw because the protag is a grill and there's some kind of negro character, but if you're a reasonable human there's no heavy handed political lecturing
The creator did add in a journalist mode that literally makes you invincible. I recommend you pirate it, people who make these kinds of decisions cannot be allowed success in the industry.
I am yet to play it, but it doesn't look like a game that has anything exceptional to it. Is it just the case of devs being lucky and getting an exposure, something that most indies don't get.
I didn't really have trouble doing diagonal air dash but those blue and red bubble fucked me up.
Apparently it sold extremely well on the Switch.
>trying to make something good sound bad
>Had heard about 'Assist mode' previously
>Thought it was some sort of pseudo-coop mode
>Its literally just cheat codes built into the game options
Jesus Christ.
Yep. Which is surprising, coming from the guy who made Jumper and Untitled Story.
M8 we used to just call these cheat codes
>>trying to make something good sound bad
It's literally a developer debug mode put into the game that allows any schmuck journalist hack to "complete" the game and give it a review. Are you fucking serious?
The dev isn't some literally who.
You make good games and you get more people following you.
>people who make these kinds of decisions cannot be allowed success in the industry.
>Caring how other people decide to play the video games they buy
I fail to see the issue.
I'm under the impression he saw how much journalists hated Cuphead because it outed them as the baby casuals they are, so, not wanting to turn anyone off he added in a literal cheat mode so they could play the game.
If you actually thinks this sounds good, you're a fucking retard and the reason why games are what they are today, I'll give this a hard pass for now, might pirate, but supporting this retarded design decision with my hard earned cash is completely out of the fucking question.
All I know about them is that they made Towerfall. Looking at their website they look like literally who. So yeah, they just got lucky. At least I hope.
Where's the bad part?
It's an assist mode for people struggling, you enable/disable whatever assist you want whenever you want.
It's a clever way to let everyone play the game without flooding the forums with "it's too hard" topics. Probably saves it from a few refunds as well since people are never stuck.
Because people bought it on the Switch, you retard. Indie games always sell better on the Switch.
My main issue with the game is introducing the walldash jumps and floordashing way too late to make even more obstacles with them.
I'm pretty sure that you faggots are under the impression this game is in anyway """hard"""
I did buy it. On the Switch.
Game Journalist Here
I was able to beat Celeste no problem, and activated Assist mode afterwards just so I could get footage for it.
Don’t think we don’t keep an eye on what’s being said on Sup Forums, cause we do
you are stupid as fuck
I don't buy 8-bit nostalgia cash-grabs. I don't care how good it's supposed to be. If you want to give me pixel art, I can work with that. Low-poly? Fire it up. Too fucking lazy, uninspired, or talentless to do anything other than make a game that would barely have justified its existence on a NES?
Naw, broski. I've got other shit to do with my time.
>journalists hated Cuphead because it outed them as the baby casuals they are
I'm pretty sure it was just the one guy who uploaded himself failing because it was funny and even he ended up giving the game a good score like everyone else
But whatever you need to push your narrative, it's not like facts matter any more these days
I can't do walldash jumps consistently to save my life. I'm never going to finish the C-Sides
It's for speedrunning purposes and b/c-side stuff.
I've never played it. Why is it relevant how hard the game is?
dam u must b sik at video games
uh no retard
It's introduced as early as the temple A-side. The problem is that it isn't emphasized.
So I can feel superior.
It's never taught, or required until 8c.
>i see nothing wrong with the option to literally cheat my way through the game
I'm just about fucking done with this board.
That's correct. Nonetheless, it's possible to stumble upon it pretty early.
>nothing wrong
Correct, Redditard. Oh no, there's something in the game that allows babies to "compete" on the same level as me in a SINGLE-PLAYER game. All that matters is if you enjoy the game, not if others can enjoy it.
But hear me out user, maybe, just maybe, these players aren't as good as you and me are.
There was a time for all of us when we had some difficulty with Mario World or Donkey Kong.
What seems to be the problem here?
I'm trash at platformers
So would it have been a good decision to add in a literal invincibility mode that can be accessed at anytime?
I did, it's great.
Expensive and everything I hear about it in terms of the not game parts rubs me the wrong way, which is a shame because the core looks fun.
I'll stick with The End is Nigh and Slime-San for now and maybe get this in a sale.
Seriously this.
I'm not at all against adding cheat codes into games, but having it as options BEFORE beating the game, and even having the audacity to call it "Assist Mode" is fucking disgusting.
Sup Forums tried so hard to shill this trash, but people are sick of forced diversity and lazy pixelshit
there was some kind of jerky frame pacing or engine issue on every video i saw. otherwise, not interested in the whole "punishing difficulty" angle
I play multiplayer for difficulty and it's more punishing than any sp game could eeeeever be
y tho
Yeah, and we still struggled through it.
The struggle is part of why I remember some of my childhood games so fondly. When you spend some time to get through Castlevania IV or Mega Man X the scope feels a lot more epic.
Yes, Nintendo does that too sometimes, it helps with children, you don't have to take it, people can enjoy it just for its boring ass story, just like HL2 you're not restricted from No clipping through a whole area if you're really desperate.
What fucking disabled child needs a fucking bottle opener for a plastic cap what the fuck is wrong with people
i can't believe there are people actually defending this insulting design choice. it's disgusting, you faggots should be ashamed of yourselves.
Thanks for the (You). Fuck off.
It's what happens when you consume soy. Just look what that shit did to Cosmo.
I did buy it. It was pretty good, although once I completed the main game + bonus chapter I felt like I was more or less done with it. The B-Sides were just a bit too overkill on the difficulty for me.
Nintendo has never once added an easily accessible invincibility mode into their games and you aren't ever meant nor is it taught for you to open the developer console and noclip your way through a level you fucking lying piece of shit.
Games always had cheat codes, does looking on the internet or opening the console to input them make you more hardcore?
I think having a shitty assist mode stamp on your save profile is shameful enough.
I do not like playing platformers on PC. Handhelds are just so much better for it
I was considering purchasing it for NSW but I have my hands full at the moment and will probably get Tropical Dong by the time I'll need another game.
>people defending a literal ezmode designed to be played by babies and game journos
No, I don't care if it's optional. It shouldn't exist, and if you need this to play the game, then yo udon't deserve to play games.
How is it insulting? Do you need to feel superior to people who can't complete the game that badly or something? I literally do not get why this optional mode affects anything other than your fragile ego
The not-game parts take 5 minutes total and can be skipped.
Yeah, but nobody forces you to turn it on. I completed the game and I didn't even know about this feature until I stumbled upon this thread.
>Games always had cheat codes
Cheat codes are never brought up by the game itself and taught to be a viable decision if you're having trouble with the game.
Still looks like a kid though. Typical 1000 year old japanese dragon situation
Good thing no one gives a shit about your pathetic attempt at gatekeeping video games of all things
just imagine gatekeeping videogames. A single player videogame. what is the purpose?
It's special snowflake culture that gives everyone a participation award because you don't want to hurt their feelings. I say you have to work for it if you want it, otherwise I say you can go jump off a cliff and cry about your feelings as you hit the bottom.
>b-but it's optional
Not good enough. It shouldn't exist period. Stop pandering to the idiots.
Not him but I beat the game and while I enjoyed it, they did push the "its you holding you back" and anxiety shit pretty hard.
This is going to sound fucked but it was very "millennial"