Is he still the strongest vidya character?
Is he still the strongest vidya character?
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That’s not [OMEGA TOM HANKS]
No, he lost to Ultimate Rainbow Ronald.
Last I saw there was a character made that's practically malware, goes so far as to delete the opposing character from the match.
IIRC the actual most dangerous character was some minotaur OC that managed to shut down electricity in the entire university building where it was launched.
What the fuck.
Mugen characters should not be able to do that, what the fuck?
Its kinda like an evolution race.
If I am not mistaken, the minotaur's name was Matrhus, the one in the Dragon-level character description. But I could be wrong.
>Dragon-tier Characters, which are really dangerous viruses disguised as characters. Dragon-tier characters often simply make the computer inoperable by various means, and may be able to end the cheapie war entirely. Fortunately, Dragon-tier characters are rare. Mathrus can be shown as an example of a Dragon-tier character.
Omega Tom Hanks was one of the first waves of stupid overpowered mugen creations, he got upstaged pretty fast.
>no wings
>3 coke product reps
>only one Pepsi rep
>shut down electricity in the entire university building
I can't believe that. I want to believe it, sounds really cool, but there is no chance that that can be real.
Aquafina is Pepsi's water source.
There was a rather long mugen thread couple of months ago and some pretty seemingly knowledgeable guy posted various trivia there, one of which included this. I have zero proof so feel free to discard any of my claims.
Mugen powercreep is still some stuff of wonders though.
I think that software can burn the processor, but make an power outage in a university? Hard, impossible, maybe
Nigga this is some SCP tier stuff
These are my favorite. I want one that fucks up the voltage settings of the PC it's ran on and causes it to catch fire and explode, killing the user.
It's less fun when you realize they're basically just exe files that run a virus.
Why are the Mugen Ronald McDonalds just referred to as Donalds?
The original ronald mcdonald mugen character is one of the coolest ever made btw, such an inventive moveset and execution
Pure kino.
Japs call him Donald
That fucking Evangelion soundtrack at the end is the cherry on the top
What's will that Jojo reference?
I did a quick search and now I'm upset that there's no Mugen Ted Cruz out there.
I love it when you see two Gods fighting.
It's combat on a level that transcends human understanding.
This shit is fucking crazy. I love it.
will of the catastrophe's intro is something else
That would've been me, probably. Yeah, all that is pretty much no more than a rumor, no concrete evidence that I was able to find at least.
However, it is pretty much fact that what are essentially dangerous viruses are being made and used. These are pretty much exclusively obtainable by trading them with the creators for your own similarly tiered characters.
Baron Dimanche is a good example of a high-tier cheapie (Ice-Tier if I recall correctly) with various recorded matchups:
As you can see, it, along with every other cheapie of somewhat hightier just wins instantly and plays a video to show this off (if the other won the video would be prevented from playing, obviously)
>1:50 onwards
Should've been Frost (tier 13, Dragon is tier 16), though I think Dimanche v6 (the one in the video, the current one is v7) is actually Hypernull (tier 12)
Solid nightmare fucking fuel.
I miss when mugen was just a thing people used to rip characters from fighting games or just silly ideas like Homer Simpson with Iori Yagami moves
>that last "round"
What compels mortal men to do these things?
>those BK faces flying there
>the moment his face gets turn into a negative and mirrored while everything explodes with burgers, lasers and fries with constant RANRANROOs in the background
I'll never get tired of watching this.
It's her setup special
Wait who is winning here
Blame saltybet
What the fuck
Since we're having this thread again I might as well repost this gem:
I remember when the worst they could do was having no hitscans what the fuck happened?
I really want to kiss Wiz.
Man, i wish i could get the sauce for those videos, some of them look great
Dr. Pepper is independent you mong
This is some Digimon or Code Lyoko shit
From the previous thread a few months back people identified Eraserhead, House on the Haunted Hill (original, not the remake), Dead Birds and The Poughkeepsie Tapes. No idea if that's accurate but there you go.
Hardly seems to be the problem. People were making overpowered 2hus before SB
Begotten is the only one I recognise
Hey man, i wasn't even expecting an answer thanks a lot
Try /x/?
It all started going downhill when the 2hu fags started showing up
I don't get, is CHIMERA practically adopted as [any crazy Donald]'s OST or is it just coincidence?
Well fuck me, i meant theme.
Please redpill me on the mugen character wars. When did they start, how did they start and did they ever end?
Computermachines, son.
Wait, you recognize the music? I've been looking for the source for a while now, what's it from?
To answer your question: I have no idea, I think it's just coincidence since I've heard plenty of other epic-sounding tracks used as well. Also, it's probably not tied to the characters but just one of the random songs that MUGEN can load up - you'll notice that in the video the music for both rounds is different.
Are there any that just brick computers on the spot? How do you go beyond that?
What do you use to run this?
What the fuck
Yes, it's the theme of Super Robot Wars Z final boss
I see, it's just practically every Donald battle on YT i stumble upon has this theme.
Soon Cheapies will be able to turn computers into IEDs
So what compels people to create these dangerous viruses and turn them into Mugen characters?
For literally what purpose?
Its a type of currency to trade
Maybe hackers just started using mugen as testing grounds?
It's the perfect crime when you think about it
Trade for what though?
Aren't we forgetting someone?
Same reason GTAV mods were full of malware upon release. 1. to stroke that coding epeen 2. "The lulz"
More viruses
It’s basically an arms race. Dragon Tier cheapies might be able the end the race
No, we're not. See
Nope, maybe read the thread before trying to look cool
It's like watching that dragonball AF wiki all over again but this time the retarded OCs might actually be able to kill you at some point
a Dragon Tier that installs a rootkit that prevents the infected computer from running Mugen ever again might be considered a permanent win, since it means the infected computer can no longer compete in the cheapie war.
When you run into those good mugen characters though the feeling is amazing.
nobody is winning, there is no contest happening. it's just lots of colors for the sort of retarded dipshit that can be entertained by that crap
3 NASA supercomputers that are combined into 1 NASA hypercomputer
It's interesting to do. People that like to program often REALLY like to program and this kind of stuff is novel.
>The normie tier commentators not even recognizing shonen jump characters
Why even do this if you aren't going to go full autism?
>don't even recognize some fighting game characters
Probably started with Omega Tom Hanks vs Omega Tiger Woods, then Japan adopted the insanity and it just snowballed it.
>Can't recognize anime characters
>Can't recognize wrestlers
>Can't recognize fighting game characters
>Couldn't even recognize the fucking pink horse
Jesus christ what where those two doing in there?
Okay outside mugen madness, what characters in legit fighting games could potentially kill you in one hit? I can only pin point Moon Princess Arcueid in Melty Blood and NANCY in Tekken 6.
[citation needed]
Can't pretty much every guilty gear character use an instant kill? Or does that not count?
Don't they have to built it to happen, same with the Fist of the North Star characters?
They have to activate the instant kill gauge, which they can do at any point in the match, and then make the attack hit. If it misses they lose their ability to use super attacks, but if it hits you just die.
All of them nigger. M. Bisons (dictator) psycho crusher is supposed to be able to kill a normal person in one hit.
There conditions to be made to Insta Kill in GG, the characters in that post can do it any time the A.I wishes. The only GG pulled something like that was against a special golden Dizzy boss fight, her Wings of Light got augmented to chow down health bars, potential one hit kill if you aren't blocking.
Final Bison's Pyscho Crusher you not kill you instantly if you have a full health bar.
Majin Vegeta in Budokai 3 with Final Explosion I think.
>tfw MUGEN can actually be better than most fighters