What's the point of steam reviews?
What's the point of steam reviews?
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Apparently some people read them.
Flipping the general opinion of normies.
Look at Final Fantasy XV for example. Its the fastest selling FF game to date, critically acclaimed(aka bought) and well rated on the PSN store by people.
But this ends now. With the game coming to Steam we can finally buy it, leave a bad review and refund it, as open world trash like this deserves.
And then when normies check it out, they'll see the "overwhelmingly negative" tag and automatically assume that the game and/or the port is shit.
Thats why we need Steam reviews. Its the tool for the people to make things right that bought publications and fanboys cannot.
Some people like to feel important so they pretend they have some power over games
I honestly have no idea, every fucking time I read them it's nothing but "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY DID X" bullshit.
Not Recommended
it's a shame.....it truly saddens me to say this but I cant recommend this game....
why the fuck do I see this one everywhere?
When Summer comes, you'll get a free Steam card from the summer event.
I actually like steam reviews they'll helped me enough many times preventing me from "steaming out".
A lot of em are retarded but you can still piece together whether a game will suck benis or not
Theyvvvvvvvvvvve phone.
stupid fucking phone poster
My feelings :.....(. (posted from my phone)
to review steam
Valve tried to fix their shitty storefront, didn't accomplished anything
Before buying a game I speedread the top negative reviews to see if there's anything I would dislike
>500+ hours on record
>X is truly a great game, I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I have to not recommend this game because blah blah blah
Then it turns out it was because of an update they didn't like.
You can't get a refund if you play it for very long. And I don't know about you, but I ignore criticism of a game made by someone who only played 30 mins of it (unless their issue was that it was actually unplayable for them).
People give negative reviews over the most trivial shit all the fucking time. These mouth breathers should fucking shot.
Positive reviews are useless to me. If I'm looking at a store page I'm already interested so it's the negative reviews that will give me a sense of what the expect.
>update they didn't like
well guess what, you can't legally play the game he liked anymore
good god then being on Sup Forums for one minute must have you seething huh?
Yeah but the difference is atleast everyone acknowledges that Sup Forums is fucking garbage
>updates cant ruin games
What game did this to you user?
>game isnt available on my language, thumbs down
>atleast everyone acknowledges that Sup Forums is fucking garbage
you mean your friends at ?
Why not stay there?
Modern vidya is shit, get over it you newfaggot
>It was a chink who made the review
>reading anything other than hardware reviews
A better question is why would you do this to yourself
>insightful reviews pointing out flaws get pushed into oblivion while retarded positive reviews lavishing the game with praise and claiming it's an 11/10 are always at the top
Thats the beauty of it. It doesnt matter what you think of someone's review, if the overall score is affected.
Me and the discord are ready for FFXV. You'll see.
le delicious karma
not him but if you dont think that Sup Forums is the worst place on earth then you're not here for long, thats for sure.
you can acknowledge its bullshit while still admitting to need it
>you mean your friends at ?
I mean everyone on here, dumbass. If you actually come to Sup Forums for video game advice, you're a literal fucking retard.
That or I'm being baited right now.
Steam gives you the chance to filter games based on your language, but it's not my problem if steam is filled with idiots who can't even read.
Mfw i filtered every early access games, no more unfinished trash
>amusing event happens in game
>"10/10 would ____ again"
>instant most helpful review
so social justice retards can fling shit at people that don't like
>Its the fastest selling FF game to date, critically acclaimed(aka bought) and well rated on the PSN store by people.
Holy shit, really? I quit and uninstalled partway through the tutorial. Absolute trash. I don't need to spend 30+ hours to know that it has the single worst combat system I have ever encountered.
Hold up
This entire thread is completely wrong, you are all idiots if you're being genuine.
There is plenty of helpful info in the review section, you're not supposed to focus on the stupid ones
>Game doesn't run at 60 FPS on my machine, can't recommend
>Game can run that well on any computer made 10 years ago
Updates can ruin games. Just look at Tribes: Ascend.
>I quit and uninstalled partway through the tutorial. Absolute trash. I don't need to spend 30+ hours to know...
>spending less than 30 minutes somehow equates to 30+ hours
I don't even like the FF franchise but Holy shit, how much of an autistic contrarian parrot can you be? Is any less than 99% of your post plagiarized from Sup Forums and reddit? What an obnoxious fucking drone you are.
I sincerely wish death upon you. I truly mean that.
That's exactly why you shouldn't rely on Steam reviews. Even weeb porn games got ricidulously high rating even though they're shit games, if you can consider them games at all
Steam reviews don't represent the overall quality of the game, but rather if it met the buyer's expectations of it or not.
>you only played the game for 30 minutes, you can't say shit about it!
>if you played it for 30h that means you actually enjoyed it!
>not him but if you dont think that Sup Forums is the worst place on earth then you're not here for long
Ever been to Detroit?
> If you actually come to Sup Forums for video game advice, you're a literal fucking retard.
You're very right. Nevermind, your initial post sounded like huge newfaggotry but you're just too autistic to express yourself clearly in one post.
Bless you user, you are doing God's work.
Updates can ruin games. Just look at Team Fortress: 2
>you're just too autistic to express yourself clearly in one post.
Give me a break I just woke up like 10 minutes ago[/spoilers]
But most people do and that hurts sales of genuine good games for stupid reasons.
What game is this even?
To subvert simple minded, (((they))) can simply fix them with some tweak, but for some reason they don't do.
Not sure I remember I was debating if I should buy Neptune and one of the most top rated reviews was "I can see pink panties 10/10 xD". The game was pretty bad desu I think weaboos just bomb anime games with good reviews.
>most people
I know where you pulled that out of...
Weebs praise shit games all the time simply because of waifus.
See: any VN, Nier:Automata, JRPGs
unlike other reviews they warn me if I'm looking at a dedgame or if the devs have sold out.
It's not that weebs pump reviews with positive scores
It's that weebs are the only ones who even consider buying such games, like a normie would ever take a second look at the store page where everything is full of anime
Xenoverse 2 update killed all modding rather than just disable mods for multiplayer.
They give you a good general feel for the general consensus of a game. They're also really useful to let you know when the devs are fucking up a game. If they add a bunch of f2p microtransaction that fuck up a game usually the top Steam reviews will let you know. They've saved me from bad impulse purchases plenty of times.
Most helpful reviews are at the top, therefore most people.
and among the most helpful reviews there are always some legitimate ones, so what's the problem?
Pretty much this. The negative reviews are actually really useful while the positive reviews are almost always trash by people who are just looking to get those helpful upboats. I've never once bought a game based on steam reviews, but they've steered me away from garbage enough that it's a pretty useful resource.
>play this or don't play an arpg
I haven't played them but aren't Victor Vran and Van Helsing and stuff pretty well thought of?
In best case scenario they can give you you varied views of the game, letting you know what to expect and if the game is for you.
For example, during last sale I was looking for things to get and came across Swindle. Its reviews are mixed, so I read few of them. Many of negative listed differing flaws, but one that consistently came up was that controls were bad. I figured that they couldn't be that shit, and bought the game. After playing it for 30 minutes or so, I noticed that controls actually were pretty crap, which made me take the other complaints way more seriously too.
Steam reviews work best when you filter out obvious jokes, which sucks since community will commonly vote up positive "JACKED OFF TO GAME, MOM SAW, NOW I'M HOMELESS" reviews to top as useful, while downvoting negative reviews that actually go somewhat in-depth about the problems.
Steam is market ruled by fanboys, after all. If something is perceived to be good, people will downvote negative reviews, no matter how legit they may be.
Sure they are every 1 in 10
don't know about them either, but PoE dominates because of the sheer rate at which they put out new (albeit kind of crappy sometimes) content
everything else on that review is on point though
>needing new content
>in an ARPG
Nigga, PoE sucks for two reasons:
>Campaign is boring shit that even new shit can't fix because you have to get through said boring campaign to get to the new shit
>Sphere grid system sucks
Diablo 2 is still the pinnacle of the genre because outside of the weak Act 2-3 downtime, Act 1, 4 and 5 are solid.
>needing new content
You do. Games like PoE, Diablo 3, GD, etc live and die by their content. There's a direct correlation between the number of content updates and player pop. People are a lot more forgiving towards old games like D2 and vanilla WoW due to nostalgia and the good content available. If they were contemporary games people would ask for roadmaps, when new content/dlc will be available etc.
>guy leaves positive review with less than 5 hours on his playtime
Why are commies allowed to live now again?
What is the point of your shitty thread?
Steam reviews would be great if you could filter out the funny ones.
because there are regulations to prevent full ANCAP from becoming reality and you and your family ending up in the McDonald's coal mines
>t. some fag begging to be in a gulag
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger
thanks for conceding, saved me a lot of time
>phfor chann
but why?
Steam review scores are all about selection bias.
If your game is so obviously terrible that anyone who would give it a bad review doesn't even buy it, you get 95% postiive reviews.
If your game targets a niche audience but for some reasons lots of drooling retards buy it, you get lots of bad reviews.
If you sell your game through your own website and all your core audience buys it there instead of Steam, then you will never get good reviews on Steam.
Negative reviews are kinda shit in knowing what to expect though. Theres been more than a few times where I've read a negative review on a game I enjoyed and the top negative review took issues with things that were actually good with the game or just completely over exaggerated things that were trivial.
exactly. Look at this shit here
and tell me this is fair. steam reviews people dont read but they look at the reviewer score and judge on that, but on this game here its just a bunch of fucking 12 year old trolls dooming my game and making this game look bad. imagine being a game developer who busted his ass off for six years making the game he believed in only to have randos shit on it for fun and lulz.
Fuck steam reviews, literally garbage.
what if the game is really short?
actually they are genuinely helpful. Just reading about people nitpicking shit I can discern the quality of a game. I suppose spending decades on Sup Forums helped me develop internal shitposting filter
>Me and the discord are ready for FFXV. You'll see.