Dragon's Dogma servers on the Xbox360 to close on March 31st

Pawn rental from other players and the Ur-Dragon will become permanently unavailable for Dragon's Dogma and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen players on the Xbox360 after March 31st, 2018. Why not take your favorite pawns for a ride in Gransys or Bitterblack Island one last time, Sup Forums?


>xbox 360


>xbox 360

W-what about PC?

Also, DD: Online for english players when? I simply cannot name similar game to DD on PC, honestly.

>first Demon Souls
>now this
the 7th gen is finally dying

based consoles

Of course not PC, dummy. It's only been on PC for like a year.


This is why you don't play games you care about on consoles if they have online functions.

Are you seriously implying that games on PC don't die or have their online functions shut off?

Name one instance where such a thing happened, user. That's right, never.

Not him but what about Gamespy driven MP modes in games? Or first Battlefronts for example?

My xbox is in the closet dude

Gonna go play some Hellgate London right now!!

Every Gamespy-run game
That WH Fantasy MMO
Planetside 1
Legends of Norrath
Dust 514
Ghost in the Shell
Just to name a very small few. It happens all the time dude

Fucking Nosgoth couldn't die fast enough

Exactly, N E V E R

>All these people acting like it isn't going to happen to PS3 soon after

Stop playing on last gen consoles

>Ghost in the Shell


Well there's zero reason to play it anymore, it's been rereleased on PS4 and Xbone
It's time to move on and put the old consoles to rest

>google PS3
>1 result (this post)
Dunno where you pulled this implication from bub

>90% of last gen games will be either neutered or unplayable when everyone pulls the plugs on their online support
>your download games and DLC will vanish into the ether too when PS3 PSN or 360 XBL is discontinued
Lmao, fucking consolecucks

Paragon is going to be shut down next month.

You're gonna be shut down next month, fucker.

I've put a good 2k hours into the PS3 version. Is it going to suffer the same fate?

GunZ the Duel (there's still a few private servers around but the official ones are dead)

>the Ur-Dragon will become permanently unavailable

Aren't you a little liar...I played DD on release on a Jtag 360 (no internet connection) and was able to kick it's ass as many times as i wanted.


The offline and online variants of Ur-Dragon work differently. The online version drops more Ur-Dragon weapons and a unique set of armour, plus some masks
I think the post was specifically about the online Ur-Dragon