NVIDIA could price the GeForce GTX 2080 at up to $1499

Gamers BTFO

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>nvidia deciding it doesn't want to be in business with anybody besides chinese/russian governments operating cryptofarms anymore
>AMD's drivers are shit. and also thoroughly in bed with cryptominers.

novideo shills will still buy them

Long term mining does cause significant wear. Resale value will tank
The cards themselves are not 100% suited to mining.
This means a designer card will be made and bought, and regular graphics cards will exist side by side. At least until the next meme coin comes along, but it won't last.

1080 was priced at $599 though...

>be amdtard
>gpu so shit you can't play anything
>browse pajeetown and currytech all day looking for 'leaks' that confirm your bias against nvidia
>gtx 1180 releases for $499 and outperforms the 1080ti by 30% and the highest end amd card by 60%

>quad digit price
>not even Volta microarch
Good luck selling that

why not farm to pay it off and then just switch it out to your gaming pc

Because by the time you make back the money, the 3000 series cards are out.

1060 debuted at $200, times are changing

And it costs in my shithole around 500$ now. wow.

Fucking hell just wait until the hype is over retards, the price will go down

How many generations are we skipping here? I thought the next line would be 1100 models?

1060 was never lower than like 279 for the trash 3gb

There is literally no excuse for not just buying a PS4 and playing games when they are still relevant. PC gaming has nothing at this point.

Welp, I've got no options left, might as well give up on getting a gaming pc and just go back to consoles instead

>bwah so expensiv

should have invested in crypto one year ago youd have mad money(like me)

Are you retarded? They were $200 in April of last year. Amazon had 1060 6GBs for $260 when I was looking for a gpu to go with my new ryzen.



No thanks

What game exists where you even need a new card?

Just give up, Nvidia and AMD are no longer our friends, they ditched us for better friends who can fill their pockets full of money better than us

except better graphics and better games

Not him but I only like to play strategy games so I don't want to get a console. Just going to spend time on other things to be honest.

shit multiplats and poorly optimized early access crap.


Sure user, you're not just another Decemberfag larping to feel better about getting JUST right now.

Won't this also make console prices skyrocket in next gen if it doesn't stop?
You can't mass produce them at a tenth of the cost to consumer price.


No thanks

The price has fuck all to do with crypto mining.
NVIDIA can make as many cards as they fucking want to meet demand, they're just raising the prices to take advantage of the situation. Literally they are just using a convenient excuse to jew people out of their hard earned money.

Who still /700series/ here coping with the fact that they’ll probably never own a god tier pc

>had a chance to snag a 1070 for $330
it still burns

They're actually working with console companies.
You see by artificially raising the price for consumers but charging a much, much lower price to console manufacturers they can enforce artificial parity between PC and consoles while making more money from PC gamers who will still pay their inflated as fuck prices.

>raising prices
>meeting demand
>the only fucking demand are the crypto miners
just how fucking stupid are you

>le pc gaming is so much cheaper than consoles!!!

It also has to do with a shortage of memory chips because SSD's and smartphones use the same stuff.

le put le disk in and play!

Yeah but how much will the 2050ti be?

Miners are only after GPU and soon even future CPUs will be mining capable, they dont give a fuck about consoles, so its the only go-to for gaming, also ther is no point in gaming on pc today, its all gambling, toxicity and overkill prices on both game title riddled with dlc shenanigans and hardware components

We can always come back to the old ways of gaming, and that is through consoles

People who've held on to last-gen GPUs waiting for the current gen powerhouses to pricedrop within their budget

"I'll just wait a couple more months with this 770/280, have to play on medium but it'll be worth it"

Those people will very likely never be able to upgrade their PC again, honestly look into console gaming or pick up a switch or something

If you're okay with paying $300-500 more than the exact same setup had cost just a year ago, then MAYBE it's worth it, but prices will never go back to normal. Five years from now, some new meme coin will have risen up, and some other PC component will be the target of scalping and scarcity

This shit will never end

>mfw I got a 1070 for $300 before the prices went to shit

bought my 1060 6gb in oct for $275

That would certainly be a bummer.


>got an rx 480 with free nuDOOM for $190 in April last year

>had a chance to snag a 1070 for $330
I'm glad I did otherwise I'd still be stuck on a 660ti.

Fuck you crypto niggers, you have forced upon me mail fraud to get my GPU for my build.

At least I can spend the $600 on more Chainlink.

Is this a good deal?


>GPU performance has been plateauing hard over the last five years
>GPU manufacturers are making more money now than ever before
How is this even possible? Is it really just crypto miners? I hope this doesn't create a bubble that will burst and harm the GPU industry.

story time user

don't need a good rig to play a good game faggot

I've given up on the bubble bursting. Whenever my RX-480 shit's the bed I'm going to cave in and go back to consoles. This price fixing is bullshit.

>GPU performance has been plateauing hard over the last five years
how dumb are you?

How much crypto can it mine with that build?

It's just a made up shortage. Mining cryptocurrency using gaming GPU's is inefficient and you can get 100x times more hashes by using an asic miner, for just 120 bucks. Nvidia and AMD are a cartel who have been releasing GPU's in an alternating interval the past few years and now they have realized that they can make even more money by artifically raising the prices of it and blaming it on a minority of people.

>saved up enough money for a vidya card on january
>crypto shit happens
>anons bragging about their 300 dollar purchases

stop reminding me about my toaster bros

>mfw im one of the faggots who was holding on to last gen graphic card and waiting for shit to drop price

but desu nowadays i play console more than pc and i don't miss it that much, and even then my rig can still play a shit ton of game in my backlog
im not gonna cave in for these jew price

Shitposting aside, no one ever said it was cheaper. It's more twice as expensive but 10 times as nice. Better textures, resolution, fps, and mouse and keyboard support is better for every genre except fighters.

GPUs are faster every generation, by monster leaps. The 980ti barely could keep up with a 1070. The 780ti couldn't keep up with a 970.

2080 will be between $600 and $900. You autistic fuck.

>implying there are any video games worth upgrading for
Better wait for the PS5 Xbox2 before you cash in m8.

Ew no, Fuck off nigger.

>being a stinky linkie
You probably own several bridges in NYC too

>mfw mustardidiots are finally finished

Schadenfreude feels ao good.

Literally all they'll do is just drive more people into consoles. Personally I'm not too mad since if not for this shitstorm I'd NEVER have started working on my backlog, but ever since the price hike I've been clearing my backlog at an extremely good pace so thanks Cryptojews, you made me a better man.

>tfw snagged a 1070 evga for 400
gonna keep that bad boy as long as I can

I bought one for $199... for the 3gb for a server in early 2017. The 6gb were $250. Etherium boom didn't happen until mid of 2017.

>twice as expensive but 10 times as nice

now this is some grade A bullshit. console is like 200 bucks now, you telling me a fucking 400 PC build can be 10 times as better in this day and age?

This short term greed is gonna hurt AMD & Nvidia in the end, if cryptocurrency flops, high ends cards will flood the market for pennies

>This means a designer card will be made and bought, and regular graphics cards will exist side by side.
Ain't the problem right now that there just aren't enough cards? And the solution will be more cards?
Whoa, dude...

hi md bro

No fucking way lmao. 400 usd won’t even get you a poverty tier grafix card at this point.

$0.10 was placed into your account.

>and better games
Jesus christ these delusions
Keep playing getting over it and dream daddy while modding shit because of boredom

Except back then there was reason for the price to be high: Materials+Production.
Now though it's cause of memecoins to get rich quick. If the cards were being used for science or medicine I would be perfectly ok with competing for what you find amusing

sure if there are more card seller around
however if there are only 2 brands and they not willing to lower their shit we still have to eat shit

also this whole >if cryptocurrency flops
now i don't care for this shit but damn it has been a long fucking if and i would glad it actually happen anytime now

Yeah between the newest iPhone, Andriod phone, google phones, SD cards and, 2 TB ssd this shortage is impacting everyone and making the price skyrocket.
This crypto shit isn't helping either

GPU performance hasn't been plateauing though user. The increase in computing power is an exponential curve that is one of the most consistent and predictable things in the world.

The actual problem is that graphics have started hitting diminishing returns really hard for years now. Even the massive increases in power of CPUs and GPUs can't change that graphics have reached the point that adding enormous amounts of extra polygons to the models effectively makes almost zero noticeable difference in graphical fidelity.

I unironically, unmemetically and serioiusly hope they do. I want Cryptocancershitters to commit sucide out of desperation because they took a bankloan/mortgage/sold their kids to Soros just to jump on the cryposhittrain when the next inevitable crash comes.

I have a backlog that will last me 3 lives anyway. I can wait.

but it's not them raising prices, its their dealers. ASUS,MSI, EVGA etc.

they should just focus on putting working mirrors and dynamic shadows back in games with all that computing power

>and that is through consoles

Ah yes, with constant updates, paying for online, mid gen upgrades, DLC up the ass, no more split screen, lack of AAA japanese games & focus on online multiplayer over single player

the old ways of gaming, says the retard

god i'm glad i upgraded my 4850 to a 7850 all that time ago. it's hard enough being stuck on the better card for all eternity.

a bit obsessed aren't you?

I play every thing on intel inside graphics.

I have no idea now i beat people in multiplayer games.

And then nvidia dies.

because you're playing games only to win instead of enjoying them as well.

sad existence you lead

in 2022 they'll stop making cards for gaming at all.

How delusional you are? There is no point for NVDA to make poor gamers' lives easier when they can earn more $$$

What console is 200 usd right now? And don't tell me the switch. Integrated graphics is better than the switch.

Is it only higher end cards that are effected? If I want to build a low-mid range PC that could play something like overwatch fine am I still going to get gouged?

>I play every thing on intel inside graphics
lullest of luls

>wait until the hype is over
>he doesn't know

you're fucked

>sell your kidney for RAM
>sell your soul for a GPU
when will CPUs be hit with a massive price spike?

1070 and 1080 good enough for gaming and miners would not need them same as 970 980 now

I just don't need some obsolete plastic box with the scam of paid online.
I have all games available in a device I use for more than gaming.

>buying faulty hardware for $600 on ebay

Base Ps4 when it goes on sale.

They will be skipping 11XX to 19xx then? For what purpose?

>Mining with an SSD with 128gb hard drive, when the entire ethereum network is more than 200gb the last time i saw it
Sure, if you want to waste money.