Is she attractive or ugly?
Is she attractive or ugly?
My mom unironically looks better and she's 48
she would've been cute if they gave her a normal hairdo instead of this dumb braided mullet
just look up what the actress looks like
Face is fine, hair ruins it.
Literally imitating 3d piggu
Why do they do this
I'd take anime same face over this any day
ugly marxist character for an ugly marxist game
someone post the concept art, she was cute/hot in that
wonder (((why))) they changed it
she's not technically ugly, she just looks like a man
Shes cute
Jew fro is impossible to make attractive.
>face is fine
Only beta cucks seriously but think that she is ugly. Strong man want strong woman. She is one. Do the math incels.
she was made to appeal the creaturas americanas. So she has to look like a fat goblin.
mate l think you just crave cocks
looks like a dude I used to go to school with.
She has a very big face shaped like a potato, also she looks like she has down syndrome.
>buzz words
nice one bro
Mate, perhaps I do? Doesn't change the fact that Aloy is beautiful the way she is. Her dialog is messed up sometimes, but in general she is a fantastic character.
Also, go hang yourself and stop baiting people with your childish, inbred comments you clit
>Strong man want strong woman
wrong. Masculine men desire feminine women, opposites attract
el negro...
you sound like the kind of guy who thinks Ronda looks attractive
She's "uglycute"
She looks like that fat fuck from the england is my city meme
she looks like a six.
she's clearly above average looking, but not yet hot, just average.
holy shit, Sup Forums literally never meet IRL women and they think the average IRL is a porn star or muh weeb garbage.
Potato level graphics is the issue.
But no, she's not ugly
If she was a guy she would be kinda cute, but she's supposed to be a girl and is pretty fugly
In flattering lighting and from certain angles she can be qt.
Kill it with fire
she looks american
She's ugly. Her head is misshapen like a lumpy potato and her hair looks like it stinks like shit. Her game is shit too.
>in very specific occasions, a person can look good.
The same happens to non-attractive people.
she's super cute. but what said
What in God's name is this unholy abomination?
Yes. That was my point, my guy.
>horizon reaches 7 millions copy sells
>nu/v/ starts hating again
Female Blake Griffin. It has manish features
If you are American she is.
Sup Forums never liked this game
Sup Forums never liked ANY game
we like kingdom come a lot
A symbolic representation of Horizon Zero Dawn.
/vee/ evidently loves politics, though.
reminds me of the andromeda "characters"
>design ripped from Pixar's Brave
>flat personality
>whiny cunt (just as reboot-Lara, can't stand her)
>constantly talking to herself
Pretty much a libtards idea of a "badass" female protagonist. They used to be a lot better (old Lara, Samus before Other M, Kate Archer from NOLF etc.) before the SJW bullshit of this decade
> amerimutt
>all of these haters
Aloy doesn't care about you or your wrong opinions and neither does the vast majority of games
Kat > Aloy
The only problem with her face is that the modelers screwed up, the girl IRL she's based on is pretty dont know how the transition to the game was so messed up
Attractive in Germany, Africa, France, Blacker parts of America and Celtic regions, ugly everywhere else
Sup Forums jokes aside, she's just a redhead nu-lara. Same shitty personality and turn of events
A cat is fine too.
I did the event in Monster Hunter and unlock her outfit, actually it unlocked all on its own without my accord. I do not want this outfit, i did the quest so i could play with my buds and now a new tab added itself in my workshop with nothing in it except the alloy stupid face in it. Because fucking yes it replaces your whole chara model with stupido here so now i have this shit under my nose forever.
I even bet the tab is going to stay empty and god damn Alloy stupid face will be the only thing in it, in my workshop, a whole tab for nothing.
I think she's a cutie patootie when her face's not animated
They took the lower half of her face and made it FAT. I bet i could fix her with gimp, give me a few hours.
she is like gypsy whore, she is ugly for human woman, but kinda hot for a gypsy whore, and pretty cheap, but then she take off her panties, and a very stinky smell comes out.
i like her
Los abominación
She has the face of a fat chick, and that hair doesn't help either.
That's a far more condemning trait than her physical appearance.
post pics
Ya empezó el raid ? De que foro vienes?
She's cute in an awkward teenager kind of way. Her hair is godawful though and makes her look boyish.
she's very attractive or maybe i think her attractive because i'm not white and humans are hardwired to racemix
Fuck off Sup Forums Nazi scum
Her concept art desing looked miles better
Why are you gay user?
i dont think hes the gay one user