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It's overwatch so who honestly cares besides you op
I mean, Roadhog has a ton of lewds.
No one wants to talk about David Bowie here
Well, considering it was a terrible idea and they got some generic irish-american accent instead of getting an Irish woman with an actual Irish accent, what do you expect?
Blizzard doesn't care, neither do the pervs
Give it time, things will eventually turn up.
I'm more curious wich girl Brigitte will be paired up with for /u/ shipping.
>This girl
>Looks like a dude
You fucked that one up OP
>draw David Bowie
>call it a girl
The actress is Irish you dipshit
What about that African loli and the robot centaur thing? Fan artists have been quiet on them too, right? Maybe Blizzard is losing their touch?
What the fuck does her voice have anything to do with porn? Also, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but she's Irish and was raised in straya.
Nice Battleborn character.
"generic irish-american accent".
Also, no, sorry mate - being raised in a different country but born here does not make you Irish. It makes you from somewhere else and entitles you to a passport
see above
I mean compared to other chars yeah
but dont worry user its out there (and its good)
So this is the power of Irish shitposting. Godspeed, mate.
The community is too slow to realize the potential for the african loli getting fucked with the machine horsecock
>Maybe Blizzard is losing their touch?
They just have to make uggos every once in a while so when a waifu comes along the community goes wilder.
Nope. Just pointing out that fucking out of the country for over 3/4s of your life when you were 10 makes you Aussie if you went to Australia.
She has an Irish passport, yes.
She also does a terrible attempt at an Irish accent
I don't even think you know who the voice actress is. In no way is she Irish-American
Sorry mate, no matter what you say or how you feel don't change a thing
I said "Irish-American accent". Keep up.
Voice actress performing an accent =/= who she really is
Keep up
People still play this game?
Oh, I agree, user.
She's Australian with an Irish passport and residence here and was told to do a generic English theatre accent with an intersplice of "Irish"
I honestly wish my opinion of "she can do a good accent" were true but hey, so far facts show otherwise
wait what
That doesn't even rhyme
Roadhog actually fills a niche.
Lootbox addiction is serious business, I quit once I realized there's nothing to do but farm boxes, but my friends keep playing because they want everything, and usually end up buying like 30-50 boxes by the end of every event, so they can't even quit now because they have invested so much now.
>retards say character doesnt sound like x nationality
>va is actually a native x
Every time
Finnish character when?
user, again, as I have explained to you multiple times: yes, she lived here for ten years, then pissed off to Australia, didn't set foot on here for like 28-29 years and suddenly people think that's how Irish people sound like.
No, we don't. Furthermor, her accent in the voices are a generic "theatre" accent and is "netural" so not to offend anyone.
Compare actual good theatre actors from other countries with our beloved "I am Irish and do not sound it lol" actress.
You mean Little Africa? Never
this is absolutely a lie, why would you lie about something like this?
Dude, Bowie hasn't been dead long enough. Give it a rest will ya?
I'm Irish and both my irish and american friends hardly even noticed her accent in the first trailer they released for her. I'm honestly really disappointed by how poor her accent is and how awful her delivery of irish phrases are. As an irish person with a fairly americanized accent my accent sounds significantly more irish than her fuckin shit attempt at a primetime accent.
Doesn't always work bizarrely enough. For example, Morrigan in MvC3 has a cringeworthy fake Scottish accent that I can confirm as a Scottish person is wrong and sounds more Irish than Scottish anyway. Whenever you point that out people always say he's Scottish well then why does she sound like an American pretending? Probably because they've lived in America most of their life idk.
I haven't heard this character but I would imagine the same is true. Just being that nationality doesn't necessarily give you a genuine accent or even genuine knowledge of the county if they lived most of their life elsewhere.
>O'Reilly was born in Dublin, Ireland and raised in Adelaide, Australia.
You fucking Mongoloid.
>bbbaaawwww add more waifus pls my peepee is softening
She has lewds by the greatest overwatch lewd artist
She can't do an accent, though. That's the only problem so they got her to do the generic "theatre" accent you hear a lot from bad actors that can't sound natural.
Also she can't even speak Irish, that was the funniest part
She's generic theatre with a bad attempt at putting in an Irish accent randomly
user, I've xplained to you multiple times as you repeatedly posted what I've stated and what the facts are.
She doesn't even sound like a specific accent, just like how someone trying to be as edgy and brooding as possible.
>Moira instead of Máire
I'm still fucking mad
When will they retcon this bitch into being just another "muh heritage" American?
That's actually a lot worse than I expected
Why does she randomly become ''''irish''''' every 5th line and then not again?
Why don't they hire people who speak the language? Isn't that cultural appropriation?
Because they wanted her to do an actual Irish accent and she can't, obviously.
IIRC, the "irish" accent was from lines she recorded earlier, Blizzard said fuck it and just told "use the regular one"
Well, you realize we only got an "Irish" (I use that loosely) hero because Blizzard like most companies, use this shithole for tax breaks right?
They usually do, but I guess they just couldn't find someone they felt was good for the part and had to settle, like with Lucio
Whats shocking is that theres hardly any porn of Doomfist
I thought tumblr would go wild with him
Why is the design of the last characters so fucking shit?
not a lot of people can speak Irish, user. At least not fluently.
Although yes, they could have gotten some 16 year old girl from a gaelscoil and she'd have sounded better instead of the "I'm totally Irish and don't at all sound like a guy on HRT randomly"
I don't what you're talking about. Every game with her in it is a porn as I watched her brutally rape everyone.
They're all about McCree and Hanzo
fuck sake, I thought her irish sounded off but I figured it was just a different dialect, but Jesus christ man the way she butchers common phrases like "look at the state of you" and fucking "grand" it's so awful, and I was so fucking mad at the "you mad a dog's BREAKFAST of it" like what the actual fuck?? the phrase is dog's DINNER, dog's breakfast doesn't even have alliteration.
You should have seen how angry my friend was about the spelling, I've never even seen it spelled "Moira" before, I would have settled for Maire without the fáda but just fucking Mary would have been better than Moira.
Traps and trans are niche
>losing their touch
They're doing this intentionally
>Was really looking forward to MercyxDoomfist art for the purposes of self-inserting as Mercy
>There's hardly any of it
Thank God, you fucking faggot
>have a shitty O'IRISH accent
>shit design
>not based on GAELIC AESTHETIC like Gallowglass warriors or kerns
>runs like Naruto
>looks like a tranny
No wonder theres no porn and everyone hates "her"
God, that's awful. She can't even emote properly, never mind enunciate. All her inflections are off.
>fucking disgusting man faced tranny
>black lolis
No thank you.
Ugly but very op
I win almost every game i play as her
It was just a shoe-horn thing in for the fact Ireland has a HQ here since lolTax. So the name doesn't bother me since it was obviously just a "here, you got something Ireland no fuck off"
She hasn't actually lived in Ireland until I think 2007 so for around 20 years, she was in Australia and lives in England currently
Honestly, Cait in Fallout 4 was a much better attempt than the bollocks that's in OVerwatch
>Gallowglass or kern aesthetic on a woman
thinking emoji
Should have just made a gallowglass based male character.
>Tfw still waiting for good Zarya porn
I can understand why she has so many weeb references though, have you seen the amount of fucking weebs in Ireland? Have you seen /éire/?
Just wait, they're inevitably going to reveal her as trans and they'll be heaps then.
my man
top tier art
same desu
>have you seen the amount of fucking weebs in Ireland?
Maybe in Dublin there's a lot but I have not met a single weeb. Baile Átha Cliath Delanda Est.
> Have you seen /éire/?
/éire/ is full of gayboys. éire/pol/ is where its at.
When do we kill the West-Brits brethren
Moira is CUTE
that art is off-model as fuck
>/éire/ is full of gayboys. éire/pol/ is where its at
I'm a weeb from Dublin and I couldn't agree more
Yaoi lovers don't want to fap to David Bowie if he doesn't have a cock.
You mean like basically all fan art?
have you seen attack on titan it's my favourite anime lets go to eirtakon :3
>i don't care so even though the game has millions of players probably no one cares :P
not really, a lot of artists are quite good at getting the likeness of characters
>I can't fap to it, which means that it's bad
Good fashy 32 county republic soon
She is, but at least post good drawings dude.
Yeah but it's overwatch so should their opinion really matter?
sauce me nibba
I actually like Moira's design, I dig the whole sorceress thing she has going on
D. K.
what happened to the thread
>fallout 4 and payday 2 both have a scottish lady voicing an irish lady
why does this happen
Can't wait for the SFMs
What were they thinking, she looks so out of place. The new hero looks super good but she still looks like she came straight from paladins or battleborn.
Ironically Moira is one of the most fun characters to play.
>Irish-Australian has an Irish-American accent
Yeah but she's pretty fun to play, so it's ok.
>Spam shitty sphere
>Right click to annoy someone across the map
Who the fuck is that?
Yup, exactly.