Third world gaming thread

Third world gaming thread

How are you holding up bros?

Im not. Waiting for other shit to happen while im on "survive" mode. I basicaly only eat and sleep

Why do people always forget Uruguay?
It has the highest nominal GDP per capita and with a small population its people live well
Its also whiter than Argentina

>GDP per capita

Stop being assblasted over images on the internet. You're still allowed to post here.
Lets not turn this into Sup Forums

>Third world gaming thread
Don't you mean Former Spanish Colonies?

Philippines here, fucking GPU prices are insane.

Everybody is fucking whiter than Argentina

Nigga Brazil and Philippines have Trillions in their GDP but I would rather be born an Estonian

>Waiting for other shit to happen
Like what?

Shut the fuck up Delicia boy

A friend will visit me in like 10 days and we're gonna be mostly outside for as long as she stays. Im tired of browsing this shithole and doing nothing.

SO... What have you third worlders been playing? remember video games

Brazil is a former portuguese colony, but every former colony is welcome here I guess

I'm waiting for other players on Tekken 7, forever.

Thanks to Sup Forums, people from outside America get a bad reputation, due to posts like this

That game is dead already.

Playing Monster Hunter World, arrived on high rank yesterdayhad to pay it in 7 installments, fuck this wagekek life

>third world
I really hope each and everyone of you third world brothers have a wonderful and happy day

Implying that burgers post anything less insulting about anyone else.

i'm gonna upgrade my pc to "modern toaster" status. the fact that i'll need a fortune to buy a switch is also pretty sad. but i believe in myself.

todos juegan fifa o pes, juegen otra cosa, hay mas juegos

Where I live AAA games only cost $45 for physical and on Steam they never go past $40 unless its Bethesda

You remind me of something my grandpa used to say:
>The worst thing that could've happened to argentina is winning the british invasions.

Jugando arma 3 con los chicos en coops

Nada de brigada sombra autista o milsim de guatones en todo caso

Ey que pasa con el cabro chuchetumareeee te vamo a pitiarte gil culiaoo

Thanks to Sup Forums, non-Americans dindu nuffin.

Rainbow six siege con mis friendos.

Just playing shitty mmos waiting for Bless online, and trying to recover from death grip, bought a sex doll but it was dissapointing because my dick doesn't work properly.

How much fun could I have in one of your shithole countries with around 5K USD?

pinches meseros se creen europeos hahahaha LOL


>tfw living in a first world country with a 3rd world internet connection

Which country?

Burgers really don’t even talk about anyone else

Mexican here, I have a huge backlog of games, based Steam and their cheap prices

Steam hasn't had good sales in 5 years tho. Used console games and other sites always out do the DRM steam.

We pirating, we cool

>huge burnout after plat'ing Persona 5

I have about 7 days to play Nioh. After that I'm moving to uni's city and for my own sanity I'm not bringing my ps4.

Should I third world Sup Forums?

Is Portugal third world?

Should I try to play Nioh*

we were discovered by a portugese funnily enough

Argentina always wins baby
Bolivia BTFO

Probably Australia

i pirate everything w/o any consequences, whats not to like?

What video game company regardless of the game quality have the best south american dubs? ubishit?

>people literally sell pirated games on my local market

pretty good desu, other than that waiting for the crypto meme to end, im sitting on 700 burger bux to upgrade my toaster

Portugal has a lower HDI than Chile, Saudi Arabia, and Lithuania, so unironically yes.

I bought me a 2DS XL and now I have to micromanage my finances. A $5 spent wrong is likely to kill me, fuck

Most games are dubbed in Mexico now, Sony went cheap and hired shitty Argentine voice actors but now they rectified and they are dubbing games in Mexico

Just stopping by to let you know I have an income in a 1st world country significantly higher than my regular expenses.

I'm playing cold steel 2
Fucking game crashing randomly


>Piñera will assume soon as president
>Still bound to be a NEET bc i can't find a job on what i studied
>niggers getting in the country like the plague
>my only resort is to play vidya


T. Diseñador grafico

nope. arquitecto

but why?

Honestly I’m more surprised by how high Saudi Arabia is than how low Portugal is. I knew SA had a cushy welfare system because of oil money, but I didn’t know they were doing THAT well.

Cerra el orto provinciano


t. CPA

>switch, ps4, midtier pc
>decent salary
>paying my house

t. chilean pharmacist

I'm patiently waiting for Metro Exodus even though I probably won't be able to play it on my shitty PC.
Such is the mestizo life.

Unless the ksa diversifies, give it a few years till it becomes pic related.

Playing Black desert in hard mode (no $$$) nonstop. It's decently fun and can play it in automatic pilot while I do stuff or just listen to podcasts.

Still sad nobody I know can play it.
Only have poor friends

>third world
you mean shiternet

Paraguai is pretty cool, I have family near the border so I just buy all my games/eletronics from there.

Brazilian here. Just downloaded ffxii zodiac age but barely have time to play it after work, feels bad man

>Steam games are cheap in Mexico

>Amazon Mexico is a godsend, based Amazon Prime

>Consoles are cheap

>yfw ps4 homebrew will be a thing soon

I am trying to build a PC but everything seems so expensive. What parts should I buy for a average PC? A PC strong enough to play overwatch or the Witcher 3 at 60 fps for example

In Colombia steam games are pretty cheap, but that can be just local economy.
Parts are a bit expensive, but interesting enough, RAM prices aren't so overpriced here... yet.

>just bought 4 Goddesses Online at about 13 USD in colombian peso

I live in Argentina, i use the worst provider out of the 2 available, absolutely nothing works online, even friends with slow internet refuse to play with me because of lag.

I took a trip to the Southern cone of South America a few years back and was most impressed by Chile. It seemed like the people there were a bit more enthusiastic about life than some of the other places. In Argentina I kind of got a sense that all the locals were just going through the motions and would rather be somewhere else.

well, that's what happened to me with fallout 4 and the last Deus Ex ...

Guess my NEET's way of life is coming to a end. Fell for the public college meem in this 3rd world country and I'm sure my degree will be worth nothing in the near future

yeah we're quite a bit happier, but most of all it's thanks to our national sports which are drinking to enjoy life (or cope with sadness, important situations, love, meetings, every situation) and getting mugged (because laws actually benefit the burglars). we live to enjoy life, it just happens that life = alcohol


>mfw i'm no 3rd worlder

>saving up to import a PSVR

Which Roman Catholic saint should I pray for if I want my parcel not to be taxed by our corrupt and inefficient mail system?

Here in Brazil são Paulo state internet is pretty good and not so expensive
I have 50gb for 28 dollars
That may explain why you see lots of us online

Soy yo

Just curious but, who here mains this Chad in fighterz?
Any chadforcers here?
Also, damn these horrible connections.

Damn, Mandy is thick.

Here.I don't have ps+ anymore but i used to play Gohan/16/Black


Most of the brs I've playing against are playing through wifi or some shit. Match starts with 3f and goes to 8f in seconds.

Where are you from? I want to bully your pink asshole

nobody cares about little argentina

>GPU prices are through the roof
>Trying to save for a GTX 1170/1180 when they get announced next month
>Only $30 of $500-600 saved, $200 wasted in expensive food this month so fast

And the worst if all
>5-8°C when the average temperature of my city is 40-45°C for 8 months
I cant even play, my fingers hurt of how cold my room is.
Fucking kill me.

Make it $204, grandmother bought a sandwich and orange juice instead potatoes and beans.

>Saving for the 11xx series.

Its going to overpriced as fuck or just with very few quantities, and judging by your budget just get an 1050ti or 1060, should be fine for modest gaming.

Ginyu, Nappa and Tenchinjan here

19f of lag with literally everyone

GTX 1050Ti is $5000 MXN currently ($250 USD).
GTX 1060 is $9000 MXN ($450 USD) on average.
Guess why i am waiting.
Better buy a overpriced recent card than a overpriced 2 year old card.

>first walkthrough of a classic game
>beat half the game before figuring out the correct spot for hitting with the riot prod

If you think the new lineup will be better you're off your ass.
GPU prices are going to be overpriced as fuck specially considering how tech is going fowards.

And you're thinking the new gen will be close to those numbers as well.
Just looking at previous years we should have some insight on the new generations of GPUs and the only thing we know is that it will be more focused on AI but that tech is too expensive for consumer use, hence why the new Titan V doesnt even have the GTX tag, cuz its not meant for games, at all, even if its the most powerful GPU available.

AJAJAJAJAJ pinches meseros

I am "surviving" if you can even call it that
Also got a 360 and DS with flashcart
Saving for a Switcheroo now


bcuz ur gay lol

It has worked fine so far. Has lifetime warranty too.

>nominal GDP