I went looking for magnetite because I needed it for a water filter thing because I'm tired of looking for bloat fish

I went looking for magnetite because I needed it for a water filter thing because I'm tired of looking for bloat fish

I think, where can I find MAGNEtite, maybe near lava or magma! I go down looking for it, end up by some huge alien thing with no resources in sight and some big ass leviathan camping the way out and those stupid lava leeches stole all my cyclops' power.

I don't wanna abandon my sub what the hell do I do. Subnautica thread I guess.

Purple cave, user. Also lots of lithium

game worth pirating?

yeah but buy it its only 25 bucks and the company is small
the purple mushroom caves? thats way up I'm so far down looking for that stuff
I tried getting past the beast but its like following me

It is your primary directive to swim closer to that beautiful creature.

So what's the biggest monster in the game?
Does it pose a big threat to the Cyclops or nah?

yes, the game was made by SJW cucks.

the thing in OP can 4 shot a cyclops

>Does it pose a big threat to the Cyclops or nah?
I have no clue what the Cyclops is able to handle. I parked mine next to some thermal vents in a cave and forgot it existed.

I don't see anything in the pic though, just bubbles?

Why the hell would you bring your cyclops that deep anyway. You should've parked it in that glowee tree and prawn suit deeper.

I'm looking for magnetite to make a Prawn suit
I'm at my base now though with a bunch of aerogel and nickel
yet better in every way when compared to kingdum cum

you can find magtenite in semi shallow areas

its a sea dragon

Oh. Well that's a bit concerning.

it also breaths fire and looks at you menacingly

>can't find the fricking fragments for the filtration system

>I'm looking for magnetite to make a Prawn suit

>not just seamoth-ing around at 400m, screaming at every loud noise

It was made my soyboys

I have this game in my library but I also have crippling thalassophobia which made me never leave the initial area. In fact I never even went into the water until some time after the Aurora(?) exploded. Is that the scariest thing in game or is there worse?

It's dangerous below. We must build upwards!

I think reapers are the scariest but they turn into really weak bothers when you get upgrades instead of terrifying beasts that chase you to your death
The first time you see a reaper is always "oh shit" because it sneaks up behind you, turns your sub around and crushes it in its maw
Also there's these things called ghost leviathans that are stupid aggressive and kind of appear out of no where and just charge at you super fast

Soy is good for you though

ugh, cuck game. I wish we had more based game devs Sup Forumsros

Hey faggot, whole milk is better.

whole milk is good for kids because of the fat, but drinking it as an adult is actually unhealthy
there's areason its called homo

Coconut milk is a good alternative. Tasty as well.

Why is that fish ripping holes into the void?

▀▖┗▛▄▖▜▚┣ ▜▚┗┣┗┫┓┏┓ ▛▄▖┅┗▖. ┣┗┏▛▄▖▜┏┣ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣. ┣┗▖┃▀▚▗┏┏┓. ▖┛▀┗▞┃┏▄ ▛┏┗▄▖▜▚┣ ┅▖┗━▖ ▖┓┫▞┣ ▚ ▛▄┅┗▖ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣ ▚┛▘▞━▖┅.

that's his suit burning because he doesn't have the right one for lava zones

>new targets unaccounted for 1
I've never felt so scared in my life

Yeah, swam out to grab the screenshot, immediately caught fire, screamed, took the picture, and swam back in crying like a bitch.

Should I go hardcore for my first try?

no you'll die in the first area to muhammed fish

Are they the only SJW/soyboy/other buzzwords dev team that actually made a good game?

And then you realize nothing is dangerous and that the Cyclops is a piece of oversized garbage, when it is much easier to simply stroll down to the main facility with the Prawnsuit.

Stop posting hags.

I wish the warpers were more aggressive towards you considering their purpose. They kind of attack you if you get closer, but fuck off pretty quickly. I was expecting to get hunted down at some point or something, it's definitely what the game seems to imply at first, even when you don't really understand the reason why.