Comes out April 3rd. 32 days remaining.
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
I hope it will be pushed back for another month because I'm busy next month
Have they released any pictures of breastplates?
I want to see how it looks ingame.
kill yourself shill rat
kana must be in deadfire!
They're doing the V.O. recordings now. Trailer soon.
I hope there's another blood pool in Deadfire, just so I can keep sacrificing the Ruas.
>Sawyer is still trying to balance mechanics 1 month before release
This game is gonna suck until the first major patch right?
You monster frisbee
It's gonna be a great game, get decent reviews and sell like shit.
Of course.
Reminder that the factions are the main focus of the narrative and literally all of them are pure shit thanks to Josh "I despise European culture" Sawyer.
I still enjoyed the first Pillars at launch despite how broken it was. In fact, using broken shit to my advantage was part of the enjoyment.
I'm sure it will be much more balanced when they finish patching it up all the way through, but I'm playing it as soon as it's out.
god time is flying and i'm not doing anything to get on the job market
The Vailian Republics are obviously the European culture and the Rauatai have a fair amount of European flavor to them too. I don't see what the problem is, unless you just dislike the idea of sharks and black people.
Sawyer is a huge germanboo you retard.
>tfw some random user fixed obsidian art
who corpse eater here
holy shit the original portraits are so bad
>The Vailian Republics are obviously the European culture
Thanks Josh! Couldn't possibly feel more European. I really enjoy the intricate, diverse and detailed world of Pillars of Eternity!
t. retard
When did they update the portraits?
>americans talking about european culture
>every character has to be a waifu with the same face
Yeah, the originals looked bad but this is hardly "fixed"
they didn't. it's from a drawanon.
Do you have anything against the Vailians other than the fact they're black? They are basically Italy.
You can thank drawanon for these.
They're not even black, just Pallengia.
Holy shit. Why did they make the companions look so bad in the portraits.
Hmm, maybe that fact that they look like fucking caricatures? If you simply take an established culture from a very specific time period and a very specific geographical area and add NOTHING of value to them, only change their ethnicity for no reason at all, then this simply looks like a bad joke. If even their names and language are basically identical, then this is just laughable in every aspect.
Hey Josh, I have a fantastic idea for you, since you're such a Germanboo! Why not create a new faction that is very religious, wears a black cross on white uniforms, has very heavily armored knights and is lead by a grandmaster named Heinrich who wages a holy war against technologically inferior infidels in the cold and snowy forests of a coastal area. Just call them Vailianic Order! What a grand idea, BUT WAIT, WHY NOT MAKE THEM APPEAR EAST-ASIAN, LMAOOO. GOT EM!
The majority of them are black
Who knows? Maia and Serafen's portraits look good, Tekehu's is alright and while Xoti wasn't particularly bad but hers wasn't great either. I'll likely just switch Eder and Aloth to their pillars 1 portraits, unless drawanon fixes them as well.
>this much autism
I take the Leaden Key ending for Aloth. I really hope we get one with Aloth in the headdress. But I doubt Obsidian would bother.
drawanon pls
Another Orlan poster?
>just turn your brain off bro :^)!
>who gives a shit about wordbuilding, this is just a CRP....oh shit, that's actually the whole fucking point.
>hear how the Alpine Dragon is supposed to scale up along with WM1
>come to him on lvl 14
>he dies like a bitch
Thanks, Sup Forums.
I don't want to sound like a dick but the portraits look bad because everyone is chubby. They look like they stuffed their faces with marshmallows.
Are you the guy behind
He doesn't. The only dragon that scales is the Sky Dragon, because only she is part of the critical path.
That's fucking dumb.
>The Vailian language is based on a mixture of real world Italian, French, and Occitan.
>Vailian Republics are rooted in what we would call a Renaissance culture, closely resembling the Italian city-states.
>The land is divided among fourteen republics, each ruled by duc or ducess, and has voting rights on the sengretta ducala ("ducal congress" in Vallian)
>It is considered the most powerful mercantile force in the southern hemisphere, partially due to the access it has to most major commodities of the world, including slaves.
>The Most Unfortunate Tale of Favia and Bernat: A Vailian Tragedy
Damn, look at all these unique cultural traits, can't wait to find out more about this fascinating civilization! Heard there is a very popular Vailian painter and inventor called Learnoda da Vainci, you guys think we can meet him in "Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire"? Looking forward to it!
Lmao, have you even fought the upscaled sky dragon? She's harder than the adra dragon by a long shot, an upscaled alpine dragon would be borderline impossible.
Not yet. Should I haul ass to her before I somehow overlevel her?
I'm going to pirate Pillars of the Caribbean!
>Everyone who criticizes my hero Josh Sawyer must be a shill
t. shill who creates several threads a day to circlejerk about this mediocre mess. The fucking Forgotten Realms have more convincing worldbuilding at this point.
In other words: No, you have nothing againast the Vailians other than the fact they're black.
As for your example, that's pretty much how Sawyer already does things. You grab whatever you want from different cultures and mash stuff together. As long as it's well executed, I don't see a problem.
So, first you bitch that Sawyer isn't representing European culture, then you bitch that it's representing Italy too closely. Pick one.
>You grab whatever you want from different cultures and mash stuff together.
Different cultures, lmao.
>As long as it's well executed, I don't see a problem.
Well executed, lmao
I can understand that you're desperately trying to like it, because there's simply no alternative and we all have to live with the shit Josh serves us. A shame that someone that should have remained a gameplay designer and project lead was allowed to develop the whole setting for this genre-defining series.
>I'm homosexual and face blind due to autism
why can't you be a good goy like me
I had no problem with the Vailians in the first game whatsoever. I didn't love them, but they seem fine.
The Rauatai look great, and those are a mix of Europe, Maori and Imperial Japan.
Really, though, I'm siding with the natives because not many games give you the option to fight back against colonization.
are the native faction shark people too?
The resemblance is uncanny, yes.
Yeah, but they're brown shark people instead of blue or green.
>Chillfog foe only
>Slicken reapplying every few secs + no griound immunities
I'm going full Bleak Walker on this faggot for lying to me, but killing him gives me Major negative reputation with Defiance Bay.
Do I miss something if my reputation with the city is so-so?
See, that's the point. They're a MIX. They are UNIQUE. Guess who isn't, because they're just a blackwashed version of something we already know very well and only exist because of Sawyers own warped worldview and apparent distate of anything that doesn't subvert European culture and CRPG heritage strongly enough.
Galvino was basically that in White March
except that sawyer is fucking obsessed with german culture.
reputations barely matter in this game, so no
Name single thing in POE that was inspired by German culture or history.
He didn't say there were, all he was saying is that Sawyer doesn't hate yuro culture.
what level
how many companions did you bring
what difficulty are you playing
lvl 4
5 usual companions. inc me.
normal. they all just swarm him after the cutscene and he insta dies.
Not really, also, I killed him and still got max reputation with Defiance Bay.
You are changing the narrative. First, Sawyer doesn't want any culture to be European, now it's too European.
Just admit you can't stand them because they're black.
is Eder your only front-liner?
try to bottleneck them are the door to Raedric's bedroom
use food buffs
make sure eder is using a fuckoff shield
at normal difficulty there really isnt any excuse for struggle desu
If it's too hard, promise Raedric that you'll kill Kolsc for him so you wouldn't get instalocked into dialogue and combat. Then position your party in the room where his dead wife is or the side room to stairs. pull the party with a ranged weapon and run right away to the room. use bottleneck and kill the enemy.
Read my posts you dumb fuck. Yes, taking an established culture and painting them black, white, yellow or whatever makes them a caricature, see If you want to have a black faction, then make them unique through a MIX or take inspiration from an actual African context, fuck, even just coming up with your own freaking language would make them so much more believable.
This is quite literally actual cultural appropriation in a way that is so shameless that I almost can't believe it. "The Most Unfortunate Tale of Favia and Bernat: A Vailian Tragedy", how can you read this and not treat it like the bad joke it is?
ah okay thanks.
>pull the party
*pull the enemy
don't put your party members in one place they could get hit by an aoe from their wizard. If you harvested any traps in the dungeon you could use them on the way the enemy would pass. the green one with corrode damage is good. If you don't have them, don't bother.
I don't buy it. If they had elements based on African culture, you'd be bitching about that. There's no winning in this situation. Plus, this whole thing started with a post arguing that Sawyer hates European culture, yet now it feels too much like Italy but black-washed, which makes it a caricature. Not buying it.
If eder dies too fast, rob the fine brigandine kana wears and give it to eder. give the door shield you get for the blacksmith quest reward to him. it helps to choose weapon and shield style for his talent for level 2 or 4.
then say that your mad about the cultural appropriation in the first place you retard. I have a question for you though - would you have been fine with sawyer make a fantasy race of some animal people and sticking the italian/renaissance european culture on them like he did with turning the samoans into shark people?
Damn, Pallegina gets mad if you pick stoic every time when you talk to the ambassador.
Fuckoff to vg with this general ffs
That's exactly what I did. I was completely neutral and stoic to her at all times, to see what she would decide for herself.
She ended up going with the Vailians. Loyal to the end.
Fuckoff to another thread with posting ffs
Well regardless of how European a faction may be, a blackwashed Italy is not a very interesting or unique faction.
>She ended up going with the Vailians
As opposed to what, the vailians?
Dyrwood. She can alter the deal so that it favors them and isn't as merciless.
You have 3 minutes to name 3 other major factions in RPGs that are based on the Thornton expedition. Good luck, bucko.
none of the factions/nations are that particularly creative - the hauna are just a jumble of island cultures, the Dyrwood is like North America and the white wends is nordic/celtic stuff.
They weren’t fixed.
They were *balanced*.
Is this viable for a Paladin?
>not having 1 int
absolutly not
Literally everything is viable.
I don't really see why would you want 18 resolve though.
For dialogue options.
>10 int 10 per
>strong brutish soldier
Depends on what you want to do.
You can get away with lower resolve due to pallies having naturally high defenses due to their Faith ability that increases all defenses if you get enough disposition points in the right disposition.
A high int is pretty useful for increasing aura radius and healing power. Not mandatory since frontliners will usually be clumped up together or very far away, but it never hurts if you have that offensive aura.
Yeah that's fine then.
>see a lone ice blight
>figure it's another small group of them
>a dozen broodmothers come out of the dark