She sold millions.
She sold millions
And it was well deserved
Stop shilling your ugly ass transexual man
>Being gay
Nothing about this is male. Fully feminine.
7.6 milion. Game doesn't need shilling :^)
Needs more sfm if you ask me.
sorry that she isnt from japan you fucking degenerate
Why is this boy so popular on v recently
New social shill wave?
To shoot 17 people
Weird. The game media said gamers are a bunch of misogynist pigs yet this exclusive sold millions. It's almost like they're political charged for clicks instead of real journalists.
Thanks for buying my game user. I love you.
Aloy is cute! CUTE! CUTE!! CUTE!!!
whateverth post best post
>The US is not a white ethnostate
If we didn't have shitskins this never would have happened.
All she needs to do is fix the shitty hair.
I wanna sniffy her armpits!
Imagine the smell
No, her face is still chimp ugly
surprised at sales tbqh, almost double what I thought
that fucking face doesn´t match that body
Hannah is cute!
Post another shot with her without makeup. She looks authentic as fuck.
Christmas bundle in Europe and aggressive discounts get you far.
to earn thousands
to earn 0 awards
>hurrr durrr what’s a butterface i’m A dumb virgin
Toddlers forget about the fact that:
>Horizon = New IP
>Still sold more than Zelda BotW
>Still got more awards than Super Mario odyssey
Aloy feels super smug right about now.
>Still sold more than Zelda BotW
Wait, really?
porn where
And won zero awards.
Zelda 'shipped' 7.8m on both Switch and Wii U.
Horizon sold through 7.6m and it currently has a sale going on that cuts the price 30-35%.
guaranteed to have sold more if it wasn't a female protagonist
myself and many others had no interest in the game because of her
just go to the zoo
I want to put my penis in her vagina if you know what I mean
> shipped only means sold when it’s MHW
He said that just to underline that he was comparing different kind of data. But you already know that.
Hi Shill
bloodborne won 0 and its talked about more than witcher 3
>muh stronk wamim
>muh matriarcal tribes
>no fanservice whatsoever
I can't bring myself to finish this game because of the feminist premisses in the concept of the characters.
There was no official bundle. You might aswell apply that argument to every game then.
Aloy is ugly and is catered no literally no1 except to make fat feminists feel good. You are doing nothing more than lighting up a short stacked candle and its fucking pathetic, LMAO KYS
I'm glad SP games are selling well but man they really fucked up her model. They had such a qt to model from.
There isn't porn of Alloy because she looks like a man.
Games sold with consoles shouldn't count
I would have played this game if the MC didn't look like Sean Astin in a wig.
why? almost ever console gets a bundle before its 1st price drop.
>Mario O sales don't count
It is clear they did it on purpose because we, as men, are not allowed to enjoy feminine beauty in vydia anymore.
They will bait us with pretty female models, but then downgrade it in the actual game model.
When it is not it, they outright use ugly female models and will not care about bait at all, like they did with the campaing protagonist of Star Wars Battlefront 2.
Is having fap material in your game really that important to you?
I literally just noticed with this picture in the OP.
The hips, the chest, the shoulders, this T shape.
The bones never lie even in videogames, it's a god damn young man.
Okay, I found it myself.
Aloy is "strong" just because she's an engineered clone of Dr. Sobek, retaining most of her character and wit, more akin to our modern times. Also, 10 years of constant training by the best survivalist the Noras ever had helped a lot.
There is only one matriarchal society, and is shit. Noras are just lucky they settled down in a fertile and ripe valley with good natural protections, they have no chances against any other tribe.
>wanting fanservice
Eat shit.
>Sup Forumsigins can't handle an high-test woman
Why the fuck not? Sex sells.
>Wanting reality in your vidya
yeah we cant handel Landwhales bruh
Women in general scare the living daylights out of Sup Forums.
Not that guy, but yes. Otherwise, there is no reason to play as a female character.
Why would you have a female power fantasy, user? Are you gay?
>semantics make retarded SJW shit ok
oh soy...
imagine don't liking a game because he thinks the MC is ugly lmao
>Only one matriarchal tribe that MC wants to be part of
>They pray to a robot womb and cast off men that want to be free
>Realize that is shit and isn't worth wasting his father's life
>Goes to other cities
>Technological, agricultural, political and architectural advanced than shitty womyn tribe
>They kill robo dinosaurs 10 times stronger than the robo tiger that wiped a hunting nora fleet, and 5 times deadlier than the robo spider that brought doom to their tribe... for sport.
Way to fucking lie to the people. If anything, the game teaches you not ro be a feminist.
>Not wanting fanservice
Why would I play with a female character? I don't have female power fantasies, so I don't find it cool.
If I can't look at her ass there's no reason for her to be the protagonist of an action game.
Eat shit
But you're still stuck at playing as this fucking transgender.
Take off some of her clothes or give me a male protagonist and I will gladly buy five copies of this game.
>Sup Forums likes transexual hipster caveman
Western have lots of best girls, like cammy.
When a male chop his penis and balls he start to call it a vagina, its easy user
Why would I want to deal with them in first place? If a woman is not my relative or does not have any basic feminine quality (like being able to cook) I do not want to have anything with her.
I don't understand why you westerners think all women are entitled to male attention.
Ya know, her face wouldn't look so weird if she ditched her fuckin pinhead hair. It makes he jaw look massive
>High Testosterone
Pick one
Happy she sold but part of me is just slightly curious if they pulled that 7.6M out of some gray areas.
The game did well overseas but definitely not in the States. It just seems a bit murky that a non-sports game without strong American support reached that high.
Garbage game on a garbage console
He meant transgender
if this was on PC you couldve at least modded her uggo face
>being this obviously jelly.
Man, that's good.
That's absolute crap.
>Sony gives away the game for free with bundles
>s-sold like 7 m-million guys!
no actually
I personally loved the game except for the beginning 3 hours. The story was surprisingly interesting, the world building was great and the final cutscene really wrapped it up nicely.
The Frozen Wilds was just okay though, I didn't really care for the story at all
yep, i had to drop botw when i reached the gerudos too
Hasn't Sup Forums been pretty vocal about their thoughts that most game awards shows are meaningless shit shows for years now?
El Goblino...
Found the faggot
Some retards here tried to make their own award show despite that.
name one tranny that looks as good as her
I'm not into traps, but every traps fag could easily flood you and this thread with pics of trannies that look better than that thing.
La creatura...
whats pathetic is no new ip by microsoft can even come close to those numbers even with bundles and heavy discounts
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>western europe
>model a man
>call it a girl
nice try fallacy boy
It's fun dude
>evoking the fun side of things on Sup Forums
have you lost your mind user?