Why are controls in smash games always so convoluted. I like how smash fans claim how special inputs for moves are bad and hard but id take having to do a down forward for a fireball any day over being forced to use the analog stick to control my characters in a 2d environment any day. I still dont get to this day why exactly do they always force you to use he analog stick. I can never truly control when my character walks or when he runs. Why can it just be on the dpad and just making running a double tap. The game overall just feels wonky. I spend more time fighting the controls than fighting the actual enemy.
Am i just being salty about this or is this a legit criticism of the game that only diehard fans defend?
Jackson Jenkins
Stop playing Brawl
Logan Foster
You're just bad. Smash controls are easy
Jacob Reyes
>am I just being salty Probably, smash is the opposite of convoluted.
Angel Edwards
double tap running is pure cancer
Caleb Thompson
play hackurai's earlier games like kirby and you understand the juxtaposition of a supposedly "easy" and "casual" game with unnecessarily convoluted controls
Brayden Cruz
It isn't double tap though, it's dependant on how fast you move the control stick. Push it slowly as far as it will go, you walk. If you click it all the way to the side you'll run.
Thomas Myers
How is constantly having to think about how far you push the controller better than double tap.
Josiah Cooper
OP’s alternative “solution” to that is double tap a direction on a d-pad or stick