The Binding of Isaac

>it's an "Every pill is health down episode"


Git gud

better than wizard

stop taking pills then idiot

But it becomes health up tho
Just git gud

Gimme a good afterbirth plus seed you niggers

>It's an every bite of your steak is too much episode

at least it's not tears down

As long as it's not cursed eye I'll take health down all day

There you go fag

>it’s a “the final boss is a static .png” episode

kek, I don't have AB+. Were they really that lazy about it?

Afterbirth+ RUINED Isaac and made it a shit Rouge-lite
Nuclear Throne/Dead Cells >>AntiBirth>> Afterbirth+
Also fuck Gaymund and his shitty DLCs

>It's an every pill is Balls of Steel episode

>it's a no key meta episode

Is it true that reddit voted for the lost to have the d4 instead of the d20?

What's so bad about AB+ anyway?

Useless items
Bulletin sponge bosses
Final level is cut and paste rooms from other levels
Final boss is a static .png with no animations that teleports on top of you with 0 indication it’s going to do so


mods will fix it

Glad I never bought AB+. Seeingvidoes of all that shit made me finally stop supporting those lazy cunts.

Better ed game reporting in
it was a "bug" that got "fixed", I actually liked the static image more because it at least kind of fit with the weird jarring theme, if they kept him as a jpeg but made his eyes vibrate like they do now I'd love it

so distracted being mad about delirium I forgot to post the better ed game

Oh please.
I will eat every single pill I encounter, because I'm not a fucking pussy.
God damn liberal soyboys are ruining Isaac.

>Git gud
>At random RNG stuff with higher negative outcome

I have only ever played Afterbith+ should I not have done that?

But you still need skill, being better at dodging and knowing what all the items do gives you a much better chance of winning a run

It’s called Antibirth

I hated how they keep adding more and more bullet sponges

the original BoI would be the best version if it didn't run like shit

I'm still fucking mad that beating a challenge didn't just add a negative pill effect to the game, but arguably the most obnoxious pill effect of all, ???.

>It's a Multiple Portals in a large area with stone bros pushing you away episode

Who thought this was a good idea?

What's so great about Dead Cells?

Tyrone, one of the leads of Nicalis
I'm convinced he's behind a lot of the shittier design decisions, but that doesn't excuse Ed from going along with it.

Any point in playing hard mode besides for the challenge?


Antibirth update when?

What was the most fun synergy you encountered?

I once got the 2 steam sale items so store was free + neverending store so i got almost all the pasive items available and one of them randomized me every floor so it was really fun

I love Nuclear Throne and Enter the Gungeon. Is Isaac worth it on Switch?

Yeah the last boss is all bosses mashed together and sped up.

Half of the new items they added were adapted from popular player-made mods.

So yeah it was lazy as fuck. Fucking BRs

Quad shot brim with tiny planet and Tammy's head

I'd say its definitely worth it. Its not a perfect game, as you can see by the posts in this thread, but if you like roguelites then you will get a lot of time and enjoyment out of this game. Also if you're unsure just pirate it on pc and decide if its worth it

Remember ab+ when it first came out? The portals had like 10x the hp, and there was no way to determine which chests were traps.

>Dark Bum
>Money Bum

>tfw played isaac nonstop ever since the first one came out
>ab+ was so shit it made me quit forever

And Sister Vis was a literal nightmare if you were anything short of OP.

It turns to health up if you have zero read hearts

I really like The End is Nigh, but I prefer Super Meat Boy's level design. I miss the ability to slide up and down walls.

Well Edward wanted the game to become nothing more than a bullet hell game. Also making the boss rush and Hush time sensitive pretty much forces you follow the one path of being fast and having high DPS and avoiding anything that fucks with your tears unless it's something like Brimstone or Mom's Knife as well as have some way of reducing dmg dealt to you or having a way of gaining back health. While it isn't really required to do the boss rush, you more or less HAVE to fight Hush to get a chance to fight Delirium as it very rarely spawns the portal after beating Mom or the Heart. Any attempt at trying to win via a unique set up will fail as the Hush and Delirium boss fights make it extremely improbable of being successful. So many times I just restart because the game just doesn't give me enough DPS


AB+ is such garbage holy shit.

LOZ wasn't even a good game stop cloning it.

I'm actually glad I never bought this game and pirated it instead.

See, the problem is the devs (other than it not being a roguelike in the slightest and them marketing it as one) just add in stuff without logic.
The entire game be summed as "you don't need items but they help" which is the exact opposite of what the fuck a roguelike is meant to be.

Still, the item pool is something like 1% = run winners regardless of anything else, 9% = actual bad items to take and 90% = pointless

>HP Down
>Tears Down
>Luck Down

Really liked the first runs in Dead Cells but holy fuck upgrading weapons is fucking awful since that means you'll be playing in higher difficulties and resetting for that 1/80 upgraded weapon every single time.

Ab+ is almost decent now, I hope the final booster will improve it further (booster 4 added quite a few enemies for example).

Yes, but I think everyone was expecting the d4 to not reroll holy mantle which is why they voted for it

Who cares? Hush and Delirium always force you down a similar path all the time. It's not like the way it used to be where you could possible win with a weird set up. If you aren't some mass dmg dealing machine that can whip around the place, you might as well restart. I remember Dr.Fetus being an amazing item to get and now it's hot garbage because the DPS isn't enough thanks to Hush being time sensitive.

*ruins ur run*

>My Reflection

You deserved to lose the run anyway

Force you down a similar path?
They are an alt path, the chest and dark room still exist. Go to the blue womb and void if you have an OP run, otherwise don't.
By the way, Antibirth is going to be introducing boss armour in the next update.

>curse of the blind

don't forget the fact that the "new chapter" is LITERALLY JUST OLD FLOORS ROOMS MASHED TOGETHER like holy shit how can you be this lazy


>it's a "curse of the blind bobs brain/tiny planet/soy milk/some other shitty item" episode

>get dr. fetus
>accidentally kill myself

I wish I wasn't hot garbage.

I used to hate soy milk until I realized it's good to get it on the first or second floor. anything after that isn't worth picking up

>ed mcmuffin stops working with super talented programmer/designer who probably contributed a majority of what made SMB great

literally why

how big of an ego can you possibly have

Within the next week and a half.

i miss northernlion

how is it good even on first/second floor?

sure you can kill all of the shit pretty fast for a while but eventually unless you get some baller modifiers, damage upgrades are fucking useless

>Floor 1
>Giant Bean (mega farts) from a room clear drop
>Treasure Room gives me Mucormycosis (Enemies cause a damaging fart on death)
Entire rooms would die whenever 1 enemy was killed.

Didn't afterbirth+ add some kind of item that unlocks from resetting a lot that just straight up makes the game harder or something?

doesn't he still do isaac?

>want to enjoy antibirth but can't because i get triggered by stupid minor differences like the shitty hud


Bobs brain is a good item unless youre a shitter

Technically, yes, although there are differing opinions on the drop restrictions. Some claim the Half Soul Heart replaces Soul heart drops occasionally, some claim it replaces half reds. I don't know the answer, but I do know that Antibirth implemented the Half Soul heart concept better.

>enter room where enemies spawn super close to you and you either have to take the hit like a bitch or fuck yourself with bobs brain

yeah super good item, ebin

Amnesia is much worse

Fuck, I'd rather have 1 Red Heart than a full set of them.

>it's a "60% bad pills and 40% neutral pills that are still kind of bad" episode
wait that's every fucking episode nevermind

It's really not that good, though some use can be squeezed out of it.

isaac has obvious visual/mechanical similarities to nes zelda but they're so different it's not even funny, are you baiting?

Isaac did nothing wrong

>pick up 7 seals thinking it would be good to have flies spawning
>this stupid fucker spawns red flies that explode
>enter a room
>if the room spawns the enemy right in front of the door you get a fucking blast in the face before you can even see what enemy it was
wow great fucking item

speaking of, why the fuck is the harbinger item pool so fucking useless, basically a guaranteed reroll if playing isaac

Do you guys prefer KBM or a controller?

keyboard all day

I don't mind it, honestly.

yeah it could be worse, but i hate the idea of picking up an item because "it might be useful later because of a synergy that's not even that great"

>it's a "Fuck yeah, baby!" episode

>filled the entire post-it with The Lost without realizing he could take devil deals for free

heh nothin-
*teleports away*
*wait 10 seconds*
*teleports ontop of you*
personnel k-
*teleports away*
*wait 10 seconds*
*teleports ontop of you*
*ruins your boss rush*

holy fuck


fuck this guy

literally "i'm going to make you stay in this room for a minimum of 5 seconds and you can't do anything about it" - the enemy

Can someone explain how King Baby is in anyway useful? I don't understand how all my shooting familiars staying in one spot until I stop firing to bring them back is a good thing.

no idea, but it's another useless item to add to the game I'll never pick up

the ones from Zelda 1 were 10x more retarted and they could kill you for free, this guys if you just move around the room they'll appear close but never on top, only downside is they take tons of damage and you have to wait

edmund "ha ha time to nerf fun mechanics in a single player game" mcmillen

Its singular use is so you can run around and drag the enemies into the line of fire instead of trying to line them up with the enemy. Only really good for familiar runs and lining up DRY BABY in a spot that regularly gets hit.

Even those awful ones that mimic your movement a second later are better.

dude co-op babies lmao