I'M THE Shin Megami Tensei thread
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YHVH is a bitch nigger
no way fag
who /law/ here?
why did yhvh have elf ears in smt 2?
nobody with any sense.
>getting cucked by demons
these non-neutral fags I swear...
So you rather be cucked then killed behind your back by humans?
>not becoming the demon
>implying Lucifer and YHVH shouldn't both just fuck off already and leave humans the fuck alone
Who neutral here, we get all the lolis
Dagda's type of neutral. You aren't free if you still need to rely on others, and freedom is the only thing worth fighting for.
that sounds like chaos
Dagda is too edgy, I only want to kill god and live with my demon lolis
reminder to ignore all smtiv posters
*Blocks your path*
Pssst... kid, you want to know how I will fuck you up if you choose anything but the Persona ending?
It's dagda's position. It deviates from chaos in that it doesn't prescribe that the world should be ruled by the strong, but that one should rule over themselves singularly and absolutely.
>leg on the leg
It would better to live forever as a god with your demon lolis though, right?
Will he show up in V?
He always shows up in Sup Forums
So he's basically a libertarian
But Dagda is retarded and wants me to kill literally everyone in the end, including my demon lolis
All the major players in Apocalypse sans *record scratch* are a different interpretation of neutral. Then again considering that law and chaos both play into his plans I guess he could be considered neutral.
*stands up*
you were saying?
He's basically an anarchist except with existence rather than government.
No, that's chaos
Let's be real here, Navarre was dead already, Halleluyah, Toki and Gaston were homos and killed thousands before, Nozomi was a cunt who was willing to kill you even if you were to change your mind in the end; Isabeau and Asahi were the only ones who deserved to live at some point
Asahi already lost her chance by dying on her own without you killing her, this really leaves only Isabeau as the one who deserved living and you can resurrect her
As for Flynn, sad fate, but still better than becoming Krishna's uglier body I suppose
Generals belong on /vg/
You have the souls of all of humanity at your disposal, there's no reason you can't recreate them after the fact.
All demons did if they had ears
This. Absolute self rule of everyone denies the possibility of any form of rule being imposed on anyone, even by the strong.
Forgot my pic
The impression I got was you burned those souls to make the new universe, and your goddess of choice was there to birth new ones
You only burned the souls of your traitor friends. The rest can be used to create whatever else should exist. Souls can reincarnate as things other than what they were in smt, such as a demon being reborn as a human or visa versa.
he's right
go revive /smtg/ now
>decided to give Nocturne hard mode a try just now
>repeats this for like 80% of the fights I get
Is it supposed to be this bullshit?
I was expecting enemies with more health and dealing more damage, but unfair RNG isnt fun.
YHVH being a 9th dimensional eldritch being in Apocalypse is pretty fucking awesome
Aren’t there passive that mitigate ambushes?
I love dagda posting
t. 12 year old
How can they top YHVH in SMTV? It would be weird to just fight the law forces without YHVH showing up after we already fought him directly in Apocalypse.
Maybe we'll get more Lovecraft stuff and have to fight Yog-Sothoth or something.
Ah yes
weaker shittier imaginations are much more adult and sophisticated
That's not what Great will told them
They could make another avatar of the Great Will
Or even make stephen the antagonist or something
Fellow human being reporting in
I would have liked DeSu2's abstract concept bosses if they weren't ripped straight from Evangelion, maybe they can do that again but good this time
>How can they top YHVH in SMTV?
Where's the problem
YHVH already was a final boss of MT's and early SMT's, and 3\SJ\4 had other shit to worry about
>still haven't finished IV
>got nootral and killed Merkabah and still have to kill the Chaos side
It's like I really don't feel like playing it anymore, and I've been at that spot for years now. Am I missing out much? I want to play Apocalypse
Nah, Apoc takes place before you kill those 2, anyway.
In fact , stop playing now
No jokes here, Apocalypse starts after Flynn becomes champion , the rest doesnt matter
YHVH literally only exists because humankind wishes for a savior from itself. Lucifer only exists because other rebel against the notion of control. It's all humankind's fault.
Depends on the game. SJ explicitly had YHVH and MA create humanity for instance
Check it right now!
Fanmade visual novel - Shin Megami Tensei: Akuma to no intabyu.
You play as a russian journalist who came to Tokyo to carry out a series of interviews with SMT demons.
Latest builds for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android in the end of "Fangames" section:
Humans had no idea their collective desires would make fucking Gods and demons
The games where YHVH plays a large role but never shows up always have pretty shitty endings.
TDE in 3 felt neutered as fuck since you never even get a glimpse of YHVH despite building up a fight with him (same with DeSu Overclocked), IV is even worse since Lucifer and Merkabah weren't nearly as cool as Lucifer in 3. SJ at least had an excuse by saying Mem Aleph and the other mothers kicked YHVH's ass prior to the game. Even DDS has you fight the ultimate god of that universe in the very end.
It baffles me that Atlus wasted the reappearance of YHVH on an add-on story where the protagonist doesn't really have any beef with him unlike Nocturne and DeSu.
YHVH is a creator god as well. Whenever man is obliterated by YHVH or His angels, they are recreated and given an additional chance. Whenever man (inevitably) fucks up and causes literally only the worst possible circumstances to themselves (MT1-SJ), a Messiah is born to check what caused all of this shit to happen, and YHVH and the angels work to try and fix it again (Usually through omnicide to recreate the world).
What the they are thinking when they were drawing those abominations? They are fucking random!
Didn't some Persona 3 dev say that Nyx was responsible for the collective consciousness of humanity?
No shit, but they /did/ want salvation from other humans, and the side effect was creating gods and demons, who other humans began summoning into the world via advancing technologies. Hell, in SMT4, humans found a way to summon demons from cellphones and CONSTANTLY summoned them ad nauseam into their own world, prompting divine intervention and an attempt to contain it.
I like them.
IV:A honestly feels like Neutralfag fanfiction, and I hate it for that. There's at least a REASON to hate/distrust YHVH in the other (S)MT titles, but this one, what exactly was Nanashi's reason to go against him?
>Hurr durr I'm a mean god and hate everything so I'm going to make a war that lasts forever so that I can stay in control of everything hurr
Like literally why? The reason you rebel against past iterations was because humankind and demonkind overran the planet with cruelty and uprisings, and nearly caused an apocalypse on your own, but you can choose to either support said uprising for the sake of the freedom it causes, or fully reject it and side with YHVH because if you clean the slate and start over, you MIGHT get a better future out of it when it's all remade.
Guy was too much into Bayonetta
>there are people who posts on this board that sided with their shitty friends instead of Dadga
>Toki: I'll stay by your side no matter what you choose
>Toki: lol nvm
Asahi would have been faithful if she were alive
Shame isn't it, kid?
Yeah until YHVH thinks you've gone too far since you exist to worship his ass you cuck.
Surely we don't share a board with those sorts of "people".
Not this trash again. Stop shilling your fan game.
Demon interviews you say?
Will keep this on bookmark
I can't wait to play SMTV in 2021!
I did it on my first playthrough, which was on normal difficulty so I dont count it.
On my apocolypse playthrough I killed all my friends, was fun
Battles too.
Not how that works. Apocalypse takes place in a alternate universe.
Youre getting more and more pathetic each thread
>Apocalypse takes place in a alternate universe
Yes, and it shares SMTIV plot until about the point Flynn starts going through the sidequest backlog slog for neutral ending
Are we getting a new burst of people playing all the games for the first time or something?
The last new entry that wasn't Persona came out two years ago.
Probably from SMTV news that people are trying the series out
>Siding with Char
He said he doesnt care bout IV anymore, so why bother?
I'm planning on speedrunning as many megaten games possible for the world records.
Which should I start with that isn't demikids.
Can't say I've been a huge fan of Nirasawa's work to be honest, may he rest in peace.
Lack of new JRPGS which aren't generic middle age animes, how easy 3DS is to pirate and how many people got introduced from Persona 5 are the three main factors
Meduza is completely retarded, no shit.
I like Anime Medusa though
This one?
Where's the beard edit?
Yes, my fellows, let us congregate here