How come Sup Forums doesn't discuss the 3ds anymore?

How come Sup Forums doesn't discuss the 3ds anymore?

It has amazing games and there's still lots of software coming up and it's selling great

Pic related, if someone could just shoop 3DS into Yuge's face that'd be cool.



>still lots of software coming up
About 5 games and then that's it

barely touched mine since I put cfw. played through bravely default and got halfway through fire emblem fates.

broke the circle pad playing monster hunter.

3ds is okay, but there's nothing majorly engaging

everyone got their 3DS banned from cfw

There's more tho

I use it a lot when i'm outside.

and i don't give a fuck either if someone sees me having fun, i'm not the insecure one.

I just got Bravely Default and Majora's Mask 3D this week and am enjoying both quite a bit. Might try getting back into Pokemon Crystal too.

I want to get Crystal too

Everyone and their mother hacked theirs and there's not much else going on with it right now.
Personally wasn't a fan of the 3DS library outside of the SMT and Monster Hunter titles.

Nigga, not everyone hacked their 3DS, it's a very low number

we get threads almost everyday you dumdum

why do you keep spamming your anime?

it's a very high number on Sup Forums, and OP is asking why no one on Sup Forums talks about it. once you can pirate games they lose all value, people take them for granted, so there's not much to talk about anymore other than "X is a good game" "yeah I guess" "Thread has been Archived you can not reply anymore."

Piracy was a mistake. It's why I haven't hacked mine. Makes me appreciate the games I do buy way more and let's me support the devs. They don't work for free. Of course I don't expect the NEETs of Sup Forums to understand

Play my game

I got my 3ds just a few weeks ago and been enjoying it.

I downloaded Picross 2 for it. It's been over a decade since I've played Picross DS and recall being been a god at it. I struggled for a little while relearning Picross, but now I'm just as good again. There are so many little tricks I've come up with for KNOWING which is a valid block or not.

>Personally wasn't a fan of the 3DS library outside of the SMT and Monster Hunter titles.
There's a few other games like Culdcept, Metal Max 4 or Alliance Alive, but yeah, the 3DS has a very lackluster library if you're not a casual or you're older than 20, it simply doesn't have a lot to offer.


There are great games like Kid Icarus, Bravely Default, Kirby, Luigi, etc

Let me highlight the key part of my post again.
>if you're not a casual or you're older than 20

>and it's selling great
Why the fuck would I care for that you stupid hamster I hate sales thread on Sup Forums so fucking much fuck.
Still I need to get a job and buy a new one, my current is broken and I want to play KIU again so bad.

>I'm too mature for those games

Yeah, I'm 30, I'm too old for platformers for children and generic FF clones, I've played countless games like that.
Good for you if you enjoy them, but they have no value for me, especially something as brainless as Kirby games.

Just get it repaired

costs almost as much as a new one anyway

Sorry Nene I got bored after reaching the 5th stratum

Apparently getting it repaired would cost me as much as an used 3DS or a 2DS

buy a 2ds

>get memed into buying New
>games barely make use of the c-stick
f-fuck you guys

>mfw my 3DS got banned because I was retarded
>recently get a New 2DS XL so I can start over
>Grab a bunch of games I didn't get the chance to play but forget to grab my favorite KIU
I mean I remembered to buy it the next day but I still felt like a dipshit
The New 2DS XL has a pretty nice screen and the Orange/White design is perfect for the Dreamcast theme imo

>buy N3DS
>lose the ability to use comfy hori slide pad for Monster Hunter
>have to use shitty nub for camera

It was a mistake

Why is 3ds so comfy bros?

it's literally uncomfy to hold

For you

I'm mostly waiting for Strange Journey remake, Ace Attorney spinoff translation and Radiant Historia DLC undub right now.

The system itself is uncomfortable crap.

New has slightly better emulation options once hacked.

it was very painful

I'm still playing mh3u.

Is generations any good? I can't find mh4u on retail where I live.

You have big hands

reminder to get one of these if you haven't already. It kind of beat the purpose of getting me a N2DSXL as opposed to the 3DS (fits in my work pocket just perfectly) but at least you don't have to deal with sore hands anymore.


Where do you buy em?

I bought mine off a local used games store for a few bucks.

Got a N2DSXL coming tomorrow, worth hacking it?

Just used mine to play stair fax

Thanks for reminding me I have to get it

It's good
Be sure to play on 64 mode

Just started playing Terraria on mine. I used to play a lot of monster hunter but now I do that on ps4.

I see



The demo was pretty fun

What game?

Not me

Etrian Odyssey V. buy her gamu

Can't wait for the next game

Considering getting a 2ds xl because I'm really bored and would like to play pokemon with some people I know. Any other good rpgs worth getting the thing for?

Bravely default, SMT


There's a new Etrian Odyssey confirmed for 3DS

I disagree



Was it voiced?

You can always unban 3ds

There is translated version of The Alliance Alive.
Someone linked demo with jap version.
And it working

No one gives a fuck you insecure fuck. Just keep the volume down and don't play when you're walking.

I think this is the thread to ask

I've been looking into Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology a bit and it seems like my cup of tea.
But due to the rather generic appearance I don't know if it's worth diving in.
I saw some of the battle system and I like what they did but I'm more concerned about a boring story

I started RH today and I played around 2 hours.
It is good game and story isn't boring.

I just hacked an old 3DS XL despite having a huge 3DS collection. Recommendations?

You should be ashamed

What genre do you like?
Luigi's mansion 2
Fire emblem Awakening
Link between worlds