I don't mind Sup Forums being contrarians, but why is almost everyone here always disingenuous or sensationalist?
I don't mind Sup Forums being contrarians, but why is almost everyone here always disingenuous or sensationalist?
My dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays baseball at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.
I tried to explain to him how competitive e-sports were while I was watching evo and he asks "Aren't you a little too old for Nintendo?" This shit gets so fucking annoying and it's actually having an impact on my mental health. He actually started calling me "Virgy" in public and around other people instead of referring to me by my real name. Fuck him. I'm not the one in the wrong, right?
go back to
it's entertaining to read op. you don't come here for informed opinions.
Good pasta
My dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays baseball at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.
I tried to explain to him how competitive e-sports were while I was watching evo and he asks "Aren't you a little too old for Nintendo?" This shit gets so fucking annoying and it's actually having an impact on my mental health. He actually started calling me "Virgy" in public and around other people instead of referring to me by my real name. Fuck him. I'm not the one in the wrong, right?
Those words are too big
cuz it's fun
if your brother was good at baseball he wouldn't be playing for a college.
What's the point of these threads?
Your home plebbit is disingenuous and sensational
>haha dude :) good for you!
>aw :( I'm so sorry! What a terrible thing to happen to a human bean
>it's entertaining to read op
Maybe if you're underage.
The real reason is because it's an easy, no-effort way for morons and dunning kreugers to feel special and intelligent. They come to Sup Forums for anonymity because deep down, they know that if they try that shit anywhere else they'll get shamed and humiliated for their stupid fucking opinions.
Wow faggot, did you just learn those words just now?
no, why would you assume that
please elaborate
based dad
Learn english, faggot
Holy shit this
The place needs a deep clean a la April fur's day. No warning. No prelude. Just sweep the slate clean. Do it several times over to dissuade the determined ones.
>express opinions freely and judge content of post rather than who posted it. Need to respond instead of just quietly upboat/downboat
>be forced into a hivemind through pier pressure and voting systems, with strict left leaning moderation and people who are not genuine at all
I'll deal with the occasional shit post to avoid the latter.
you'd be the first one on the chopping block
Because most people on this website are shitlicking faggots. Just like on social media outlets, just like in real life. Many people here think they are special, that they are somehow separate from 'normies' for prowsing this site. When in faft they are normiez and cuntish fucksticks to boot.
Yes, let's turn this place into Reddit 2.0 so only the Correct Opinions™ are allowed. Down with problematic thinking.
Sensational is the adjective.
>I'll deal with the occasional shit post
nigger this whole board is a hive of malignant shitposting
Most of Sup Forums outside of the major boards is the previous idea done right. Sup Forums and the other parts of Sup Forums's inner city are the worst possible outcome of the idea.
>implying I woudln't welcome it
The only solution is to establish dominance by beating him up. There's no other way with people like that.
You need to go back.
There is nothing wrong with being a virgin
You're in the wrong threads then
I'm already at Sup Forums. Did you forget which tab you had opened and mistook this for r/gaming?
Call him a boomer or goy when in public from now on. When he mentions a new product or service he has heard about rub your hands and tell him he is a good goy. This is the only way to fight dinosaur culture without resorting to violence.
Because it's a never ending cycle of people baiting and others misconstruing that bait as legitimate opinions and parroting them to fit in.