OH NO NO NO NO How the FUCK could you let this happen Sup Forums? I shitposted so hard against this game...

OH NO NO NO NO How the FUCK could you let this happen Sup Forums? I shitposted so hard against this game, called Aloy ugly so many times and posted that same fucking Brom video on the daily and STILL fucking failed.

No I have NOT played this game and WILL not but the game is shit and deserved to fail


millions of flies


>there are 70+ millions of PS4 out there
>only ~10% played horse-in: zero gameplay
Sonybros are not beyond saving.


>horse-in: zero gameplay
now now, thats pretty insulting to horses

>There are 7 billion people on the planet
>Only 100-200 million of those own a console or play on PC

Video games are beyond saving

Since when vidya is a selling point for hu-manatee?

And those are just the surface dwellers

Agreed, I've been a sony fanboy since the ps1 and even I didn't buy this trash.


You are roleplaying as a person that doesnt exist


a intelligent ps4 owner?

You DID buy Aloy's game, right Sup Forums?

Except game is good

got it used but yeah
i enjoyed it desu, like it wasn't a GOTY contender but it was still solid
i enjoyed the story more than the actual gameplay itself if that says anything

I played my friend's copy, but I don't understand the shitposting. It was neither good nor bad enough to justify half of it. It's not GOTY material, but it was decent enough. Why are people obsessed with it?

>a intelligent

How ironic

>it took HZD 1 year to sell more than 7 million copies
>while almost did this in just 2 months
Sounds like a loss to me

Came out near to botw, its easy shitposting fuel

Sure, but why isn't it dead now? It's been almost a year and you don't even see as many posts about BOTW.

MHW is multiplat though

Multiplatform games from previously established franchises sell faster. More news at 11.

Then it got zero game of the year awards
The shitposting has been constant for months so its not going to stop suddenly it will still keep going for a while as long as kids like OP think its easy replies

Well one's a multiplat and the other isn't

Proving my point by equating grammar (on Sup Forums, of all places) to intelligence. Brainlet sony negroids should be gassed

>implying Xboners buy anything that isn't racing games or football

I know you're joking, but considering Xbox isn't really a thing in Japan and at least half those sales gotta be coming from Japan, it's a fair point.

MHW was actually the #1 game on X1 and beat PUBG on the store that month

I know a few people who bought it on Xbox

Because the 70 millions of PS4 owners have differents taste for video games and aren't starving for games to the point they buy indie ports and neo geo games like they are the return of jesus?
7.6 is outstanding for a new IP.

There is no jp version on xbone

i enjoyed Horizon. It became boring once i got the best shit in the game but until then it was fun. Story wasn't so great though

>PS4 owners
>aren't starving for games

Laughed heartily

Precisely, it isn't a multiplat (yet) in the biggest country for it.

I think you forgot to post the argument there buddy.

Laughing at your own lack of intelligence?

I was mostly impressed that they managed to deliver on the E3 trailer, which looked like something that would never happen.

>a intelligent

I'm not surprised that the only game to come out for PS4 in the last two years sold a lot of copies. PS4 owners are desperate to play any game. I'm also not surprised that everyone forgot this game existed and no one has thought about it in months.

I just ordered it yesterday on Amazon. Her tummy is fantastic.

>for a new IP.
Someone should tell Sony to stop destroying all the intellectual property they own. They've been around since the SNES era and they have absolute shit to show for it.

Yeah, that trailer was some Killzone 2 shit and managed to do it.

But they aren’t?


All their best IPs got murdered on the PS3 already.

Most ps4 owners are casual gamers. The whole "no games" shit doesn't apply when multiplats count.

>the same multiplats that exist on PC and xbox do not exist on PS4 they are desperate



haha! Bredda do you know de whey?

Is your head so far up your own ass that you don't understand that the vast majority of PS4 owners plays multiplats on it?

This is Sup Forums where multiplats don't count and people forget that it doesn't apply to the wider vidya market.

plenty of shitty games sold well
no man's sky sold millions and everyone hated it

I think you're confused, as most popular IPs on PlayStation aren't Sony properties. They were never in the business of creating themselves, they always had people create for them. If the publisher/developer that actually creates the thing decides to do something else with it, Sony is shit out of luck. It's only been very recently that Sony has been co-developing and co-publishing games to actually lock them down.

Too bad no more Killzone.

That's cool. Can't wait for the sequel to be announced at E3.

Its fun.
I dont care about your politics.

Christ, I forgot it was the same developer.
I guess they really learned their lesson on that one, huh?

>post my PS4 collection on Sup Forums
>wtf?! Why don’t you own the exact same games as everyone else on Sup Forums??

>good news for nintendo
I'm a nintendo fan and I'm happy for this good news
>good news for xbox
I'm an xbox fan and I'm happy for this good news
>good news for sony

This is why everybody hates the sony fanbase on Sup Forums

It looks like Ubishit openworld game.
Is the game actually good? Why?

I wish it failed. We probably wouldn’t have multiplat monster hunter and switch could’ve dragged that entire genre to hell with it. Hunting games fucking suck man

I think it is funny how you ignore the point of the OP.
HZD was shitposted to the deepest depths of hell on Sup Forums for a full year.
Every other day we got 2-3 threads with 500+ posts in them discussing how 'Aloy is ugly' and 'HZD is generic shit nothing original!!!' even though none of that was true.
It would make sense if some people on Sup Forums was like OP on the inside but just didn't make a thread about it.
OP is simply mocking those subhuman retards.

Ya Sup Forums doesn't matter. Sup Forums is about a .5 % of all gamers or someshit.