The biggest exclusive

At 4k
Now redefined at 60fps

Only on the Xbox one X

What's your excuse?

Because fortnite is free and better.

>"Timed exclusive" *Also on PC

Except it's also on PC

It would appear that the first post, is also the best post.

both games are fucking trash reminder that PUBG and Fortnite are the reason why PC gaming is dying.


Good riddance

I thought it was 30fps


This is objectively wrong.

No, sorry.

I bought pubg on both XboneX and PC, and it is objectively worse on Xbox. That said, it's still more fun than playing Fortnite.

Not him but played both on pc. Pubg is far better. Almost everyone I know tried fortnite, found it to be crap and switched back

Wow only 530 dollars to play pubg at half the frame rate. Sign me up.

>What's your excuse?

objectively: it runs way better on mid end hardware on PC
console war wise: the guys that owns the IP said it will come to PS4

all things considered it was a scam for Xbox owners.

>pc was the beta
>xbored was the alpha
Just waiting on that definitive ps4 version. You know im right.

it's not even 30fps, it's like 20-25fps average. There are no plans to ever get this running at 60fps on consoles.

Pubg is not a good video game. It just isn't.

>unplayable the first 5 min
>complete fucked up hitreg
How can anybody enjoy this trash game?

>they seriously thought this game would help sell consoles


Quality argument right here. Grade a stuff.

Sorry but PUBG isn't coming to PS4 anytime soon. Have fun with Fortnite, maybe you can make some cool memes to post to instagram with the rest of the normies.

>complains about normies
>while shilling pubg
Oh wow

Xbox sales actually spiked when pubg was released. The Xbox X overtook the pro in the few weeks after pubg cane out

Wanna prove that?

Pc gaming is dying because of miners, not fun games.


>Playing the most normie game in the world next to WoW

Yeah ok bud.

Look up when pubg was released on Xbox, then look up whatever sales chart is posted here (not the Japan only one)

Can't be arsed to do it myself since phone posting, but I remember it happened a few months ago.

Hm, ok sure pal.

Fuck... How can XBros keep getting away with this? They always fucking win!!!

I legitimately dont know a single person that owns an xbox. Whos buying these turds?


Not sure what point you're trying to make right now. Fortnite is normie casual trash.

I don't even play on xbox and play both games on pc. Fortnite is a better game and pubg has shit the bed.



lol it isn't 60 fps you fucking loser

>Casual normalfags bought a Xbox to play the biggest game this gen

Why on earth is that hard to believe?

It's been the best selling Xbox have every week since release (look up Xbox most played)

>look it up!
The burden of proof lies in your hands my friend.

Fortnite is the most played game on Consoles

why are you mad?

He's right

Aren't more people playing Fortnite than pubg now?

What does this have to do with console sales?

I was hoping you would forget about your original argument.

That's a lie


So anyways pubg is trash and xbox is a dead console. Glad we had this discussion.

I know more people that own an Xbox than people that own the PS4. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit.

>i have an xbox and no friends
That's nice.

Mothers don't usually play video games.

Epic for the win user!

>burden of proof
commonly available information is not required to be proven you fucking piece of shit

>go to gamestop yesterday
>sold my GPU for fuck hundreds of dollars because of bitshit crisis
>settling for console gaming with kb+m adapter
>picking up titanfall 2, battlefield for relative pennies
>cashier says that we should play battlefield together since he has no xbox live friends to play with whatsoever
*breathes in* look at the dude lmao

Bait, but.

"at 4k"

You mean upscaled 1080?

Which is 1080.

No way in hell that a console will run PUBG at 4k.

Sorry kiddo, it runs in native 4k on the X1X. Honestly, I'd rather it run at upscaled 1080p with 60fps though. I wish we had an option to choose.

1) I can play it on my phone
2) I can also play T2 with 300 man drop, more vehicles and more guns on my phone
3) I can play crossfire and crossfire battle royale mode on my phone
4) I can play xiaomi shootout, wilderness action and all the other ones on my phone as well
5) I can also play every wii, gamecube, n64, snes, nes, PSP, NDS, PS1 game on my phone, along with a few PS2 games (I really hope PCSX2 gets ported to android sometime). Not to mention dosbox
6) There are more wargames on phone
7) While outright price of a phone with SD835 is only slightly cheaper than One X, most people have a phone worth $200-300 of trade in value. Dropping the price of a SD835 phone to $100-200 USD
Given that I go out a lot, I'll take the phone

Native 4k? PUBG? It took two 1080tis for me to do that at 60FPS with decent settings.

Maybe the console will run at like 20FPS

It runs at 30fps with slow downs at 4k. That's why I said I would rather play at 1080p with 60fps.

fortnite has never been a good game. ever.