Is Majora's Mask a brainlet filter?
Is Majora's Mask a brainlet filter?
I had a n64 as a kid but never got any zelda games, I'm so sorry!
what is this thread about, op. oot and mm are both good games. are you implying mm has more deeper meaning than oot? it really does not
I was and is a brainlet (i'm on Sup Forums after all), and i played and completed MM.
it absolutely does
You're forgiven anonymous poster
why did they HAVE to make the game in 6 months and reuse fucking everything? WHY THE FUCK COULDNT THEY SPEND MORE TIME ON IT AND NOT JUST SHIT IT OUT?
It wouldn't have been as good.
Thank you, feels nice.
Because by reusing the assets and release within the human short term memory, it causes the player a distinct feeling of deja vu and worry, as described by jungian psychology, further causing you to care about these strangely familiar yet new people in a classic dreadfull lovecraftian way.
Make no mistake, this was a genius move from Nintendo.
It needed 2 more dungeons, or at least just a final one. worst part of MM
Zelda always reuses the same characters over and over, why would they make new models for them if they already had perfectly working ones?
No it didn't, MM wasn't about the dungeons, you have been playing the wrong game all this time.
>just put more stuff in it
No. Majora's Mask doesn't need more stuff. It has four fantastic dungeons, and a very involved overworld that leads up to them. Four very distinct settings, each with its respective atmosphere and stage of grief. It already works perfectly as it is.
It actually does.
>four fantastic dungeons
Stone tower temple and...
>With inverted song of time it's a snorefest
>Without it, it's really difficult
Fuck Them.
>it's really difficult
git gud
All the dungeons are great, familia. Woodfall is a bit on the easy side, but it's the first dungeon, so it's all good.
Hero of time is best Link. Sequel with him again when Nintendo?
Shut up and post *****THAT***** image.
user, my friend. You are wrong.
It's for brainlets tho.
because it was suppose to be an rerelease of ocarina of time with a few bonus features
But Zelda games are for brainlets
Is this about the grumps toddling aimlessly about in MM right now?
I have done, on multiple occasions. That wasn't really the thrust of what I was talking about.
Miyamoto gave them a strict deadline and threatened to just move the whole project to masterquest if they did not comply
>user, my friend. You are wrong.
Majora's Made is the Rick and Morty of Zelda. It's always pretentious dweebs talking about how great it is.
You must be the brainlets OP was referring to.
No, it's hipster bait.
>A decent product that is enjoyable as anything else that is put on a pedestal by fucking hipsters in an attempt to correlate their interests as some sort of litmus test for taste
Most honest post you'll see all day.
>me no like game if me no like people who already like game
all botw has done is make me appreciate other zelda games more.
>no dungeons
>almost all items from past zelda games gone
>every chest is a useless ancient core
>rupees basically useless and rarely ever drop anyways
>weapons break in 3 hits
i could deal with the big empty map if there was at least something to explore like unique dungeons. rotating a camel is not a dungeon.
did you literally just ask this unironically?
Never said I didn't, and I even said MM is enjoyable. The problem is that retards try and act like it's far more than it really is.
>judge the tree by the fruit it bears
>MM is hipster bait
That's not earthbound, link to the past, ocarina of time or super mario 64 though
did they probe her before they lobotomized her?
Is a Nintendo game for kids. You're not better than /lit/ or Sup Forums when it comes to muh depth.
grug not like have to reverse time, grug prefer ocarina of time
Instead of having you go from dungeon a to b in giant empty overworld like ocarina of time they give you vast in depth areas to explore. It's a fair tradeoff, I can see that each 4 areas are like really really big dungeons. In the end quality us better than quantity.
>mm is less hipster bait than oot
I'd call Link's Awakening a brainlet filter. I had to consult a walkthrough a handful of times, and most of it consisted of being forced to perform an action that I've never done, or objects suddenly doing things they haven't done in any other dungeon. Like throwing pots against doors to open them, all of a sudden.
Good game though.
It's because of the intense time limit that we got Majora's Mask, the game is literally a reflection of the work environment.
Every developer who worked on it in an interview has said it was a product of the moment.
I'm replaying this game one last time before I kill myself in April. All I ever really wanted was to live in this world. I wonder if anyone else is as captivated by the atmosphere and characters as I am? There's so much genius subtlety to this game and OoT.
why does everbody talk about the aliens also lot of fan art.
seeing as i tried that out recently and am still stuck in the first forest ill agree with you hahaha
i agree with you, id love to live in links world or an ancient world of some kind on earth, and dont do it user
If brainlet means someone who's not autistic and doesn't like tedium, then yes.
the N64 was almost at the end of it's life cycle.
no pressure no diamonds
nice argument
Man, Link looks like shit here.
You should fucking kill yourself, faggot
>6 months
Where did you get this figure from? I've only ever heard 9 months or a year.
Never played zelda except 1 which was a cryptic mess, which ones should i play?
The Virgin Rancher / The Chad Hero
gronk prefer wind waker, it have boat and water
release order
Link to the Past and then Ocarina of Time. Then decide if you prefer the 2D or 3D games and play those.
the only good zelda game besides oos and ooa
3d zelda is prime brainlet though
There is a reason they are so popular
>Ill misuse an analogy to prove my point
Cool stuff. Cant wait to hear you rope in fox and grapes
>Shakespeare and Orwell are brainlet material because they're popular
When will dungeonlets ever learn.
only pseudo intellectual brainlets enjoy majora's mask.
I'm sure /lit/ would agree post-ironically.
>The 15 LttP/OoT rethreads aren't enough for me.
>If it doesn't fiercely push me towards the next key collectathon then I don't like it!
>Restrictions gives me performance anxiety.
>Why can't every game be 3 starter dungeons, something happens and then do 5-7 more.
Cute pic but reverse thumbs ruined it for me.
the aspect of time and resetting was anything but satisfying ... shit concept
My roommate refuses to play it because the time limit gives him anxiety, even after slowing it
>Restrictions gives me performance anxiety.
thats the most pathetic one desu, how can people function in society if a time limit you control to your will stresses them out
>reuse everything
>Link looks a few years older
t. can't deal with failure and loss
Never gets old
What's the difference from a normal game? Get an item and you have it for the rest of the game and can usually use it to skip directly to events.
Can we all agree Cremia hugging Link and shoving his face between her luscious breasts is the best scene in the game?
>brainlets never got that scene
The correct answer is that it was originally going to be a N64DD expansion to Ocarina of Time,just like Master Quest.
dungeons are the least fun part of 3D zelda
if you want dungeons play ALttP or Link's Awakening
This game gave me a brain-drain fetish.
reminder that malon canonically became OoT link's wife
>reuse assets
>but change links model
Changinglinks model always pissed me off as a kid, though I never did mind reusing models because it did feel like a word parallel to hyrule. Funny the re-use asset complaint started appearing more at the end of 2016.